import { LocalDate } from 'js-joda' import React, { Component } from 'react' import { ScrollView, View } from 'react-native' import { connect } from 'react-redux' import PropTypes from 'prop-types' import { navigate } from '../slices/navigation' import { getDate, setDate } from '../slices/date' import DripHomeIcon from '../assets/drip-home-icons' import AppText from './app-text' import IconText from './icon-text' import HomeElement from './home-element' import { home as labels } from '../i18n/en/labels' import links from '../i18n/en/links' import cycleModule from '../lib/cycle' import { getFertilityStatusForDay } from '../lib/sympto-adapter' import { determinePredictionText, getBleedingPredictionRange } from './helpers/home' import styles, { cycleDayColor, periodColor, secondaryColor } from '../styles' class Home extends Component { static propTypes = { navigate: PropTypes.func, setDate: PropTypes.func, // The following three is not being used, // we could see if it's possible to not pass them from the <App /> cycleDay: PropTypes.object, date: PropTypes.string, handleBackButtonPress: PropTypes.func, } constructor(props) { super(props) const { getCycleDayNumber, getPredictedMenses } = cycleModule() this.todayDateString = this.cycleDayNumber = getCycleDayNumber(this.todayDateString) const prediction = getPredictedMenses() this.predictionText = determinePredictionText(prediction) this.bleedingPredictionRange = getBleedingPredictionRange(prediction) this.fertilityStatus = getFertilityStatusForDay(this.todayDateString) } navigateToCycleDayView = () => { this.props.setDate(this.todayDateString) this.props.navigate('CycleDay') } navigateToBleedingEditView = () => { this.props.setDate(this.todayDateString) this.props.navigate('BleedingEditView') } navigateToChart = () => { this.props.navigate('Chart') } render() { const { cycleDayNumber, predictionText, bleedingPredictionRange, } = this const { phase, status, statusText } = this.fertilityStatus const cycleDayMoreText = cycleDayNumber ? labels.cycleDayKnown(cycleDayNumber) : labels.cycleDayNotEnoughInfo return ( <View flex={1}> <ScrollView> <View style={styles.homeView}> <HomeElement onPress={this.navigateToCycleDayView} buttonColor={ cycleDayColor } buttonLabel={ labels.editToday } > <View> <DripHomeIcon name="circle" size={80} color={cycleDayColor}/> </View> <IconText>{cycleDayNumber || labels.unknown}</IconText> <AppText style={styles.homeDescriptionText}> {cycleDayMoreText} </AppText> </HomeElement> <HomeElement onPress={this.navigateToBleedingEditView} buttonColor={ periodColor } buttonLabel={ labels.trackPeriod } > <DripHomeIcon name="drop" size={100} color={periodColor} /> <IconText wrapperStyles={{ top: '45%' }}> {bleedingPredictionRange} </IconText> <AppText style={styles.homeDescriptionText}> {predictionText} </AppText> </HomeElement> <HomeElement onPress={this.navigateToChart} buttonColor={ secondaryColor } buttonLabel={ labels.checkFertility } > <View style={styles.homeCircle}/> <IconText>{ phase ? phase.toString() : labels.unknown }</IconText> { phase && <AppText style={styles.homeDescriptionText}> {`${labels.phase(phase)} (${status})`} </AppText> } <AppText style={styles.homeDescriptionText}> { `${statusText} Visit ${}.` } </AppText> </HomeElement> </View> </ScrollView> </View> ) } } const mapStateToProps = (state) => { return({ date: getDate(state), }) } const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => { return({ navigate: (page) => dispatch(navigate(page)), setDate: (date) => dispatch(setDate(date)), }) } export default connect( mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps, )(Home)