import React, { Component } from 'react' import { View, BackHandler } from 'react-native' import Header from './header' import Menu from './menu' import Home from './home' import Calendar from './calendar' import CycleDay from './cycle-day/cycle-day-overview' import symptomViews from './cycle-day/symptoms' import Chart from './chart/chart' import SettingsMenu from './settings/settings-menu' import settingsViews from './settings' import Stats from './stats' import {headerTitles, menuTitles} from '../i18n/en/labels' import InfoSymptom from './cycle-day/symptoms/info-symptom' import setupNotifications from '../lib/notifications' // design wants everyhting lowercased, but we don't // have CSS pseudo properties const headerTitlesLowerCase = Object.keys(headerTitles).reduce((acc, curr) => { acc[curr] = headerTitles[curr].toLowerCase() return acc }, {}) const menuTitlesLowerCase = Object.keys(menuTitles).reduce((acc, curr) => { acc[curr] = menuTitles[curr].toLowerCase() return acc }, {}) const isSymptomView = name => Object.keys(symptomViews).includes(name) const isSettingsView = name => Object.keys(settingsViews).includes(name) const isMenuItem = name => Object.keys(menuTitles).includes(name) export default class App extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props) this.state = { currentPage: 'Home' } this.backHandler = BackHandler.addEventListener('hardwareBackPress', this.handleBackButtonPress) setupNotifications(this.navigate) } componentWillUnmount() { this.backHandler.remove() } navigate = (pageName, props) => { // for the back button to work properly, we want to // remember two origins: which menu item we came from // and from where we navigated to the symptom view (day // view or home page) if (isMenuItem(this.state.currentPage)) { this.menuOrigin = this.state.currentPage } if (!isSymptomView(this.state.currentPage) && this.state.currentPage !== 'InfoSymptom') { this.originForSymptomView = this.state.currentPage } this.setState({currentPage: pageName, currentProps: props}) } handleBackButtonPress = () => { if (this.state.currentPage === 'Home') return false if (isSymptomView(this.state.currentPage)) { this.navigate( this.originForSymptomView, { date: } ) } else if (isSettingsView(this.state.currentPage)) { this.navigate('SettingsMenu') } else if (this.state.currentPage === 'CycleDay') { this.navigate(this.menuOrigin) } else if (this.state.currentPage === 'InfoSymptom') { this.navigate( this.state.currentProps.symptomView, { date:, cycleDay: this.state.currentProps.cycleDay }) } else { this.navigate('Home') } return true } isDefaultView() { return this.state.currentPage !== 'CycleDay' && !isSymptomView(this.state.currentPage) && this.state.currentPage !== 'InfoSymptom' } render() { const page = { Home, Calendar, CycleDay, Chart, InfoSymptom, SettingsMenu, ...settingsViews, Stats, ...symptomViews }[this.state.currentPage] return ( <View style={{flex: 1}}> {this.isDefaultView() && <Header title={headerTitlesLowerCase[this.state.currentPage]} /> } {this.state.currentPage === 'InfoSymptom' && <Header title={headerTitlesLowerCase[this.state.currentPage]} goBack={this.handleBackButtonPress} /> } {isSymptomView(this.state.currentPage) && <Header title={headerTitlesLowerCase[this.state.currentPage]} isSymptomView={true} goBack={this.handleBackButtonPress} date={} goToSymptomInfo={() => this.navigate('InfoSymptom', { date:, symptomView: this.state.currentPage, cycleDay: this.state.currentProps.cycleDay })} />} {React.createElement(page, { navigate: this.navigate, ...this.state.currentProps })} {!isSymptomView(this.state.currentPage) && <Menu navigate={this.navigate} titles={menuTitlesLowerCase} currentPage={this.state.currentPage} /> } </View> ) } }