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Commit eb03bbce authored by emelko's avatar emelko
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parent 563e9303
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export const bleeding = ['spotting', 'light', 'medium', 'heavy']
export const mucusNFP = ['t', 'Ø', 'f', 'S', 'S+']
export const intensity = ['low', 'medium', 'high']
export const cervix = {
opening: {
categories: ['closed', 'medium', 'open'],
explainer: 'Is your cervix open or closed?'
firmness: {
categories: ['hard', 'soft'],
explainer: "When it's hard it might feel like the tip of your nose"
position: {
categories: ['low', 'medium', 'high'],
explainer: 'How high up in the vagina is the cervix?'
export const mucus = {
feeling: {
categories: ['dry', 'nothing', 'wet', 'slippery'],
explainer: 'What does your vaginal entrance feel like?'
texture: {
categories: ['nothing', 'creamy', 'egg white'],
explainer: "Looking at and touching your cervical mucus, which describes it best?"
excludeExplainer: "You can exclude this value if you don't want to use it for fertility detection"
export const desire = {
header: 'Intensity',
explainer: 'How would you rate your sexual desire?'
export const sex = {
solo: 'Solo',
partner: 'Partner',
explainer: 'Were you sexually active today?',
export const contraceptives = {
condom: 'Condom',
pill: 'Pill',
iud: 'IUD',
patch: 'Patch',
ring: 'Ring',
implant: 'Implant',
diaphragm: 'Diaphragm',
none: 'None',
other: 'Other',
explainer: 'Did you use contraceptives?'
export const pain = {
categories: {
cramps: 'Cramps',
ovulationPain: 'Ovulation pain',
headache: 'Headache',
backache: 'Backache',
nausea: 'Nausea',
tenderBreasts: 'Tender breasts',
migraine: 'Migraine',
other: 'Other'
explainer: 'How did your body feel today?'
export const temperature = {
outOfRangeWarning: 'This temperature value is out of the current range for the temperature chart. You can change the range in the settings.',
outOfAbsoluteRangeWarning: 'This temperature value is too high or low to be shown on the temperature chart.',
saveAnyway: 'Save anyway',
temperature: {
explainer: 'Take your temperature right after waking up, before getting out of bed'
note: {
explainer: 'Is there anything that could have influenced this value, such as bad sleep or alcohol consumption?'
excludeExplainer: "You can exclude this value if you don't want to use it for fertility detection"
export const noteExplainer = "Anything you want to add for the day?"
export const sharedDialogs = {
cancel: 'Cancel',
areYouSureTitle: 'Are you sure?',
areYouSureToUnset: 'Are you sure you want to unset all entered data?',
reallyUnsetData: 'Yes, I am sure',
save: 'Save',
unset: 'Unset'
export const shared = {
cancel: 'Cancel',
save: 'Save',
errorTitle: 'Error',
successTitle: 'Success',
warning: 'Warning',
incorrectPassword: 'Password incorrect',
incorrectPasswordMessage: 'That password is incorrect.',
tryAgain: 'Try again',
ok: 'OK',
unlock: 'Unlock',
date: 'Date',
cycleDayWithLinebreak: 'Cycle\nday',
loading: 'Loading ...',
more: 'more',
less: 'less'
export const headerTitles = {
Home: 'Home',
Calendar: 'Calendar',
Chart: 'Chart',
Stats: 'Statistics',
Settings: 'Settings',
BleedingEditView: 'Bleeding',
TemperatureEditView: 'Temperature',
MucusEditView: 'Mucus',
CervixEditView: 'Cervix',
NoteEditView: 'Note',
DesireEditView: 'Desire',
SexEditView: 'Sex',
PainEditView: 'Pain'
export const menuTitles = {
Home: 'Home',
Calendar: 'Calendar',
Chart: 'Chart',
Stats: 'Stats',
Settings: 'Settings',
export const stats = {
cycleLengthTitle: 'Cycle length',
cycleLengthExplainer: 'Basic statistics about the length of your cycles.',
emptyStats: 'At least one completed cycle is needed to present you with stats here.',
//oneCycleStats: (number) => `You have documented one cycle of ${number} days.`,
oneCycleStats: 'You have documented one cycle of',
daysLabel: 'days',
//getBasisOfStats: (numberOfCycles) => `Stats are based on ${numberOfCycles} completed cycles.`,
basisOfStatsBeginning: 'Stats are based on',
basisOfStatsEnd: 'completed cycles.',
averageLabel: 'Average cycle length',
minLabel: 'Shortest cycle',
maxLabel: 'Longest cycle',
stdLabel: 'Standard deviation'
export const bleedingPrediction = {
noPrediction: 'There is not enough period data to predict the next one.',
predictionInFuture: (startDays, endDays) => `Your next period is likely to start in ${startDays} to ${endDays} days.`,
predictionStartedXDaysLeft: (numberOfDays) => `Your period is likely to start today or during the next ${numberOfDays} days.`,
predictionStarted1DayLeft: 'Your period is likely to start today or tomorrow.',
predictionStartedNoDaysLeft: 'Your period is likely to start today.',
predictionInPast: (startDate, endDate) => `Based on your documented data, your period was likely to start between ${startDate} and ${endDate}.`
export const passwordPrompt = {
title: 'Unlock app',
enterPassword: 'Enter password here',
deleteDatabaseExplainer: "If you've forgotten your password, unfortunately, there is nothing we can do to recover your data, because it is encrypted with the password only you know. You can, however, delete all your encrypted data and start fresh. Once all data has been erased, you can set a new password in the settings, if you like.",
forgotPassword: 'Forgot your password?',
deleteDatabaseTitle: 'Forgot your password?',
deleteData: 'Yes, delete all my data',
areYouSureTitle: 'Are you sure?',
areYouSure: 'Are you absolutely sure you want to permanently delete all your data?',
reallyDeleteData: 'Yes, I am sure'
export const home = {
editToday: 'add data for today',
cycleDayNotEnoughInfo: "We don't have enough information to know what your current cycle day is.",
unknown: '?',
cycleDayKnown: d => `Your last period started ${getDaysDescriptor(d)}.`,
trackPeriod: 'track your period',
checkFertility: 'check your fertility',
phase: n => `${['1st', '2nd', '3rd'][n - 1]} cycle phase`
const getDaysDescriptor = cycleDayNumber => {
if (cycleDayNumber === 1) return 'today'
if (cycleDayNumber === 2) return 'yesterday'
return `${cycleDayNumber - 1} days ago`
export const fertilityStatus = {
fertile: 'fertile',
infertile: 'infertile',
fertileUntilEvening: 'Fertile phase ends in the evening',
unknown: 'We cannot show any cycle information because no period data has been added.',
preOvuText: "With NFP rules, you may assume 5 days of infertility at the beginning of your cycle, provided you don't observe any fertile mucus or cervix values.",
periOvuText: "We have not been able to detect both a temperature shift and mucus or cervix shift.",
postOvuText: tempRule => {
return (
'We have detected a temperature shift (' + ['regular', '1st exception', '2nd exception'][tempRule] +
' temperature rule), as well as a mucus shift according to NFP rules. You may assume infertility, but always remember to ' +
'double-check for yourself. Make sure the data makes sense to you.'
export const settings = {
export: {
errors: {
noData: 'There is no data to export',
couldNotConvert: 'Could not convert data to CSV',
problemSharing: 'There was a problem sharing the data export file'
title: 'My Drip data export',
subject: 'My Drip data export',
button: 'Export data',
segmentExplainer: 'Export data in CSV format for backup or so you can use it elsewhere'
import: {
button: 'Import data',
title: 'Keep existing data?',
message: `There are two options for the import:
1. Keep existing cycle days and replace only the ones in the import file.
2. Delete all existing cycle days and import cycle days from file.`,
replaceOption: 'Import and replace',
deleteOption: 'Import and delete existing',
errors: {
couldNotOpenFile: 'Could not open file',
postFix: 'No data was imported or changed'
success: {
message: 'Data successfully imported'
segmentExplainer: 'Import data in CSV format'
tempScale: {
segmentTitle: 'Temperature scale',
segmentExplainer: 'Change the minimum and maximum value for the temperature chart',
min: 'Min',
max: 'Max',
loadError: 'Could not load saved temperature scale settings',
saveError: 'Could not save temperature scale settings'
tempReminder: {
title: 'Temperature reminder',
noTimeSet: 'Set a time for a daily reminder to take your temperature',
timeSet: time => `Daily reminder set for ${time}`,
notification: 'Record your morning temperature'
periodReminder: {
title: 'Next period reminder',
reminderText: 'Get a notification 3 days before your next period is likely to start.',
notification: daysToEndOfPrediction => `Your next period is likely to start in 3 to ${daysToEndOfPrediction} days.`
passwordSettings: {
title: 'App password',
explainerDisabled: "Encrypt the app's database with a password. You need to enter the password every time the app is started.",
explainerEnabled: "Password protection and database encryption is currently enabled",
setPassword: 'Set password',
changePassword: 'Change password',
deletePassword: 'Delete password',
enterCurrent: "Please enter your current password",
enterNew: "Please enter a new password",
backupReminderTitle: 'Read this before making changes to your password',
backupReminder: 'Just to be safe, please backup your data using the export function before making changes to your password.\n\nLonger passwords are better! Consider using a passphrase.\n\nPlease also make sure you do not lose your password. There is no way to recover your data if you do.\n\nMaking any changes to your password setting will keep your data as it was before and restart the app.',
deleteBackupReminderTitle: 'Read this before deleting your password',
deleteBackupReminder: 'Deleting your password means your data will no longer be encrypted.\n\nJust to be safe, please backup your data using the export function before deleting your password.\n\nMaking any changes to your password setting will keep your data as it was before and restart the app.',
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