export const mucusNFP = ['t', 'Ø', 'f', 'S', 'S+'] export const intensity = ['low', 'medium', 'high'] export const bleeding = { labels: ['spotting', 'light', 'medium', 'heavy'], heaviness: { header: "Heaviness", explainer: "How heavy is the bleeding?", }, exclude: { header: "Exclude", explainer: "You can exclude this value if it's not menstrual bleeding" } } export const cervix = { opening: { categories: ['closed', 'medium', 'open'], explainer: 'Is your cervix open or closed?' }, firmness: { categories: ['hard', 'soft'], explainer: "When it's hard, it might feel like the tip of your nose" }, position: { categories: ['low', 'medium', 'high'], explainer: 'How high up in the vagina is the cervix?' }, actionHint: 'Choose values for at least "Opening" and "Firmness" to save.' } export const mucus = { feeling: { categories: ['dry', 'nothing', 'wet', 'slippery'], explainer: 'What does your vaginal entrance feel like?' }, texture: { categories: ['nothing', 'creamy', 'egg white'], explainer: "Looking at and touching your cervical mucus, which describes it best?" }, excludeExplainer: "You can exclude this value if you don't want to use it for fertility detection", actionHint: 'Choose values for both "Feeling" and "Texture" to save.' } export const desire = { header: 'Intensity', explainer: 'How would you rate your sexual desire?' } export const sex = { categories:{ solo: 'solo', partner: 'partner', }, header: "Activity", explainer: 'Were you sexually active today?', } export const contraceptives = { categories:{ condom: 'condom', pill: 'pill', iud: 'iud', patch: 'patch', ring: 'ring', implant: 'implant', diaphragm: 'diaphragm', none: 'none', other: 'other', }, header: "Contraceptives", explainer: 'Did you use contraceptives?' } export const pain = { categories: { cramps: 'cramps', ovulationPain: 'ovulation pain', headache: 'headache', backache: 'backache', nausea: 'nausea', tenderBreasts: 'tender breasts', migraine: 'migraine', other: 'other' }, explainer: 'How did your body feel today?' } export const mood = { categories: { happy: 'happy', sad: 'sad', stressed: 'stressed', balanced: 'balanced', fine: 'fine', anxious: 'anxious', energetic: 'energetic', fatigue: 'fatigue', angry: 'angry', other: 'other' }, explainer: 'How did you feel today?' } export const temperature = { outOfRangeWarning: 'This temperature value is out of the current range for the temperature chart. You can change the range in the settings.', outOfAbsoluteRangeWarning: 'This temperature value is too high or low to be shown on the temperature chart.', saveAnyway: 'Save anyway', temperature: { header: "Temperature", explainer: 'Take your temperature right after waking up, before getting out of bed' }, time: "Time", note: { header: "Note", explainer: 'Is there anything that could have influenced this value, such as bad sleep or alcohol consumption?' }, exclude: { header: "Exclude", explainer: "You can exclude this value if you don't want to use it for fertility detection" } } export const noteExplainer = "Anything you want to add for the day?" export const sharedDialogs = { cancel: 'Cancel', areYouSureTitle: 'Are you sure?', areYouSureToDelete: 'Are you sure you want to delete this entry?', reallyDeleteData: 'Yes, I am sure', save: 'Save', delete: 'Delete', disabledInfo: 'There is some data missing' }