export const settings = {
  shared: {
    cancel: 'Cancel'
  export: {
    errors: {
      noData: 'There is no data to export',
      couldNotConvert: 'Could not convert data to CSV',
      problemSharing: 'There was a problem sharing the data export file'
    title: 'My Drip data export',
    subject: 'My Drip data export',
    button: 'Export data',
  import: {
    button: 'Import data',
    title: 'Keep existing data?',
    message: `There are two options for the import:
1. Keep existing cycle days and replace only the ones in the import file.
2. Delete all existing cycle days and import cycle days from file.`,
    replaceOption: 'Import and replace',
    deleteOption: 'Import and delete existing'