# How to release a new version
Note: You need the release-key to bundle a release that can be uploaded to Google Play Store.
Run the release wizard that takes you through all the steps necessary to prepare a new release:
This will trigger the following:
* update version number
* create a new tag for the release
* update the changelog
* make a release commit
To then bundle a release run the following command on your branch:
cd android && ./gradlew bundleRelease
This command creates an `app.aab` file in the folder `/android/app/build/outputs/bundle/release`.
[More on Android App Bundle](
You need to manually push the created tag to Gitlab:
git push origin <tagname>
Also don't forget to push your branch to Gitlab and review and merge it if ready!
Yay, done (have a scoop of ice cream, I suggest coconut 🍦)!