export const bleeding = ['spotting', 'light', 'medium', 'heavy']
export const mucusNFP = ['t', 'Ø', 'f', 'S', 'S+']
export const intensity = ['low', 'medium', 'high']

export const cervix = {
  opening: {
    categories: ['closed', 'medium', 'open'],
    explainer: 'Is your cervix open or closed?'
  firmness: {
    categories: ['hard', 'soft'],
    explainer: "When it's hard it might feel like the tip of your nose"
  position: {
    categories: ['low', 'medium', 'high'],
    explainer: 'How high up in the vagina is the cervix?'

export const mucus = {
  feeling: {
    categories: ['dry', 'nothing', 'wet', 'slippery'],
    explainer: 'What does your vaginal entrance feel like?'
  texture: {
    categories: ['nothing', 'creamy', 'egg white'],
    explainer: "Looking at and touching your cervical mucus, which describes it best?"
  excludeExplainer: "You can exclude this value if you don't want to use it for fertility detection"

export const desire = {
  header: 'Intensity',
  explainer: 'How would you rate your sexual desire?'

export const sex = {
  solo: 'Solo',
  partner: 'Partner',
  condom: 'Condom',
  pill: 'Pill',
  iud: 'IUD',
  patch: 'Patch',
  ring: 'Ring',
  implant: 'Implant',
  diaphragm: 'Diaphragm',
  none: 'None',
  other: 'Other',
  activityExplainer: 'Were you sexually active today?',
  contraceptiveExplainer: 'Did you use contraceptives?'

export const pain = {
  categories: {
    cramps: 'Cramps',
    ovulationPain: 'Ovulation pain',
    headache: 'Headache',
    backache: 'Backache',
    nausea: 'Nausea',
    tenderBreasts: 'Tender breasts',
    migraine: 'Migraine',
    other: 'Other',
    note: 'Note',
  explainer: 'How did your body feel today?'

export const fertilityStatus = {
  fertile: 'fertile',
  infertile: 'infertile',
  fertileUntilEvening: 'Fertile phase ends in the evening',
  unknown: 'We cannot show any cycle information because no menses has been entered'

export const temperature = {
  outOfRangeWarning: 'This temperature value is out of the current range for the temperature chart. You can change the range in the settings.',
  outOfAbsoluteRangeWarning: 'This temperature value is too high or low to be shown on the temperature chart.',
  saveAnyway: 'Save anyway',
  temperature: {
    explainer: 'Take your temperature right after waking up, before getting out of bed'
  note: {
    explainer: 'Is there anything that could have influenced this value, such as bad sleep or alcohol consumption?'
  excludeExplainer: "You can exclude this value if you don't want to use it for fertility detection"

export const noteExplainer = "Anything you want to add for the day?"