import React, { Component } from 'react' import { View, Alert, TouchableOpacity } from 'react-native' import { saveSymptom } from '../../../db' import InfoPopUp from './info-symptom' import Header from '../../header/symptom-view' import { headerTitles } from '../../../i18n/en/labels' import { sharedDialogs } from '../../../i18n/en/cycle-day' import FeatherIcon from 'react-native-vector-icons/Feather' import styles, { iconStyles } from '../../../styles' export default class SymptomView extends Component { constructor(props) { super() = this.navigate = props.navigate this.state = { showInfo: false } } componentDidUpdate() { this.autoSave() } saveSymptomEntry(entry) { saveSymptom(this.symptomName,, entry) } deleteSymptomEntry() { saveSymptom(this.symptomName, } isDeleteIconActive() { const symptomValueHasBeenFilledOut = key => { // the state tracks whether the symptom info should be shown, // we ignore that property if (key === 'showInfo') return // is there any meaningful value in the current state? return this.state[key] || this.state[key] === 0 } const symptomValues = Object.keys(this.state) return symptomValues.some(symptomValueHasBeenFilledOut) } render() { return ( <View style={{flex: 1}}> <Header title={headerTitles[this.symptomName].toLowerCase()} date={} goBack={this.props.handleBackButtonPress} deleteIconActive={this.isDeleteIconActive()} deleteEntry={() => { Alert.alert( sharedDialogs.areYouSureTitle, sharedDialogs.areYouSureToDelete, [{ text: sharedDialogs.cancel, style: 'cancel' }, { text: sharedDialogs.reallyDeleteData, onPress: () => { this.deleteSymptomEntry() this.globalBackhandler() } }] ) }} /> <View flex={1}> { this.renderContent() } <TouchableOpacity onPress={() => { this.setState({showInfo: true}) }} style={styles.infoButtonSymptomView} > <FeatherIcon name="info" {...iconStyles.infoInSymptomView} style={iconStyles.symptomInfo} /> </TouchableOpacity> { this.state.showInfo && <InfoPopUp symptom={this.symptomName} close={() => this.setState({showInfo: false})} /> } </View> </View> ) } }