import React from 'react' import { View, Switch, Keyboard, Alert, ScrollView } from 'react-native' import DateTimePicker from 'react-native-modal-datetime-picker-nevo' import padWithZeros from '../../helpers/pad-time-with-zeros' import { getPreviousTemperature } from '../../../db' import styles from '../../../styles' import { LocalTime, ChronoUnit } from 'js-joda' import { temperature as labels } from '../../../i18n/en/cycle-day' import { scaleObservable } from '../../../local-storage' import { shared as sharedLabels } from '../../../i18n/en/labels' import config from '../../../config' import AppTextInput from '../../app-text-input' import AppText from '../../app-text' import SymptomSection from './symptom-section' import SymptomView from './symptom-view' const minutes = ChronoUnit.MINUTES export default class Temp extends SymptomView { constructor(props) { super(props) const cycleDay = props.cycleDay this.temperature = cycleDay && cycleDay.temperature const temp = this.temperature this.state = { exclude: temp ? temp.exclude : false, time: temp ? temp.time :, isTimePickerVisible: false, outOfRange: null, note: temp ? temp.note : null } if (temp) { this.state.temperature = temp.value.toString() if (temp.value === Math.floor(temp.value)) { this.state.temperature = `${this.state.temperature}.0` } } else { const prevTemp = getPreviousTemperature( if (prevTemp) { this.state.suggestedTemperature = prevTemp.toString() this.state.isSuggestion = true } } } symptomName = 'temperature' isDeleteIconActive() { return ['temperature', 'note', 'exclude'].some(key => { // the time is always and the suggested temp sometimes prefilled, so they're not relevant for setting // the delete button active. return this.state[key] || this.state[key] === 0 }) } autoSave = () => { if (typeof this.state.temperature != 'string' || this.state.temperature === '') { this.deleteSymptomEntry() return } const dataToSave = { value: Number(this.state.temperature), exclude: this.state.exclude, time: this.state.time, note: this.state.note } this.saveSymptomEntry(dataToSave) } warnUserIfTempOutOfRange = async () => { const value = Number(this.state.temperature) const { min, max } = config.temperatureScale const range = { min, max } const scale = scaleObservable.value let warningMsg if (value < range.min || value > range.max) { warningMsg = labels.outOfAbsoluteRangeWarning } else if (value < scale.min || value > scale.max) { warningMsg = labels.outOfRangeWarning } // RN alert runs asynchronously but doesn't provide a callback, so wrap // it in a promise return new Promise(resolve => { if (warningMsg) { // we set this so the time picker doesn't open at the same time this.warningAlertOpen = true Alert.alert( sharedLabels.warning, warningMsg, [ { text: sharedLabels.ok, onPress: () => { this.warningAlertOpen = false }} ] ) } else { resolve(true) } }) } setTemperature = (temperature) => { if (isNaN(Number(temperature))) return this.setState({ temperature, isSuggestion: false }) } setNote = (note) => { this.setState({ note }) } showTimePicker = () => { Keyboard.dismiss() this.setState({ isTimePickerVisible: true }) } renderContent() { const inputStyle = [styles.temperatureTextInput] if (this.state.isSuggestion) { inputStyle.push(styles.temperatureTextInputSuggestion) } return ( <ScrollView style={}> <SymptomSection header={labels.temperature.header} explainer={labels.temperature.explainer} > <View style={styles.framedSegmentInlineChildren}> <AppTextInput style={[inputStyle]} autoFocus={true} value={this.state.temperature || this.state.suggestedTemperature} onChangeText={this.setTemperature} keyboardType='numeric' maxLength={5} onBlur={this.warnUserIfTempOutOfRange} /> <AppText style={{ marginLeft: 5 }}>°C</AppText> </View> </SymptomSection> <SymptomSection header={labels.time} > <View style={styles.framedSegmentInlineChildren}> <AppTextInput style={[styles.temperatureTextInput]} onFocus={() => { if (this.warningAlertOpen) { Keyboard.dismiss() } else { this.showTimePicker() } }} value={this.state.time} /> <DateTimePicker mode="time" isVisible={this.state.isTimePickerVisible} onConfirm={jsDate => { this.setState({ time: padWithZeros(jsDate), isTimePickerVisible: false }) }} onCancel={() => this.setState({ isTimePickerVisible: false })} /> </View> </SymptomSection> <SymptomSection header={labels.note.header} explainer={labels.note.explainer} > <AppTextInput multiline={true} autoFocus={this.state.focusTextArea} placeholder={sharedLabels.enter} value={this.state.note} onChangeText={this.setNote} /> </SymptomSection> <SymptomSection header={labels.exclude.header} explainer={labels.exclude.explainer} inline={true} > <Switch onValueChange={(val) => { this.setState({ exclude: val }) }} value={this.state.exclude} /> </SymptomSection> </ScrollView> ) } }