import React, { Component } from 'react' import { Text, View, TouchableOpacity } from 'react-native' import { Surface, Group as G, Path, Shape } from 'react-native/Libraries/ART/ReactNativeART' import { LocalDate } from 'js-joda' import moment from 'moment' import styles from './styles' import config from '../../config' import cycleModule from '../../lib/cycle' import { getCycleDay } from '../../db' import DotAndLine from './dot-and-line' import { normalizeToScale } from './y-axis' const label = styles.column.label export default class DayColumn extends Component { constructor(props) { super() const dateString = props.dateString const columnHeight = props.columnHeight this.getCycleDayNumber = cycleModule().getCycleDayNumber const cycleDay = getCycleDay(dateString) = {} if (cycleDay) { = props.chartSymptoms.reduce((acc, symptom) => { if (['bleeding', 'temperature', 'mucus', 'desire', 'note'].includes(symptom)) { acc[symptom] = cycleDay[symptom] && cycleDay[symptom].value if (symptom === 'temperature' && acc.temperature) { acc.y = normalizeToScale(acc.temperature, columnHeight) const neighbor = getInfoForNeighborColumns(dateString, columnHeight) for (const key in neighbor) { acc[key] = neighbor[key] } } } else if (symptom === 'cervix') { acc.cervix = cycleDay.cervix && (cycleDay.cervix.opening + cycleDay.cervix.firmness) } else if (symptom === 'sex') { // solo = 1 + partner = 2 = && ( + 2 * } else if (symptom === 'pain') { // is any pain documented? acc.pain = cycleDay.pain && Object.values({...cycleDay.pain}).some(x => x === true) } else if (symptom === 'mood') { // is mood documented? acc.mood = cycleDay.mood && Object.values({...cycleDay.mood}).some(x => x === true) } acc[`${symptom}Exclude`] = cycleDay[symptom] && cycleDay[symptom].exclude return acc }, } this.fhmAndLtl = props.getFhmAndLtlInfo( props.dateString,, props.columnHeight ) } shouldComponentUpdate() { return false } render() { const columnElements = [] const dateString = this.props.dateString const symptomHeight = this.props.symptomHeight if(this.fhmAndLtl.drawLtlAt) { const ltlLine = (<Shape stroke={styles.nfpLine.stroke} strokeWidth={styles.nfpLine.strokeWidth} d={new Path() .moveTo(0, this.fhmAndLtl.drawLtlAt) .lineTo(config.columnWidth, this.fhmAndLtl.drawLtlAt) } key='ltl' />) columnElements.push(ltlLine) } if (this.fhmAndLtl.drawFhmLine) { const x = styles.nfpLine.strokeWidth / 2 const fhmLine = (<Shape fill="red" stroke={styles.nfpLine.stroke} strokeWidth={styles.nfpLine.strokeWidth} d={new Path() .moveTo(x, x) .lineTo(x, this.props.columnHeight) } key='fhm' />) columnElements.push(fhmLine) } if ( { columnElements.push( <DotAndLine y={} exclude={} rightY={} rightTemperatureExclude={} leftY={} leftTemperatureExclude={} key='dotandline' /> ) } const cycleDayNumber = this.getCycleDayNumber(dateString) const dayDate = LocalDate.parse(dateString) const shortDate = dayDate.dayOfMonth() === 1 ? moment(dateString, "YYYY-MM-DD").format('MMM') : moment(dateString, "YYYY-MM-DD").format('Do') const boldDateLabel = dayDate.dayOfMonth() === 1 ? {fontWeight: 'bold'} : {} const cycleDayLabel = ( <Text style = {label.number}> {cycleDayNumber ? cycleDayNumber : ' '} </Text>) const dateLabel = ( <Text style = {[, boldDateLabel]}> {shortDate} </Text> ) const column = ( <G> <Shape stroke={styles.column.stroke.color} strokeWidth={styles.column.stroke.width} d={new Path().lineTo(0, this.props.chartHeight)} /> { columnElements } </G> ) const symptomIconViews = { bleeding: ( <SymptomIconView value={} symptomHeight={symptomHeight} key='bleeding' > <View {...styles.symptomIcon} backgroundColor={styles.iconShades.bleeding[]} /> </SymptomIconView> ), mucus: ( <SymptomIconView value={} symptomHeight={symptomHeight} key='mucus' > <View {...styles.symptomIcon} backgroundColor={styles.iconShades.mucus[]} /> </SymptomIconView> ), cervix: ( <SymptomIconView value={} symptomHeight={symptomHeight} key='cervix' > <View {...styles.symptomIcon} // cervix is sum of openess and firmness - fertile only when closed and hard (=0) backgroundColor={ > 0 ? styles.iconShades.cervix[2] : styles.iconShades.cervix[0] } /> </SymptomIconView> ), sex: ( <SymptomIconView value={} symptomHeight={symptomHeight} key='sex' > <View {...styles.symptomIcon} backgroundColor={[ - 1]} /> </SymptomIconView> ), desire: ( <SymptomIconView value={} symptomHeight={symptomHeight} key='desire' > <View {...styles.symptomIcon} backgroundColor={styles.iconShades.desire[]} /> </SymptomIconView> ), pain: ( <SymptomIconView value={} symptomHeight={symptomHeight} key='pain' > <View {...styles.symptomIcon} backgroundColor={styles.iconShades.pain} /> </SymptomIconView> ), mood: ( <SymptomIconView value={} symptomHeight={symptomHeight} key='mood' > <View {...styles.symptomIcon} backgroundColor={styles.iconShades.mood} /> </SymptomIconView> ), note: ( <SymptomIconView value={} symptomHeight={symptomHeight} key='note' > <View {...styles.symptomIcon} backgroundColor={styles.iconShades.note} /> </SymptomIconView> ) } return ( <TouchableOpacity onPress={() => this.props.navigate('CycleDay', { date: dateString })} activeOpacity={1} > <View> { => { return symptomIconViews[symptomName] })} </View> <Surface width={config.columnWidth} height={this.props.columnHeight}> {column} </Surface> <View style={{height: this.props.xAxisHeight}}> {cycleDayLabel} {dateLabel} </View> </TouchableOpacity> ) } } function SymptomIconView(props) { const style = [styles.symptomRow, {height: props.symptomHeight}] return ( <View style={style}> {(typeof props.value === 'number' || props.value === true || typeof props.value === 'string') && props.children } </View> ) } function getInfoForNeighborColumns(dateString, columnHeight) { const ret = { rightY: null, rightTemperatureExclude: null, leftY: null, leftTemperatureExclude: null } const target = LocalDate.parse(dateString) const dayBefore = target.minusDays(1).toString() const dayAfter = target.plusDays(1).toString() const cycleDayBefore = getCycleDay(dayBefore) const cycleDayAfter = getCycleDay(dayAfter) if (cycleDayAfter && cycleDayAfter.temperature) { ret.rightY = normalizeToScale(cycleDayAfter.temperature.value, columnHeight) ret.rightTemperatureExclude = cycleDayAfter.temperature.exclude } if (cycleDayBefore && cycleDayBefore.temperature) { ret.leftY = normalizeToScale(cycleDayBefore.temperature.value, columnHeight) ret.leftTemperatureExclude = cycleDayBefore.temperature.exclude } return ret }