import Realm from 'realm' import { LocalDate, ChronoUnit } from 'js-joda' import nodejs from 'nodejs-mobile-react-native' import fs from 'react-native-fs' import restart from 'react-native-restart' import schemas from './schemas' import cycleModule from '../lib/cycle' let db let isMensesStart let getMensesDaysRightAfter export async function openDb (hash) { const realmConfig = {} if (hash) { realmConfig.encryptionKey = hashToInt8Array(hash) } // perform migrations if necessary, see // we open the db temporarily, to get the schema version even if the db is encrypted let tempConnection try { tempConnection = await } catch(err) { // wrong password provided if (hash && err.toString().includes('decrypt')) return false // tried to open without password, but is encrypted if (!hash && err.toString().includes('Invalid mnemonic')) return false throw err } let nextSchemaIndex = Realm.schemaVersion(Realm.defaultPath) tempConnection.close() while (nextSchemaIndex < schemas.length - 1) { const tempConfig = Object.assign( realmConfig, schemas[nextSchemaIndex++] ) const migratedRealm = new Realm(tempConfig) migratedRealm.close() } // open the Realm with the latest schema realmConfig.schema = schemas[schemas.length - 1] const connection = await realmConfig, schemas[schemas.length - 1] )) db = connection const cycle = cycleModule() isMensesStart = cycle.isMensesStart getMensesDaysRightAfter = cycle.getMensesDaysRightAfter return true } export function getBleedingDaysSortedByDate() { return db.objects('CycleDay').filtered('bleeding != null').sorted('date', true) } export function getTemperatureDaysSortedByDate() { return db.objects('CycleDay').filtered('temperature != null').sorted('date', true) } export function getCycleDaysSortedByDate() { return db.objects('CycleDay').sorted('date', true) } export function getCycleStartsSortedByDate() { return db.objects('CycleDay').filtered('isCycleStart = true').sorted('date', true) } export function saveSymptom(symptom, cycleDay, val) { db.write(() => { if (bleedingValueDeleted(symptom, val)) { cycleDay.bleeding = val cycleDay.isCycleStart = false maybeSetNewCycleStart(cycleDay, val) } else if (bleedingValueAddedOrChanged(symptom, val)) { cycleDay.bleeding = val cycleDay.isCycleStart = isMensesStart(cycleDay) maybeClearOldCycleStarts(cycleDay) } else { cycleDay[symptom] = val } }) function bleedingValueDeleted(symptom, val) { return symptom === 'bleeding' && !val } function bleedingValueAddedOrChanged(symptom, val) { return symptom === 'bleeding' && val } function maybeSetNewCycleStart(dayWithDeletedBleeding) { // if a bleeding value is deleted, we need to check if // there are any following bleeding days and if the // next one of them is now a cycle start const mensesDaysAfter = getMensesDaysRightAfter(dayWithDeletedBleeding) if (!mensesDaysAfter.length) return const nextOne = mensesDaysAfter[mensesDaysAfter.length - 1] if (isMensesStart(nextOne)) { nextOne.isCycleStart = true } } function maybeClearOldCycleStarts(cycleDay) { // if we have a new bleeding day, we need to clear the // menses start marker from all following days of this // menses that may have been marked as start before const mensesDaysAfter = getMensesDaysRightAfter(cycleDay) mensesDaysAfter.forEach(day => day.isCycleStart = false) } } export function updateCycleStartsForAllCycleDays() { db.write(() => { getBleedingDaysSortedByDate().forEach(day => { if (isMensesStart(day)) { day.isCycleStart = true } }) }) } export function getOrCreateCycleDay(localDate) { let result = db.objectForPrimaryKey('CycleDay', localDate) if (!result) { db.write(() => { result = db.create('CycleDay', { date: localDate, isCycleStart: false }) }) } return result } export function getCycleDay(localDate) { return db.objectForPrimaryKey('CycleDay', localDate) } export function getPreviousTemperature(cycleDay) { cycleDay.wrappedDate = LocalDate.parse( const winner = getTemperatureDaysSortedByDate().find(day => { const wrappedDate = LocalDate.parse( return wrappedDate.isBefore(cycleDay.wrappedDate) }) if (!winner) return null return winner.temperature.value } function tryToCreateCycleDayFromImport(day, i) { try { // we cannot know this yet, gets detected afterwards day.isCycleStart = false db.create('CycleDay', day) } catch (err) { const msg = `Line ${i + 1}(${}): ${err.message}` throw new Error(msg) } } export function getAmountOfCycleDays() { const cycleDaysSortedByDate = getCycleDaysSortedByDate() const amountOfCycleDays = cycleDaysSortedByDate.length if (!amountOfCycleDays) return 0 const earliest = cycleDaysSortedByDate[amountOfCycleDays - 1] const today = const earliestAsLocalDate = LocalDate.parse( return earliestAsLocalDate.until(today, ChronoUnit.DAYS) } export function getSchema() { return db.schema.reduce((acc, curr) => { acc[] = return acc }, {}) } export function tryToImportWithDelete(cycleDays) { db.write(() => { db.delete(db.objects('CycleDay')) cycleDays.forEach(tryToCreateCycleDayFromImport) }) } export function tryToImportWithoutDelete(cycleDays) { db.write(() => { cycleDays.forEach((day, i) => { const existing = getCycleDay( if (existing) db.delete(existing) tryToCreateCycleDayFromImport(day, i) }) }) } export function requestHash(type, pw) {'request-SHA512', JSON.stringify({ type: type, message: pw })) } export async function changeEncryptionAndRestartApp(hash) { let key if (hash) key = hashToInt8Array(hash) const defaultPath = db.path const dir = db.path.split('/') dir.pop() dir.push('copied.realm') const copyPath = dir.join('/') const exists = await fs.exists(copyPath) if (exists) await fs.unlink(copyPath) // for some reason, realm complains if we give it a key with value undefined if (key) { db.writeCopyTo(copyPath, key) } else { db.writeCopyTo(copyPath) } db.close() await fs.unlink(defaultPath) await fs.moveFile(copyPath, defaultPath) restart.Restart() } export async function deleteDbAndOpenNew() { const exists = await fs.exists(Realm.defaultPath) if (exists) await fs.unlink(Realm.defaultPath) await openDb() } function hashToInt8Array(hash) { const key = new Uint8Array(64) for (let i = 0; i < key.length; i++) { const twoDigitHex = hash.slice(i * 2, i * 2 + 2) key[i] = parseInt(twoDigitHex, 16) } return key }