bl00dymarie authoredbl00dymarie authored
Contributing to drip
So good to see you here, hello
Table Of Contents
What should I know before I get started?
You just want to say hello? Send us a nice email
What should I know before I get started?
We have prepared something for you: check out our README for more information on how to set up and install everything you'll need.
Ping us if you could need some help
Let us know if you want to suggest improvements for the README.
How can I contribute?
Your First Code Contribution
We are fans of labels, at least for our issues. You can find a list of newbie
issues here.
If you decide to work on an issue, please create a branch based on that issue.
This allows us to keep track of the issues that are related to an existing branch, which tells everyone "somebody's on it".
If you want to open a merge request, yeah
Reporting Bugs
You found a bug
Before creating a new issue, please review the list of existing issues to make sure the bug is unknown. You are invited to describe the bug in all its details e.g. in what context/settings has it occurred?
To send us a new issue you can also use our gitlab email: incoming+bloodyhealth/drip@incoming.gitlab.com. It will automagically add a new issue to the list with a description text taken from the body of your email.
Suggesting Enhancements
Do you have suggestions for enhancing the app or for cleaning up some code? Fantastic!
Before creating a new issue, please review the list of existing issues to make sure nobody else had the same idea before you! You are then invited to open a new issue with a somewhat extensive description, you can use emojis or GIFs if it helps :)!
To send us a new issue you can also use our gitlab email: incoming+bloodyhealth/drip@incoming.gitlab.com. It will automagically add a new issue to the list with a description text taken from the body of your email.
Thank you
Thank you for contributing to open source, thank you for contributing to drip!
Much love from Bloody Health