2. Check if the current device is already installed on your machine. Go to `cd ~/Android/sdk/emulator/` or wherever you have Android installed on your machine. Here you can run `./emulator -list-avds` and compare the devices with the one you found in step 1.
@@ -142,12 +141,12 @@ or just a random string to check if this piece of code is actually running:
## NFP rules
More information about how the app calculates fertility status and bleeding predictions in the [wiki on Gitlab](https://gitlab.com/bloodyhealth/drip/wikis/home)
More information about how the app calculates fertility status and bleeding predictions in the [wiki on Gitlab](https://gitlab.com/bloodyhealth/drip/wikis/home).
## Adding a new tracking icon
1. We use [fontello](http://fontello.com/) to create icon fonts for us. You need to upload the complete set of tracking icons (bleeding, cervical mucus, ...) including the new icon you wish to add, all in SVG.
2. Download webfont from fontello
2. Download webfont from fontello.
3. Copy both the content of `config.json` and `font.tff` into `assets/fonts`, replacing it with the current content of `config-drip-icon-font.json` and `drip-icon-font.tff`.