import React, { Component } from 'react' import { Text as ReactNativeText, View, FlatList } from 'react-native' import range from 'date-range' import Svg,{ G, Rect, Text, Circle, Line, Path } from 'react-native-svg' import { LocalDate } from 'js-joda' import { getCycleDay, getOrCreateCycleDay, cycleDaysSortedByDate } from '../../db' import cycleModule from '../../lib/cycle' import styles from './styles' import config from './config' import { getCycleStatusForDay } from '../../lib/sympto-adapter' const getCycleDayNumber = cycleModule().getCycleDayNumber const yAxis = makeYAxis(config) export default class CycleChart extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props) this.state = { columns: makeColumnInfo(config.xAxisRangeInDays) } this.reCalculateChartInfo = (function(Chart) { return function() { Chart.setState({columns: makeColumnInfo(config.xAxisRangeInDays)}) } })(this) cycleDaysSortedByDate.addListener(this.reCalculateChartInfo) } componentWillUnmount() { cycleDaysSortedByDate.removeListener(this.reCalculateChartInfo) } passDateToDayView(dateString) { const cycleDay = getOrCreateCycleDay(dateString) this.props.navigation.navigate('cycleDay', { cycleDay }) } placeHorizontalGrid() { return => { return ( <Line x1={0} y1={tick} x2={config.columnWidth} y2={tick} {...styles.horizontalGrid} key={tick} /> ) }) } makeDayColumn({ dateString, cycleDay, y }, index) { const cycleDayNumber = getCycleDayNumber(dateString) const label = styles.column.label const dateLabel = dateString.split('-').slice(1).join('-') const getFhmAndLtlInfo = setUpFertilityStatusFunc() const nfpLineInfo = getFhmAndLtlInfo(dateString, cycleDay) return ( <G onPress={() => this.passDateToDayView(dateString)}> <Rect {...styles.column.rect} /> {nfpLineInfo.drawFhmLine ? <Line x1={0 + styles.nfpLine.strokeWidth / 2} y1="20" x2={0 + styles.nfpLine.strokeWidth / 2} y2={config.chartHeight - 20} {...styles.nfpLine} /> : null} {this.placeHorizontalGrid()} <Text {...label.number} y={config.cycleDayNumberRowY}> {cycleDayNumber} </Text> <Text {} y={config.dateRowY}> {dateLabel} </Text> {cycleDay && cycleDay.bleeding ? <Path {...styles.bleedingIcon} d="M15 3 Q16.5 6.8 25 18 A12.8 12.8 0 1 1 5 18 Q13.5 6.8 15 3z" /> : null} {nfpLineInfo.drawLtlAt ? <Line x1="0" y1={nfpLineInfo.drawLtlAt} x2={config.columnWidth} y2={nfpLineInfo.drawLtlAt} {...styles.nfpLine} /> : null} {y ? this.drawDotAndLines(y, cycleDay.temperature.exclude, index) : null } </G> ) } drawDotAndLines(currY, exclude, index) { let lineToRight let lineToLeft const cols = this.state.columns function makeLine(otherColY, x, excludeLine) { const middleY = ((otherColY - currY) / 2) + currY const target = [x, middleY] const lineStyle = excludeLine ? styles.curveExcluded : styles.curve return <Line x1={config.columnMiddle} y1={currY} x2={target[0]} y2={target[1]} {...lineStyle} /> } const thereIsADotToTheRight = index > 0 && cols[index - 1].y const thereIsADotToTheLeft = index < cols.length - 1 && cols[index + 1].y if (thereIsADotToTheRight) { const otherDot = cols[index - 1] const excludedLine = otherDot.cycleDay.temperature.exclude || exclude lineToRight = makeLine(otherDot.y, config.columnWidth, excludedLine) } if (thereIsADotToTheLeft) { const otherDot = cols[index + 1] const excludedLine = otherDot.cycleDay.temperature.exclude || exclude lineToLeft = makeLine(otherDot.y, 0, excludedLine) } const dotStyle = exclude ? styles.curveDotsExcluded : styles.curveDots return (<G> {lineToRight} {lineToLeft} <Circle cx={config.columnMiddle} cy={currY} {...dotStyle} /> </G>) } render() { return ( <View style={{flex: 1, flexDirection: 'row'}}> <View {...styles.yAxis}>{yAxis.labels}</View> <FlatList horizontal={true} inverted={true} showsHorizontalScrollIndicator={false} data={this.state.columns} renderItem={({ item, index }) => { return ( <Svg width={config.columnWidth} height={config.chartHeight}> {this.makeDayColumn(item, index)} </Svg> ) }} keyExtractor={item => item.dateString} > </FlatList> </View> ) } } function makeColumnInfo(n) { const xAxisDates = getPreviousDays(n).map(jsDate => { return LocalDate.of( jsDate.getFullYear(), jsDate.getMonth() + 1, jsDate.getDate() ).toString() }) return => { const cycleDay = getCycleDay(dateString) const temp = cycleDay && cycleDay.temperature && cycleDay.temperature.value return { dateString, cycleDay, y: temp ? normalizeToScale(temp) : null } }) } function getPreviousDays(n) { const today = new Date() today.setHours(0) today.setMinutes(0) today.setSeconds(0) today.setMilliseconds(0) const earlierDate = new Date(today - (range.DAY * n)) return range(earlierDate, today).reverse() } function normalizeToScale(temp) { const scale = config.temperatureScale const valueRelativeToScale = (scale.high - temp) / (scale.high - scale.low) const scaleHeight = config.chartHeight return scaleHeight * valueRelativeToScale } function makeYAxis() { const scaleMin = config.temperatureScale.low const scaleMax = config.temperatureScale.high const numberOfTicks = (scaleMax - scaleMin) * 2 const tickDistance = config.chartHeight / numberOfTicks const tickPositions = [] const labels = [] // for style reasons, we don't want the first and last tick for (let i = 1; i < numberOfTicks - 1; i++) { const y = tickDistance * i const style = styles.yAxisLabel // this eyeballing is sadly necessary because RN does not // support percentage values for transforms, which we'd need // to reliably place the label vertically centered to the grid = y - 8 labels.push( <ReactNativeText style={{}} key={i}> {scaleMax - i * 0.5} </ReactNativeText> ) tickPositions.push(y) } return {labels, tickPositions} } function setUpFertilityStatusFunc() { let cycleStatus let cycleStartDate let noMoreCycles = false function updateCurrentCycle(dateString) { cycleStatus = getCycleStatusForDay(dateString) if(!cycleStatus) { noMoreCycles = true return } if (cycleStatus.phases.preOvulatory) { cycleStartDate = } else { cycleStartDate = } } function dateIsInPeriOrPostPhase(dateString) { return ( dateString >= ) } function precededByAnotherTempValue(dateString) { return ( // we are only interested in days that have a preceding // temp Object.keys(cycleStatus.phases).some(phaseName => { return cycleStatus.phases[phaseName].cycleDays.some(day => { return day.temperature && < dateString }) }) // and also a following temp, so we don't draw the line // longer than necessary && cycleStatus.phases.postOvulatory.cycleDays.some(day => { return day.temperature && > dateString }) ) } function isInTempMeasuringPhase(cycleDay, dateString) { return ( cycleDay && cycleDay.temperature || precededByAnotherTempValue(dateString) ) } return function(dateString, cycleDay) { const ret = {} if (!cycleStatus && !noMoreCycles) updateCurrentCycle(dateString) if (noMoreCycles) return ret if (dateString < cycleStartDate) updateCurrentCycle(dateString) if (noMoreCycles) return ret const tempShift = cycleStatus.temperatureShift if (tempShift) { if ( === dateString) { ret.drawFhmLine = true } if ( dateIsInPeriOrPostPhase(dateString) && isInTempMeasuringPhase(cycleDay, dateString) ) { ret.drawLtlAt = normalizeToScale(tempShift.ltl) } } return ret } }