import React, { Component } from 'react' import { Text, View, TouchableOpacity } from 'react-native' import Icon from 'react-native-vector-icons/Entypo' import styles from './styles' import config from './config' import { getOrCreateCycleDay } from '../../db' import cycleModule from '../../lib/cycle' import setUpFertilityStatusFunc from './nfp-lines' const getCycleDayNumber = cycleModule().getCycleDayNumber const label = styles.column.label const getFhmAndLtlInfo = setUpFertilityStatusFunc() export default class DayColumn extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props) } makeDayColumn(data, index) { const { dateString, y, temperature, temperatureExclude, bleeding, mucus } = data const cycleDayNumber = getCycleDayNumber(dateString) const shortDate = dateString.split('-').slice(1).join('-') const nfpLineInfo = getFhmAndLtlInfo(dateString, temperature) //TODO move these so they are visible const cycleDayLabel = ( <Text {...label.number} y={config.cycleDayNumberRowY}> {cycleDayNumber} </Text>) const dateLabel = ( <Text {} y={config.dateRowY}> {shortDate} </Text> ) const columnElements = [] if (typeof bleeding === 'number') { columnElements.push( <Icon name='drop' position='absolute' top = {10} left = {20} size={30} color='#900' style={{ marginTop: 20 }} /> ) } if (typeof mucus === 'number') { const mucusIcon = ( <View position='absolute' top = {40} left = {config.columnMiddle - styles.mucusIcon.width / 2} {...styles.mucusIcon} backgroundColor={styles.mucusIconShades[mucus]} /> ) columnElements.push(mucusIcon) } columnElements.push(cycleDayLabel, dateLabel) if(nfpLineInfo.drawFhmLine) { const fhmLine = (<View position = 'absolute' top={100} width={styles.nfpLine.strokeWidth} height={200} {...styles.nfpLine} />) columnElements.push(fhmLine) } if(nfpLineInfo.drawLtlAt) { const ltlLine = (<View position = 'absolute' width={'100%'} top={nfpLineInfo.drawLtlAt} {...styles.nfpLine} />) columnElements.push(ltlLine) } if (y) { columnElements.push(...this.drawDotAndLine(y, temperatureExclude, index)) } return React.createElement( TouchableOpacity, { style: styles.column.rect, key: index.toString(), onPress: () => { this.passDateToDayView(dateString) }, activeOpacity: 1 }, columnElements ) } drawDotAndLine(currY, exclude) { let lineToRight let lineToLeft function makeLine(leftY, rightY, direction, excludeLine) { const colWidth = config.columnWidth const heightDiff = -leftY - -rightY const angle = Math.atan2(heightDiff, colWidth / 2) const lineStyle = excludeLine ? styles.curveExcluded : styles.curve // hypotenuse, we add 3px for good measure, because otherwise the lines // don't quite touch at the day border const h = (colWidth / 2) / Math.cos(angle) + 3 // the rotation by default rotates from the middle of the line, // but we want the transform origin to be at its beginning // react native doesn't have transformOrigin, so we do this manually // if it's the right line, we put the pivot at 3/4 of the column // if it's to the left, at 1/4 const pivot = direction === 'right' ? colWidth / 4 : -(colWidth / 4) const projectedX = -(h - colWidth) / 2 + pivot return (<View width={h} position = 'absolute' top={((leftY + rightY) / 2) - lineStyle.borderWidth / 2} left={projectedX} style={{ transform: [ {rotateZ: `${angle}rad`} ], }} {...lineStyle} />) } if (this.props.leftY) { const middleY = ((this.props.leftY - currY) / 2) + currY const excludedLine = this.props.leftTemperatureExclude || exclude lineToLeft = makeLine(middleY, currY, 'left', excludedLine) } if (this.props.rightY) { const middleY = ((currY - this.props.rightY) / 2) + this.props.rightY const excludedLine = this.props.rightTemperatureExclude || exclude lineToRight = makeLine(currY, middleY, 'right', excludedLine) } const dotStyle = exclude ? styles.curveDotsExcluded : styles.curveDots const dot = ( <View position='absolute' top={currY - (dotStyle.height / 2)} left={config.columnMiddle - (dotStyle.width / 2)} style={dotStyle} /> ) return [lineToLeft, lineToRight, dot] } passDateToDayView(dateString) { const cycleDay = getOrCreateCycleDay(dateString) this.props.navigate('cycleDay', { cycleDay }) } shouldComponentUpdate(newProps) { return Object.keys(newProps).some(key => newProps[key] != this.props[key]) } render() { return this.makeDayColumn(this.props.item, this.props.index) } }