import chai from 'chai' import getSensiplanStatus from '../../lib/sympto' import { cycleWithoutTempShift, cycleWithTempAndMucusShift, cycleWithTempAndNoMucusShift, cycleWithTempShift, cycleWithoutAnyShifts, fiveDayCycle } from './fixtures' const expect = chai.expect describe('sympto', () => { describe('evaluating mucus and temperature shift together', () => { describe('with no previous higher measurement', () => { it('with no shifts detects only peri-ovulatory', function () { const status = getSensiplanStatus({ cycle: cycleWithoutAnyShifts, previousCycle: cycleWithoutTempShift }) expect(status).to.eql({ assumeFertility: true, phases: { periOvulatory: { start: { date: '2018-06-01' }, cycleDays: cycleWithoutAnyShifts } }, }) }) it('with shifts detects only peri-ovulatory and post-ovulatory', function () { const status = getSensiplanStatus({ cycle: cycleWithTempAndMucusShift, previousCycle: cycleWithoutTempShift }) expect(status.temperatureShift)'object') expect(status.mucusShift)'object') expect(status.assumeFertility) expect(Object.keys(status.phases).length).to.eql(2) expect(status.phases.periOvulatory).to.eql({ start: { date: '2018-06-01' }, end: { date: '2018-06-21', time: '18:00' }, cycleDays: cycleWithTempAndMucusShift.filter(({date}) => date <= '2018-06-21') }) expect(status.phases.postOvulatory).to.eql({ start: { date: '2018-06-21', time: '18:00' }, cycleDays: cycleWithTempAndMucusShift.filter(({date}) => date >= '2018-06-21') }) }) }) }) describe('with previous higher measurement', () => { describe('with no shifts detects pre-ovulatory phase', function () { it('according to 5-day-rule', function () { const status = getSensiplanStatus({ cycle: fiveDayCycle, previousCycle: cycleWithTempShift }) expect(Object.keys(status.phases).length).to.eql(1) expect(status.assumeFertility) expect(status.phases.preOvulatory).to.eql({ cycleDays: fiveDayCycle, start: { date: '2018-06-01' }, end: { date: '2018-06-05' } }) }) }) describe('with no shifts detects pre- and peri-ovulatory phase', function () { it('according to 5-day-rule', function () { const status = getSensiplanStatus({ cycle: cycleWithTempAndNoMucusShift, previousCycle: cycleWithTempShift }) expect(Object.keys(status.phases).length).to.eql(2) expect(status.assumeFertility) expect(status.phases.preOvulatory).to.eql({ cycleDays: cycleWithTempAndNoMucusShift.filter(({date}) => date <= '2018-06-05'), start: { date: '2018-06-01' }, end: { date: '2018-06-05' } }) expect(status.phases.periOvulatory).to.eql({ cycleDays: cycleWithTempAndNoMucusShift.filter(({date}) => date > '2018-06-05'), start: { date: '2018-06-06' } }) }) }) describe('with shifts detects pre- and peri-ovulatory phase', function () { it('according to 5-day-rule', function () { const status = getSensiplanStatus({ cycle: cycleWithTempAndMucusShift, previousCycle: cycleWithTempShift }) expect(Object.keys(status.phases).length).to.eql(3) expect(status.assumeFertility) expect(status.phases.preOvulatory).to.eql({ cycleDays: cycleWithTempAndMucusShift.filter(({date}) => date <= '2018-06-05'), start: { date: '2018-06-01' }, end: { date: '2018-06-05' } }) expect(status.phases.periOvulatory).to.eql({ cycleDays: cycleWithTempAndMucusShift.filter(({date}) => date > '2018-06-05' && date <= '2018-06-21'), start: { date: '2018-06-06' }, end: { date: '2018-06-21', time: '18:00'} }) expect(status.phases.postOvulatory).to.eql({ cycleDays: cycleWithTempAndMucusShift.filter(({date}) => date >= '2018-06-21'), start: { date: '2018-06-21', time: '18:00'} }) }) }) }) })