bl00dymarie authoredbl00dymarie authored
To find the state of this project's repository at the time of any of these versions, check out the tags.
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Feature allowing app chart not to show temperature part, when temperature is not tracked and corresponding refactoring
- Detox support for e2e testing and addition of the e2e tests
- Introduction of Redux global state (date and navigation are stored locally now)
- Introduction of clear.sh script to the project automising clearing project caches and packages reinstallation
- Update of chart shades for bleeding
- Eslint rule cleanup and addition of new rules (checks for PropTypes definition for React components, multi spaces)
- sympto library upgrade to version 2.2.0
- Preparation for support of drip on iOS devices
- Updates representation of the incomplete mucus and cervix values on chart
- React Native update to 0.59.10
- Refactoring of header, cycle day overview, temperature edit view pages
- Setting minimum SDK version to 23 to allow using drip on earlier versions of Android
- Fixes adding notes to the future dates
- Fixes app exiting with error when hitting back button on device
- Fixes Sex symptom showing on y axis of chart even though the contraception method was deleted
- Fix of the clear.sh file name in package.json
- Fix of navigation from chart to the cycle day overview
- Bug fix for maximum value of mucus not showing on chart
- Fixes delete button bug on symptom edit page
- Fix of home screen centering
- Update of node.js to fix security issue
- Auto save functionality for all symptoms
- Add donation section to about
- Clearer labels on cycle day overview
- Rename mucus to cervical mucus
- Set show more on homescreen to default and get rid of more/less switch
- Add loading screen to data import
- Removes logo and adds header on the main login screen
- Nicer formatting for past bleeding prediction
- Removes permissions not required for debug or production
- Temperature screen styling update
- Styling
- Line width in chart
- Prediction range in drop on homescreen
v0.0.3 - 2019-04-17
- Removes Google services from notification library and use fork of react-native-push-notification: https://github.com/github:jfr3000/react-native-push-notification