import chai from 'chai' import dirtyChai from 'dirty-chai' import cycleModule from '../lib/cycle' const expect = chai.expect chai.use(dirtyChai) function useBleedingDays(days) { return cycleModule({ bleedingDaysSortedByDate: days }).getCycleDayNumber } describe('getCycleDay', () => { it('works for a simple example', () => { const bleedingDays = [{ date: '2018-05-10', bleeding: { value: 2 } }, { date: '2018-05-09', bleeding: { value: 2 } }, { date: '2018-05-03', bleeding: { value: 2 } }] const getCycleDayNumber = useBleedingDays(bleedingDays) const targetDate = '2018-05-17' const result = getCycleDayNumber(targetDate) expect(result).to.eql(9) }) it('works if some bleedings are exluded', function () { const bleedingDays = [{ date: '2018-05-10', bleeding: { value: 2, exclude: true } }, { date: '2018-05-09', bleeding: { value: 2, exclude: true } }, { date: '2018-05-03', bleeding: { value: 2 } }] const targetDate = '2018-05-17' const getCycleDayNumber = useBleedingDays(bleedingDays) const result = getCycleDayNumber(targetDate) expect(result).to.eql(15) }) it('gets the correct number if the target day is not in the current cycle', () => { const bleedingDays = [{ date: '2018-05-13', bleeding: { value: 2 } }, { date: '2018-04-11', bleeding: { value: 2 } }, { date: '2018-04-10', bleeding: { value: 2 } }] const targetDate = '2018-04-27' const getCycleDayNumber = useBleedingDays(bleedingDays) const result = getCycleDayNumber(targetDate) expect(result).to.eql(18) }) it('gets the correct number if the target day is the only bleeding day', () => { const bleedingDays = [{ date: '2018-05-13', bleeding: { value: 2 } }] const targetDate = '2018-05-13' const getCycleDayNumber = useBleedingDays(bleedingDays) const result = getCycleDayNumber(targetDate) expect(result).to.eql(1) }) describe('getCycleDay returns null', () => { it('if there are no bleeding days', function () { const bleedingDays = [] const targetDate = '2018-05-17' const getCycleDayNumber = useBleedingDays(bleedingDays) const result = getCycleDayNumber(targetDate) expect(result) }) }) describe('getCycleDay with cycle thresholds', () => { const maxBreakInBleeding = 3 it('disregards bleeding breaks shorter than max allowed bleeding break in a bleeding period', () => { const bleedingDays = [{ date: '2018-05-14', bleeding: { value: 2 } }, { date: '2018-05-10', bleeding: { value: 2 } }] const targetDate = '2018-05-17' const getCycleDayNumber = cycleModule({ bleedingDaysSortedByDate: bleedingDays, maxBreakInBleeding }).getCycleDayNumber const result = getCycleDayNumber(targetDate) expect(result).to.eql(8) }) it('counts bleeding breaks longer than maxAllowedBleedingBreak in a bleeding period', () => { const bleedingDays = [{ date: '2018-05-14', bleeding: { value: 2 } }, { date: '2018-05-09', bleeding: { value: 2 } }] const targetDate = '2018-05-17' const getCycleDayNumber = cycleModule({ bleedingDaysSortedByDate: bleedingDays, maxBreakInBleeding }).getCycleDayNumber const result = getCycleDayNumber(targetDate) expect(result).to.eql(4) }) }) }) describe('getCyclesBefore', () => { it('gets previous cycles', () => { const cycleDaysSortedByDate = [ { date: '2018-07-05', bleeding: { value: 2 } }, { date: '2018-06-05', bleeding: { value: 2 } }, { date: '2018-05-05', mucus: { value: 2 } }, { date: '2018-05-04', bleeding: { value: 2 } }, { date: '2018-05-03', bleeding: { value: 2 } }, { date: '2018-04-05', mucus: { value: 2 } }, { date: '2018-04-04', mucus: { value: 2 } }, { date: '2018-04-03', mucus: { value: 2 } }, { date: '2018-04-02', bleeding: { value: 2 } }, ] const { getCyclesBefore } = cycleModule({ cycleDaysSortedByDate, bleedingDaysSortedByDate: cycleDaysSortedByDate.filter(d => d.bleeding) }) const result = getCyclesBefore(cycleDaysSortedByDate[0]) expect(result.length).to.eql(3) expect(result).to.eql([ [ { date: '2018-06-05', bleeding: { value: 2 } } ], [ { date: '2018-05-05', mucus: { value: 2 } }, { date: '2018-05-04', bleeding: { value: 2 } }, { date: '2018-05-03', bleeding: { value: 2 } } ], [ { date: '2018-04-05', mucus: { value: 2 } }, { date: '2018-04-04', mucus: { value: 2 } }, { date: '2018-04-03', mucus: { value: 2 } }, { date: '2018-04-02', bleeding: { value: 2 } }, ] ]) }) }) describe('getCycleForDay', () => { const cycleDaysSortedByDate = [ { date: '2018-07-05', bleeding: { value: 2 } }, { date: '2018-06-05', bleeding: { value: 2 } }, { date: '2018-05-05', mucus: { value: 2 } }, { date: '2018-05-04', bleeding: { value: 2 } }, { date: '2018-05-03', bleeding: { value: 2 } }, { date: '2018-04-05', mucus: { value: 2 } }, { date: '2018-04-04', mucus: { value: 2 } }, { date: '2018-04-03', mucus: { value: 2 } }, { date: '2018-04-02', bleeding: { value: 2 } }, ] const { getCycleForDay } = cycleModule({ cycleDaysSortedByDate, bleedingDaysSortedByDate: cycleDaysSortedByDate.filter(d => d.bleeding) }) it('gets cycle that has only one day', () => { const result = getCycleForDay('2018-07-05') expect(result.length).to.eql(1) expect(result).to.eql([ { date: '2018-07-05', bleeding: { value: 2 } } ]) const result2 = getCycleForDay('2018-06-05') expect(result2.length).to.eql(1) expect(result2).to.eql([ { date: '2018-06-05', bleeding: { value: 2 } } ]) }) it('for later date gets cycle that has only one day', () => { const result = getCycleForDay('2018-06-20') expect(result.length).to.eql(1) expect(result).to.eql([ { date: '2018-06-05', bleeding: { value: 2 } } ]) }) it('returns null if there is no cycle start for that date', () => { const result = getCycleForDay('2018-04-01') expect(result).to.eql(null) }) it('gets cycle for day', () => { const result = getCycleForDay('2018-04-04') expect(result.length).to.eql(4) expect(result).to.eql([ { date: '2018-04-05', mucus: { value: 2 } }, { date: '2018-04-04', mucus: { value: 2 } }, { date: '2018-04-03', mucus: { value: 2 } }, { date: '2018-04-02', bleeding: { value: 2 } }, ]) }) }) describe('getAllMensesStart', () => { it('works for one cycle start', () => { const cycleDaysSortedByDate = [ { date: '2018-05-01', bleeding: { value: 1 } } ] const { getAllMensesStarts } = cycleModule({ cycleDaysSortedByDate, bleedingDaysSortedByDate: cycleDaysSortedByDate.filter(d => d.bleeding) }) const result = getAllMensesStarts() expect(result.length).to.eql(1) expect(result).to.eql(['2018-05-01']) }), it('works for two cycle starts', () => { const cycleDaysSortedByDate = [ { date: '2018-06-02', bleeding: { value: 2 } }, { date: '2018-06-01', bleeding: { value: 2 } }, { date: '2018-05-01', bleeding: { value: 2 } } ] const { getAllMensesStarts } = cycleModule({ cycleDaysSortedByDate, bleedingDaysSortedByDate: cycleDaysSortedByDate.filter(d => d.bleeding) }) const result = getAllMensesStarts() expect(result.length).to.eql(2) expect(result).to.eql(['2018-06-01', '2018-05-01']) }), it('works for two cycle starts with excluded data', () => { const cycleDaysSortedByDate = [ { date: '2018-06-01', bleeding: { value: 2 } }, { date: '2018-05-01', bleeding: { value: 2 } }, { date: '2018-04-31', bleeding: { value: 2 , exclude: true} }, ] const { getAllMensesStarts } = cycleModule({ cycleDaysSortedByDate, bleedingDaysSortedByDate: cycleDaysSortedByDate.filter(d => d.bleeding) }) const result = getAllMensesStarts() expect(result.length).to.eql(2) expect(result).to.eql(['2018-06-01', '2018-05-01']) }), it('returns an empty array if no bleeding days are given', () => { const cycleDaysSortedByDate = [ {} ] const { getAllMensesStarts } = cycleModule({ cycleDaysSortedByDate, bleedingDaysSortedByDate: cycleDaysSortedByDate.filter(d => d.bleeding) }) const result = getAllMensesStarts() expect(result.length).to.eql(0) expect(result).to.eql([]) }) })