diff --git a/components/bleeding.js b/components/bleeding.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 0472c3c73f7f4a4e2b21e236c5e93ea61fe55a1c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/components/bleeding.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-import React, { Component } from 'react'
-import {
-  View,
-  Button,
-  Text,
-  Switch
-} from 'react-native'
-import RadioForm from 'react-native-simple-radio-button'
-import styles from '../styles/index'
-import { saveBleeding } from '../db'
-import { bleeding as labels } from '../labels/labels'
-export default class Bleeding extends Component {
-  constructor(props) {
-    super(props)
-    this.cycleDay = props.cycleDay
-    this.showView = props.showView
-    let bleedingValue = this.cycleDay.bleeding && this.cycleDay.bleeding.value
-    if (! (typeof bleedingValue === 'number') ){
-      bleedingValue = -1
-    }
-    this.state = {
-      currentValue: bleedingValue,
-      exclude: this.cycleDay.bleeding ? this.cycleDay.bleeding.exclude : false
-    }
-  }
-  render() {
-    const bleedingRadioProps = [
-      {label: labels[0], value: 0 },
-      {label: labels[1], value: 1 },
-      {label: labels[2], value: 2 },
-      {label: labels[3], value: 3 },
-    ]
-    return (
-      <View style={ styles.symptomEditView }>
-        <View style={ styles.symptomEditSplitSymptomsAndLastRowButtons }>
-          <View style={ styles.symptomEditListedSymptomView }>
-            <View style={{flex: 1}}>
-              <Text style={styles.symptomDayView}>Bleeding</Text>
-            </View>
-            <View style={{flex: 1}}>
-              <RadioForm
-                radio_props={bleedingRadioProps}
-                initial={this.state.currentValue}
-                formHorizontal={true}
-                labelHorizontal={false}
-                labelStyle={styles.radioButton}
-                onPress={(itemValue) => {
-                  this.setState({currentValue: itemValue})
-                }}
-              />
-            </View>
-          </View>
-          <View style={ styles.itemsInRowSeparatedView }>
-            <View style={ styles.singleButtonView }>
-              <Text style={ styles.symptomDayView }>Exclude</Text>
-            </View>
-            <View style={ styles.singleButtonView }>
-              <Switch
-                onValueChange={(val) => {
-                  this.setState({exclude: val})
-                }}
-                value={this.state.exclude}
-              />
-            </View>
-          </View>
-        </View>
-        <View style={ styles.itemsInRowSeparatedView }>
-          <View style={ styles.singleButtonView }>
-            <Button
-              onPress={() => this.showView('dayView')}
-              title="Cancel">
-            </Button>
-          </View>
-          <View style={ styles.singleButtonView }>
-            <Button
-              onPress={() => {
-                saveBleeding(this.cycleDay)
-                this.showView('dayView')
-              }}
-              title="Delete">
-            </Button>
-          </View>
-          <View style={ styles.singleButtonView }>
-            <Button
-              onPress={() => {
-                saveBleeding(this.cycleDay, {
-                  value: this.state.currentValue,
-                  exclude: this.state.exclude
-                })
-                this.showView('dayView')
-              }}
-              disabled={ this.state.currentValue === -1 }
-              title="Save">
-            </Button>
-          </View>
-        </View>
-      </View>
-    )
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/components/cycle-day/action-buttons.js b/components/cycle-day/action-buttons.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..00085523344d66b1dd03fdd2a251529c4e65cd4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/cycle-day/action-buttons.js
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+import React from 'react'
+import {
+  View,
+  Button,
+} from 'react-native'
+import { saveSymptom } from '../../db'
+export default function (showView) {
+  return function ({ symptom, cycleDay, saveAction, saveDisabled}) {
+    const buttons = [
+      {
+        title: 'Cancel',
+        action: () => showView('dayView')
+      },
+      {
+        title: 'Delete',
+        action: () => {
+          saveSymptom(symptom, cycleDay)
+          showView('dayView')
+        }
+      }, {
+        title: 'Save',
+        action: () => {
+          saveAction()
+          showView('dayView')
+        },
+        disabled: saveDisabled
+      }
+    ]
+    return buttons.map(({ title, action, disabledCondition }, i) => {
+      const style = { flex: 1, marginHorizontal: 10 }
+      if (i === 0) style.marginLeft = 0
+      if (i === buttons.length - 1) style.marginRight = 0
+      return (
+        <View style={style} key={i}>
+          <Button
+            onPress={action}
+            disabled={disabledCondition}
+            title={title}>
+          </Button>
+        </View >
+      )
+    })
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/components/cycle-day-overview.js b/components/cycle-day/cycle-day-overview.js
similarity index 67%
rename from components/cycle-day-overview.js
rename to components/cycle-day/cycle-day-overview.js
index cc780dae120d2f70332d08aa886448f87f18ba16..67415985c50ce1d969acf0aa5838ae639257d70c 100644
--- a/components/cycle-day-overview.js
+++ b/components/cycle-day/cycle-day-overview.js
@@ -4,10 +4,10 @@ import {
 } from 'react-native'
-import styles from '../styles/index'
-import { bleeding as labels} from '../labels/labels'
-import cycleDayModule from '../lib/get-cycle-day-number'
-import { bleedingDaysSortedByDate } from '../db'
+import styles from '../../styles'
+import { bleeding as labels} from './labels/labels'
+import cycleDayModule from '../../lib/get-cycle-day-number'
+import { bleedingDaysSortedByDate } from '../../db'
 const getCycleDayNumber = cycleDayModule()
@@ -47,30 +47,28 @@ export default class DayView extends Component {
     const temperatureValue = this.cycleDay.temperature && this.cycleDay.temperature.value
     let temperatureLabel
     if (typeof temperatureValue === 'number') {
-      temperatureLabel = `${temperatureValue} °C`
-      if (this.cycleDay.temperature.exclude) temperatureLabel = "( " + temperatureLabel + " )"
+      temperatureLabel = `${temperatureValue} °C - ${this.cycleDay.temperature.time}`
+      if (this.cycleDay.temperature.exclude) {
+        temperatureLabel = "( " + temperatureLabel + " )"
+      }
     } else {
       temperatureLabel = 'edit'
     return (
-      <View style={ styles.symptomEditListedSymptomView }>
-        <View style={ styles.itemsInRowSeparatedView }>
-          <View style={{flex: 1}}>
-            <Text style={styles.symptomDayView}>Bleeding</Text>
-          </View>
-          <View style={ styles.singleButtonView }>
+      <View style={styles.symptomEditView}>
+        <View style={styles.symptomViewRowInline}>
+          <Text style={styles.symptomDayView}>Bleeding</Text>
+          <View style={styles.symptomEditButton}>
               onPress={() => this.showView('bleedingEditView')}
-        <View style={ styles.itemsInRowSeparatedView}>
-          <View style={{flex: 1}}>
-            <Text style={styles.symptomDayView}>Temperature</Text>
-          </View>
-          <View style={ styles.singleButtonView }>
+        <View style={styles.symptomViewRowInline}>
+          <Text style={styles.symptomDayView}>Temperature</Text>
+          <View style={styles.symptomEditButton}>
               onPress={() => this.showView('temperatureEditView')}
diff --git a/components/cycle-day.js b/components/cycle-day/index.js
similarity index 70%
rename from components/cycle-day.js
rename to components/cycle-day/index.js
index 7d46deaff6a993da2c09a21b1f6c68f1d9402b1a..bcd84651f05e14b725021fe983cb7bcaad78f33f 100644
--- a/components/cycle-day.js
+++ b/components/cycle-day/index.js
@@ -3,12 +3,13 @@ import {
 } from 'react-native'
-import cycleDayModule from '../lib/get-cycle-day-number'
+import cycleDayModule from '../../lib/get-cycle-day-number'
 import DayView from './cycle-day-overview'
-import BleedingEditView from './bleeding'
-import TemperatureEditView from './temperature'
-import { formatDateForViewHeader } from '../labels/format'
-import styles from '../styles/index'
+import BleedingEditView from './symptoms/bleeding'
+import TemperatureEditView from './symptoms/temperature'
+import { formatDateForViewHeader } from './labels/format'
+import styles from '../../styles'
+import actionButtonModule from './action-buttons'
 const getCycleDayNumber = cycleDayModule()
@@ -24,12 +25,14 @@ export default class Day extends Component {
     this.showView = view => {
       this.setState({visibleComponent: view})
+    this.makeActionButtons = actionButtonModule(this.showView)
   render() {
     const cycleDayNumber = getCycleDayNumber(this.cycleDay.date)
     return (
-      <View style={ styles.cycleDayOuterView }>
+      <View>
         <View style={ styles.cycleDayDateView }>
           <Text style={styles.dateHeader}>
@@ -38,11 +41,11 @@ export default class Day extends Component {
         <View style={ styles.cycleDayNumberView }>
           { cycleDayNumber && <Text style={styles.cycleDayNumber} >Cycle day {cycleDayNumber}</Text> }
         </View >
-        <View style={ styles.cycleDaySymptomsView }>
+        <View>
             { dayView: <DayView cycleDay={this.cycleDay} showView={this.showView} />,
-              bleedingEditView: <BleedingEditView cycleDay={this.cycleDay} showView={this.showView}/>,
-              temperatureEditView: <TemperatureEditView cycleDay={this.cycleDay} showView={this.showView}/>
+              bleedingEditView: <BleedingEditView cycleDay={this.cycleDay} makeActionButtons={this.makeActionButtons}/>,
+              temperatureEditView: <TemperatureEditView cycleDay={this.cycleDay} makeActionButtons={this.makeActionButtons}/>
         </View >
diff --git a/labels/format.js b/components/cycle-day/labels/format.js
similarity index 100%
rename from labels/format.js
rename to components/cycle-day/labels/format.js
diff --git a/labels/labels.js b/components/cycle-day/labels/labels.js
similarity index 100%
rename from labels/labels.js
rename to components/cycle-day/labels/labels.js
diff --git a/components/cycle-day/symptoms/bleeding.js b/components/cycle-day/symptoms/bleeding.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7ec0574b924c6556d82239af59d20efbab21966f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/cycle-day/symptoms/bleeding.js
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+import React, { Component } from 'react'
+import {
+  View,
+  Text,
+  Switch
+} from 'react-native'
+import RadioForm from 'react-native-simple-radio-button'
+import styles from '../../../styles'
+import { saveSymptom } from '../../../db'
+import { bleeding as labels } from '../labels/labels'
+export default class Bleeding extends Component {
+  constructor(props) {
+    super(props)
+    this.cycleDay = props.cycleDay
+    this.makeActionButtons = props.makeActionButtons
+    let bleedingValue = this.cycleDay.bleeding && this.cycleDay.bleeding.value
+    if (!(typeof bleedingValue === 'number')) {
+      bleedingValue = -1
+    }
+    this.state = {
+      currentValue: bleedingValue,
+      exclude: this.cycleDay.bleeding ? this.cycleDay.bleeding.exclude : false
+    }
+  }
+  render() {
+    const bleedingRadioProps = [
+      { label: labels[0], value: 0 },
+      { label: labels[1], value: 1 },
+      { label: labels[2], value: 2 },
+      { label: labels[3], value: 3 },
+    ]
+    return (
+      <View style={styles.symptomEditView}>
+        <Text style={styles.symptomDayView}>Bleeding</Text>
+        <View style={styles.radioButtonRow}>
+          <RadioForm
+            radio_props={bleedingRadioProps}
+            initial={this.state.currentValue}
+            formHorizontal={true}
+            labelHorizontal={false}
+            labelStyle={styles.radioButton}
+            onPress={(itemValue) => {
+              this.setState({ currentValue: itemValue })
+            }}
+          />
+        </View>
+        <View style={styles.symptomViewRowInline}>
+          <Text style={styles.symptomDayView}>Exclude</Text>
+          <Switch
+            onValueChange={(val) => {
+              this.setState({ exclude: val })
+            }}
+            value={this.state.exclude}
+          />
+        </View>
+        <View style={styles.actionButtonRow}>
+          {this.makeActionButtons(
+            {
+              symptom: 'bleeding',
+              cycleDay: this.cycleDay,
+              saveAction: () => {
+                saveSymptom('bleeding', this.cycleDay, {
+                  value: this.state.currentValue,
+                  exclude: this.state.exclude
+                })
+              },
+              saveDisabled: this.state.currentValue === -1
+            }
+          )}
+        </View>
+      </View>
+    )
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/components/cycle-day/symptoms/temperature.js b/components/cycle-day/symptoms/temperature.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b9a3d5b1de1af5ebf9756465f40a3d0d57b0fc23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/cycle-day/symptoms/temperature.js
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+import React, { Component } from 'react'
+import {
+  View,
+  Text,
+  TextInput,
+  Switch
+} from 'react-native'
+import { getPreviousTemperature, saveSymptom } from '../../../db'
+import styles from '../../../styles'
+import { LocalTime, ChronoUnit } from 'js-joda'
+export default class Temp extends Component {
+  constructor(props) {
+    super(props)
+    this.cycleDay = props.cycleDay
+    this.makeActionButtons = props.makeActionButtons
+    let initialValue
+    if (this.cycleDay.temperature) {
+      initialValue = this.cycleDay.temperature.value.toString()
+      this.time = this.cycleDay.temperature.time
+    } else {
+      const prevTemp = getPreviousTemperature(this.cycleDay)
+      initialValue = prevTemp ? prevTemp.toString() : ''
+    }
+    this.state = {
+      currentValue: initialValue,
+      exclude: this.cycleDay.temperature ? this.cycleDay.temperature.exclude : false
+    }
+  }
+  render() {
+    const cycleDay = this.cycleDay
+    return (
+      <View style={styles.symptomEditView}>
+        <View style={styles.symptomViewRowInline}>
+          <Text style={styles.symptomDayView}>Temperature (°C)</Text>
+          <TextInput
+            style={styles.temperatureTextInput}
+            placeholder="Enter"
+            onChangeText={(val) => {
+              this.setState({ currentValue: val })
+            }}
+            keyboardType='numeric'
+            value={this.state.currentValue}
+          />
+        </View>
+        <View style={styles.symptomViewRowInline}>
+          <Text style={styles.symptomDayView}>Exclude</Text>
+          <Switch
+            onValueChange={(val) => {
+              this.setState({ exclude: val })
+            }}
+            value={this.state.exclude}
+          />
+        </View>
+        <View style={styles.actionButtonRow}>
+          {this.makeActionButtons({
+            symptom: 'temperature',
+            cycleDay: this.cycleDay,
+            saveAction: () => {
+              const dataToSave = {
+                value: Number(this.state.currentValue),
+                exclude: this.state.exclude
+              }
+              if (!cycleDay.temperature || cycleDay.temperature && !cycleDay.temperature.time) {
+                const now = LocalTime.now().truncatedTo(ChronoUnit.MINUTES).toString()
+                dataToSave.time = now
+              }
+              saveSymptom('temperature', cycleDay, dataToSave)
+            },
+            saveDisabled: this.state.currentValue === ''
+          })}
+        </View>
+      </View>
+    )
+  }
diff --git a/components/home.js b/components/home.js
index 60327e39712c80d7ac8f3999cd3def152538b850..0b005929168e47b34bd11b85b0ca0fc64903accb 100644
--- a/components/home.js
+++ b/components/home.js
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import {
 } from 'react-native'
 import { LocalDate } from 'js-joda'
-import styles from '../styles/index'
+import styles from '../styles'
 import cycleDayModule from '../lib/get-cycle-day-number'
 import { getOrCreateCycleDay, bleedingDaysSortedByDate, deleteAll } from '../db'
@@ -46,32 +46,28 @@ export default class Home extends Component {
   render() {
     const navigate = this.props.navigation.navigate
     return (
-      <View style={ styles.homeContainerView }>
-        <View style={{flex: 2}}>
-          <View>
-            <Text style={styles.welcome}>{this.state.welcomeText}</Text>
-          </View>
-        </View>
-        <View style={ styles.homeButtonsView}>
-          <View>
+      <View>
+        <Text style={styles.welcome}>{this.state.welcomeText}</Text>
+        <View style={styles.homeButtons}>
+          <View style={styles.homeButton}>
               onPress={() => this.passTodayToDayView()}
               title="Edit symptoms for today">
-          <View>
+          <View style={styles.homeButton}>
               onPress={() => navigate('calendar')}
               title="Go to calendar">
-          <View>
+          <View style={styles.homeButton}>
               onPress={() => navigate('chart')}
               title="Go to chart">
-          <View>
+          <View style={styles.homeButton}>
               onPress={() => deleteAll()}
               title="delete everything">
diff --git a/components/temperature.js b/components/temperature.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c6fccfcd8993a399ddf9db1fb61c8b99c8d01b52..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/components/temperature.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-import React, { Component } from 'react'
-import {
-  View,
-  Text,
-  Button,
-  TextInput,
-  Switch
-} from 'react-native'
-import { saveTemperature, getPreviousTemperature } from '../db'
-import styles from '../styles/index'
-export default class Temp extends Component {
-  constructor(props) {
-    super(props)
-    this.cycleDay = props.cycleDay
-    this.showView = props.showView
-    let initialValue
-    if(this.cycleDay.temperature) {
-      initialValue = this.cycleDay.temperature.value.toString()
-    } else {
-      const prevTemp = getPreviousTemperature(this.cycleDay)
-      initialValue = prevTemp ? prevTemp.toString() : ''
-    }
-    this.state = {
-      currentValue: initialValue,
-      exclude: this.cycleDay.temperature ? this.cycleDay.temperature.exclude : false
-    }
-  }
-  render() {
-    const cycleDay = this.cycleDay
-    return (
-      <View style={ styles.symptomEditView }>
-        <View style={ styles.symptomEditSplitSymptomsAndLastRowButtons }>
-          <View style={ styles.itemsInRowView }>
-            <View style={{flex: 3, margin: 5}}>
-              <Text style={styles.symptomDayView}>Temperature (°C)</Text>
-            </View>
-            <View style={{flex: 1, margin: 5}}>
-              <TextInput
-                placeholder="Enter"
-                onChangeText={(val) => {
-                  this.setState({currentValue: val})
-                }}
-                keyboardType='numeric'
-                value = {this.state.currentValue}
-              />
-            </View>
-          </View>
-          <View style={ styles.itemsInRowSeparatedView }>
-            <View style={{flex: 1, margin: 5}}>
-              <Text style={styles.symptomDayView}>Exclude</Text>
-            </View>
-            <View style={{flex: 1, margin: 5}}>
-              <Switch
-                onValueChange = {(val) => {
-                  this.setState({ exclude: val })
-                }}
-                value = { this.state.exclude }
-              />
-            </View>
-          </View>
-        </View>
-        <View style={ styles.itemsInRowSeparatedView }>
-          <View style={ styles.singleButtonView }>
-            <Button
-              onPress={() => {
-                this.showView('dayView')
-              }}
-              title="Cancel">
-            </Button>
-          </View>
-          <View style={ styles.singleButtonView }>
-            <Button
-              onPress={() => {
-                saveTemperature(cycleDay)
-                this.showView('dayView')
-              }}
-              title="Delete">
-            </Button>
-          </View>
-          <View style={ styles.singleButtonView }>
-            <Button
-              onPress={() => {
-                saveTemperature(cycleDay, {
-                  value: Number(this.state.currentValue),
-                  exclude: this.state.exclude
-                })
-                this.showView('dayView')
-              }}
-              disabled={ this.state.currentValue === '' }
-              title="Save">
-            </Button>
-          </View>
-        </View>
-      </View>
-    )
-  }
diff --git a/db.js b/db.js
index 3fdd40159eecfb2b7e5aff7136588cdd65215c55..00e1d946d1ca1609cba97d29c75fe834870d18e6 100644
--- a/db.js
+++ b/db.js
@@ -47,20 +47,14 @@ const db = new Realm({
 const bleedingDaysSortedByDate = db.objects('CycleDay').filtered('bleeding != null').sorted('date', true)
 const temperatureDaysSortedByDate = db.objects('CycleDay').filtered('temperature != null').sorted('date', true)
-function saveTemperature(cycleDay, temperature) {
+function saveSymptom(symptom, cycleDay, val) {
   db.write(() => {
-    cycleDay.temperature = temperature
+    cycleDay[symptom] = val
 const cycleDaysSortedByDate = db.objects('CycleDay').sorted('date', true)
-function saveBleeding(cycleDay, bleeding) {
-  db.write(() => {
-    cycleDay.bleeding = bleeding
-  })
 function getOrCreateCycleDay(localDate) {
   let result = db.objectForPrimaryKey('CycleDay', localDate)
   if (!result) {
@@ -94,8 +88,7 @@ function getPreviousTemperature(cycleDay) {
 export {
-  saveTemperature,
-  saveBleeding,
+  saveSymptom,
diff --git a/styles/index.js b/styles/index.js
index 5eb9cc18d02c1e9eee813bb20db5a791981b3f34..52fc65d4a18bbcb3a3584afa4ca6069365df00ec 100644
--- a/styles/index.js
+++ b/styles/index.js
@@ -14,91 +14,73 @@ export default StyleSheet.create({
   dateHeader: {
     fontSize: 20,
     fontWeight: 'bold',
-    margin: 30,
+    margin: 15,
     color: 'white',
     textAlign: 'center',
     textAlignVertical: 'center'
   cycleDayNumber: {
     fontSize: 18,
-    margin: 20,
+    margin: 15,
     textAlign: 'center',
     textAlignVertical: 'center'
   symptomDayView: {
     fontSize: 20,
-    margin: 30,
-    textAlign: 'left',
     textAlignVertical: 'center'
   radioButton: {
     fontSize: 18,
-    margin: 5,
+    margin: 8,
     textAlign: 'center',
     textAlignVertical: 'center'
-  singleButtonView: {
-    flex: 1,
-    margin: 5
-  },
-  itemsInRowView: {
-    flex: 1,
-    flexDirection: 'row',
-    justifyContent: 'flex-start',
-    alignItems: 'center'
-  },
-  itemsInRowSeparatedView: {
-    flex: 1,
-    flexDirection: 'row',
-    justifyContent: 'space-evenly',
-    alignItems: 'center'
-  },
   symptomEditView: {
-    flex: 1,
-    flexDirection: 'column',
     justifyContent: 'space-between',
-    alignItems: 'flex-start'
-  },
-  symptomEditSplitSymptomsAndLastRowButtons: {
-    flex: 4,
-    flexDirection: 'column',
-    justifyContent: 'flex-start',
-    alignItems: 'flex-start'
+    marginHorizontal: 15
-  symptomEditListedSymptomView: {
-    flex: 1,
-    flexDirection: 'column',
-    justifyContent: 'flex-start',
-    alignItems: 'flex-start'
+  symptomEditRow: {
+    justifyContent: 'space-between',
+    marginBottom: 10,
-  cycleDayOuterView: {
-    flex: 1,
-    flexDirection: 'column',
-    justifyContent: 'space-around'
+  symptomViewRowInline: {
+    flexDirection: 'row',
+    justifyContent: 'space-between',
+    marginBottom: 10,
+    alignItems: 'center',
+    height: 50
   cycleDayDateView: {
-    flex: 2,
     justifyContent: 'center',
     backgroundColor: 'steelblue'
   cycleDayNumberView: {
-    flex: 1,
     justifyContent: 'center',
-    backgroundColor: 'skyblue'
-  },
-  cycleDaySymptomsView: {
-    flex: 8,
-    justifyContent: 'center'
-  },
-  homeContainerView: {
-    flex: 0.5,
-    flexDirection: 'column',
-    justifyContent: 'space-around'
-  },
-  homeButtonsView: {
-    flex: 3,
-    flexDirection: 'column',
-    justifyContent: 'space-around',
-    margin: 5
+    backgroundColor: 'skyblue',
+    marginBottom: 15
+  },
+  homeButtons: {
+    marginHorizontal: 15
+  },
+  homeButton: {
+    marginBottom: 15
+  },
+  temperatureTextInput: {
+    width: 80,
+    textAlign: 'center',
+    fontSize: 20
+  },
+  actionButtonRow: {
+    flexDirection: 'row',
+    justifyContent: 'space-evenly',
+    marginTop: 50
+  },
+  symptomEditButton: {
+    width: 130
+  },
+  radioButtonRow: {
+    marginTop: 15,
+    marginLeft: 'auto',
+    marginRight: 'auto'
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