import React, { Component } from 'react' import { ScrollView } from 'react-native' import range from 'date-range' import Svg,{ G, Polyline, Rect, Text, Circle } from 'react-native-svg' import { LocalDate } from 'js-joda' import { bleedingDaysSortedByDate, temperatureDaysSortedByDate, getOrCreateCycleDay } from '../db' const right = 600 const top = 10 const bottom = 350 const columnWidth = 30 const dateRow = { height: 30, width: right } const temperatureScale = { low: 33, high: 40 } const cycleDaysToShow = 40 const dotRadius = 4 const curveColor = 'darkblue' export default class CycleChart extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props) this.xAxisTicks = makeXAxisTicks(cycleDaysToShow) } passDateToDayView(dateString) { const cycleDay = getOrCreateCycleDay(dateString) this.props.navigation.navigate('cycleDay', { cycleDay }) } makeDayColumn(columnInfo) { return ( <G key={columnInfo.label}> <Rect x={columnInfo.rightOffset} y={top} width={columnWidth} height={bottom - top - dateRow.height} fill="lightgrey" strokeWidth="1" stroke="grey" onPress={() => this.passDateToDayView(columnInfo.label)} /> <Text stroke="grey" fontSize="10" x={columnInfo.rightOffset} y={bottom - top - dateRow.height} >{columnInfo.label.split('-')[2]}</Text> </G> ) } makeColumnGrid(xAxisTicks) { return } placeBleedingSymbolsOnColumns() { return bleedingDaysSortedByDate .filter(cycleDayIsNotInTheFuture()) .map(day => { const match = this.xAxisTicks.find(tick => { return tick.label === }) const x = match.rightOffset + columnWidth / 2 return (<Circle key={} cx={x} cy="50" r="7" fill="red" />) }) } makeTemperatureCurves() { return temperatureDaysSortedByDate .filter(cycleDayIsNotInTheFuture()) .reduce(separateIntoContinousChunks, [[]]) .map(makeCurveCoordinatesForChunk.bind(this)) .map(makeCurveFromPoints) } componentDidMount() { this.scrollContainer.scrollToEnd() } render() { return ( <ScrollView ref={(scroll) => { if (scroll) this.scrollContainer = scroll }} horizontal={true}> <Svg height="350" width={right} // the svg is not complete on 'componentDidMount' = why? // not sure if this is the right event, for now a hack // because there is no 'onLoad' attribute // we scroll to the very left because we want to show the most recent data onLayout={() => this.scrollContainer.scrollToEnd()} > { this.makeColumnGrid(this.xAxisTicks) } { this.placeBleedingSymbolsOnColumns() } { this.makeTemperatureCurves() } </Svg> </ScrollView> ) } } function makeXAxisTicks(n) { const xAxisDates = getPreviousDays(n).map(jsDate => { return LocalDate.of( jsDate.getFullYear(), jsDate.getMonth() + 1, jsDate.getDate() ).toString() }) return, columnIndex) => { const rightOffset = right - (columnWidth * (columnIndex + 1)) return { label: datestring, rightOffset } }) } function getPreviousDays(n) { const today = new Date() today.setHours(0); today.setMinutes(0); today.setSeconds(0); today.setMilliseconds(0) const twoWeeksAgo = new Date(today - (range.DAY * n)) return range(twoWeeksAgo, today).reverse() } function normalizeToScale(temp) { const valueRelativeToScale = (temperatureScale.high - temp) / (temperatureScale.high - temperatureScale.low) const scaleHeight = bottom - top return scaleHeight * valueRelativeToScale } function cycleDayIsNotInTheFuture() { const today = return function (cycleDay) { const cycleDayLocalDate = LocalDate.parse( return cycleDayLocalDate.isBefore(today) || cycleDayLocalDate.isEqual(today) } } function separateIntoContinousChunks(curveChunks, curr) { const lastChunk = curveChunks[curveChunks.length - 1] const lastSeenCycleDate = lastChunk.length && lastChunk[lastChunk.length - 1] if (!lastSeenCycleDate) { lastChunk.push(curr) return curveChunks } const lastSeenLocalDate = LocalDate.parse( const currLocalDate = LocalDate.parse( if (lastSeenLocalDate.compareTo(currLocalDate) === 1) { lastChunk.push(curr) } else { curveChunks.push([curr]) } return curveChunks } function makeCurveCoordinatesForChunk(chunk) { return chunk .map(cycleDay => { const match = this.xAxisTicks.find(tick => tick.label === const x = match.rightOffset + columnWidth / 2 const y = normalizeToScale(cycleDay.temperature.value) return [x, y] }) } function makeCurveFromPoints(curveChunkPoints, i) { const pointsInPolyLineFormat = curveChunkPoints .map(xYPair => xYPair.join()) .join(' ') return ( <G> <Polyline key={i} points={pointsInPolyLineFormat} fill="none" stroke={curveColor} strokeWidth="2" strokeLinejoin="round" /> { makeDots(curveChunkPoints) } </G> ) } function makeDots(points) { return[x, y], i) => <Circle cx={x} cy={y} r={dotRadius} fill={curveColor} key={i} />) }