diff --git a/components/chart/chart.js b/components/chart/chart.js
index 449a120662303a4a72457d206e63e153275bf0dd..9393407bb2e66d1cd19e11ff1898a85e7b88e61d 100644
--- a/components/chart/chart.js
+++ b/components/chart/chart.js
@@ -1,17 +1,29 @@
 import React, { Component } from 'react'
-import { Text, View, FlatList, ScrollView } from 'react-native'
+import { View, FlatList } from 'react-native'
 import range from 'date-range'
 import { LocalDate } from 'js-joda'
-import Icon from 'react-native-vector-icons/Entypo'
-import { getCycleDay, getOrCreateCycleDay, cycleDaysSortedByDate } from '../../db'
-import cycleModule from '../../lib/cycle'
+import { yAxis, normalizeToScale } from './y-axis'
+import DayColumn from './day-column'
+import { getCycleDay, cycleDaysSortedByDate } from '../../db'
 import styles from './styles'
 import config from './config'
-import { getCycleStatusForDay } from '../../lib/sympto-adapter'
-const getCycleDayNumber = cycleModule().getCycleDayNumber
+const yAxisView = <View {...styles.yAxis}>{yAxis.labels}</View>
-const yAxis = makeYAxis(config)
+function getInfoForNeighborColumns(index, cols) {
+  const ret = {}
+  const right = index > 0 ? cols[index - 1] : undefined
+  const left = index < cols.length - 1 ? cols[index + 1] : undefined
+  if (right && right.y) {
+    ret.rightY = right.y
+    ret.rightTemperatureExclude = right.temperatureExclude
+  }
+  if (left && left.y) {
+    ret.leftY = left.y
+    ret.leftTemperatureExclude = left.temperatureExclude
+  }
+  return ret
 export default class CycleChart extends Component {
   constructor(props) {
@@ -19,6 +31,16 @@ export default class CycleChart extends Component {
     this.state = {
       columns: makeColumnInfo(config.xAxisRangeInDays)
+    this.renderColumn = ({item, index}) => {
+      return (
+        <DayColumn
+          item={item}
+          index={index}
+          navigate={this.props.navigation.navigate}
+          {...getInfoForNeighborColumns(index, this.state.columns)}
+        />
+      )
+    }
     this.reCalculateChartInfo = (function(Chart) {
       return function() {
@@ -33,186 +55,22 @@ export default class CycleChart extends Component {
-  passDateToDayView(dateString) {
-    const cycleDay = getOrCreateCycleDay(dateString)
-    this.props.navigation.navigate('cycleDay', { cycleDay })
-  }
-  placeHorizontalGrid() {
-  }
-  makeDayColumn({ dateString, cycleDay, y }, index) {
-    const cycleDayNumber = getCycleDayNumber(dateString)
-    const label = styles.column.label
-    const dateText = dateString.split('-').slice(1).join('-')
-    const getFhmAndLtlInfo = setUpFertilityStatusFunc()
-    const nfpLineInfo = getFhmAndLtlInfo(dateString, cycleDay)
-    const horizontalGrid = yAxis.labels.map((_, i) => {
-      return React.createElement(
-        View,
-        {
-          style: Object.assign(
-            {},
-            styles.horizontalGrid,
-            { marginTop: yAxis.tickDistance }
-          ),
-          key: i.toString()
-        }
-      )
-    })
-    //TODO move these so they are visible
-    const cycleDayLabel = (
-      <Text {...label.number} y={config.cycleDayNumberRowY}>
-        {cycleDayNumber}
-      </Text>)
-    const dateLabel = (
-      <Text {...label.date} y={config.dateRowY}>
-        {dateText}
-      </Text>
-    )
-    const columnElements = []
-    if (cycleDay && cycleDay.bleeding) {
-      console.log('ever?')
-      columnElements.push(
-        <Icon
-          name='drop'
-          position='absolute'
-          top = {10}
-          left = {20}
-          size={30}
-          color='#900'
-          style={{ marginTop: 20 }}
-        />
-      )
-    }
-    columnElements.push(...[horizontalGrid, cycleDayLabel, dateLabel])
-    //   {nfpLineInfo.drawFhmLine ?
-    //     <Line
-    //       x1={0 + styles.nfpLine.strokeWidth / 2}
-    //       y1="20"
-    //       x2={0 + styles.nfpLine.strokeWidth / 2}
-    //       y2={config.chartHeight - 20}
-    //       {...styles.nfpLine}
-    //     /> : null}
-    // />)
-    // onPress: () => this.passDateToDayView(dateString),
-    //     <Path {...styles.bleedingIcon}
-    //       d="M15 3
-    //         Q16.5 6.8 25 18
-    //         A12.8 12.8 0 1 1 5 18
-    //         Q13.5 6.8 15 3z" />
-    //     : null}
-    //   {nfpLineInfo.drawLtlAt ?
-    //     <Line
-    //       x1="0"
-    //       y1={nfpLineInfo.drawLtlAt}
-    //       x2={config.columnWidth}
-    //       y2={nfpLineInfo.drawLtlAt}
-    //       {...styles.nfpLine}
-    //     /> : null}
-    if (y) {
-      columnElements.push(this.drawDotAndLines(y, cycleDay.temperature.exclude, index))
-    }
-    //   {cycleDay && cycleDay.mucus ?
-    //     <Circle
-    //       {...styles.mucusIcon}
-    //       fill={styles.mucusIconShades[cycleDay.mucus.value]}
-    //     /> : null}
-    //   {y ?
-    //     this.drawDotAndLines(y, cycleDay.temperature.exclude, index)
-    //     : null} */}
-    return React.createElement(
-      View,
-      {
-        style: styles.column.rect,
-        key: index.toString()
-      },
-      columnElements
-    )
-  }
-  drawDotAndLines(currY, exclude, index) {
-    /*       <View
-        width='150%'
-        borderStyle = 'solid'
-        borderColor = 'red'
-        borderWidth = {1}
-        position = 'absolute'
-        top={200}
-        style={{
-          transform: [{rotateZ: '30deg'}]
-        }}
-      />
-    ) */
-    let lineToRight
-    let lineToLeft
-    const cols = this.state.columns
-    function makeLine(otherColY, x, excludeLine) {
-      const middleY = ((otherColY - currY) / 2) + currY
-      const target = [x, middleY]
-      const lineStyle = excludeLine ? styles.curveExcluded : styles.curve
-      return <Line
-        x1={config.columnMiddle}
-        y1={currY}
-        x2={target[0]}
-        y2={target[1]}
-        {...lineStyle}
-      />
-    }
-    const thereIsADotToTheRight = index > 0 && cols[index - 1].y
-    const thereIsADotToTheLeft = index < cols.length - 1 && cols[index + 1].y
-    /*     if (thereIsADotToTheRight) {
-      const otherDot = cols[index - 1]
-      const excludedLine = otherDot.cycleDay.temperature.exclude || exclude
-      lineToRight = makeLine(otherDot.y, config.columnWidth, excludedLine)
-    }
-    if (thereIsADotToTheLeft) {
-      const otherDot = cols[index + 1]
-      const excludedLine = otherDot.cycleDay.temperature.exclude || exclude
-      lineToLeft = makeLine(otherDot.y, 0, excludedLine)
-    } */
-    const dotStyle = exclude ? styles.curveDotsExcluded : styles.curveDots
-    return [
-      /* {lineToRight}
-      {lineToLeft} */
-      <View
-        position='absolute'
-        left={config.columnMiddle - dotStyle.width / 2}
-        top={currY - dotStyle.width / 2}
-        style = {dotStyle}
-        key='0'
-      />
-    ]
-  }
   render() {
     return (
-      <ScrollView contentContainerStyle={{flexDirection: 'row'}}>
-        <View {...styles.yAxis}>{yAxis.labels}</View>
+      <View style={{ flexDirection: 'row' }}>
+        {yAxisView}
-          renderItem={({ item, index }) => {
-            return this.makeDayColumn(item, index)
-          }}
+          renderItem={this.renderColumn}
           keyExtractor={item => item.dateString}
-          initialNumToRender={20}
-        />
-      </ScrollView>
+          initialNumToRender={15}
+          maxToRenderPerBatch={5}
+        >
+        </FlatList>
+      </View>
@@ -228,11 +86,16 @@ function makeColumnInfo(n) {
   return xAxisDates.map(dateString => {
     const cycleDay = getCycleDay(dateString)
-    const temp = cycleDay && cycleDay.temperature && cycleDay.temperature.value
+    const symptoms = ['temperature', 'mucus', 'bleeding'].reduce((acc, symptom) => {
+      acc[symptom] = cycleDay && cycleDay[symptom] && cycleDay[symptom].value
+      acc[`${symptom}Exclude`] = cycleDay && cycleDay[symptom] && cycleDay[symptom].exclude
+      return acc
+    }, {})
     return {
-      cycleDay,
-      y: temp ? normalizeToScale(temp) : null
+      y: symptoms.temperature ? normalizeToScale(symptoms.temperature) : null,
+      ...symptoms
@@ -246,114 +109,4 @@ function getPreviousDays(n) {
   const earlierDate = new Date(today - (range.DAY * n))
   return range(earlierDate, today).reverse()
-function normalizeToScale(temp) {
-  const scale = config.temperatureScale
-  const valueRelativeToScale = (scale.high - temp) / (scale.high - scale.low)
-  const scaleHeight = config.chartHeight
-  return scaleHeight * valueRelativeToScale
-function makeYAxis() {
-  const scaleMin = config.temperatureScale.low
-  const scaleMax = config.temperatureScale.high
-  const numberOfTicks = (scaleMax - scaleMin) * 2
-  const tickDistance = config.chartHeight / numberOfTicks
-  const labels = []
-  // for style reasons, we don't want the first and last tick
-  for (let i = 1; i < numberOfTicks - 1; i++) {
-    const y = tickDistance * i
-    const style = styles.yAxisLabel
-    // this eyeballing is sadly necessary because RN does not
-    // support percentage values for transforms, which we'd need
-    // to reliably place the label vertically centered to the grid
-    style.top = y - 8
-    labels.push(
-      <Text
-        style={{...style}}
-        key={i}>
-        {scaleMax - i * 0.5}
-      </Text>
-    )
-  }
-  return {labels, tickDistance}
-function setUpFertilityStatusFunc() {
-  let cycleStatus
-  let cycleStartDate
-  let noMoreCycles = false
-  function updateCurrentCycle(dateString) {
-    cycleStatus = getCycleStatusForDay(dateString)
-    if(!cycleStatus) {
-      noMoreCycles = true
-      return
-    }
-    if (cycleStatus.phases.preOvulatory) {
-      cycleStartDate = cycleStatus.phases.preOvulatory.start.date
-    } else {
-      cycleStartDate = cycleStatus.phases.periOvulatory.start.date
-    }
-  }
-  function dateIsInPeriOrPostPhase(dateString) {
-    return (
-      dateString >= cycleStatus.phases.periOvulatory.start.date
-    )
-  }
-  function precededByAnotherTempValue(dateString) {
-    return (
-      // we are only interested in days that have a preceding
-      // temp
-      Object.keys(cycleStatus.phases).some(phaseName => {
-        return cycleStatus.phases[phaseName].cycleDays.some(day => {
-          return day.temperature && day.date < dateString
-        })
-      })
-      // and also a following temp, so we don't draw the line
-      // longer than necessary
-      &&
-      cycleStatus.phases.postOvulatory.cycleDays.some(day => {
-        return day.temperature && day.date > dateString
-      })
-    )
-  }
-  function isInTempMeasuringPhase(cycleDay, dateString) {
-    return (
-      cycleDay && cycleDay.temperature
-      || precededByAnotherTempValue(dateString)
-    )
-  }
-  return function(dateString, cycleDay) {
-    const ret = {}
-    if (!cycleStatus && !noMoreCycles) updateCurrentCycle(dateString)
-    if (noMoreCycles) return ret
-    if (dateString < cycleStartDate) updateCurrentCycle(dateString)
-    if (noMoreCycles) return ret
-    const tempShift = cycleStatus.temperatureShift
-    if (tempShift) {
-      if (tempShift.firstHighMeasurementDay.date === dateString) {
-        ret.drawFhmLine = true
-      }
-      if (
-        dateIsInPeriOrPostPhase(dateString) &&
-        isInTempMeasuringPhase(cycleDay, dateString)
-      ) {
-        ret.drawLtlAt = normalizeToScale(tempShift.ltl)
-      }
-    }
-    return ret
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/components/chart/config.js b/components/chart/config.js
index d36413adafc45a7f20374b0790cc71203913f853..e9d5f95e3060a007af9146a04d5ba0b0f7b0cad7 100644
--- a/components/chart/config.js
+++ b/components/chart/config.js
@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@ const config = {
   chartHeight: 350,
   columnWidth: 30,
   temperatureScale: {
-    low: 33,
+    low: 35,
     high: 40
-  xAxisRangeInDays: 30
+  xAxisRangeInDays: 50
 const margin = 3
diff --git a/components/chart/day-column.js b/components/chart/day-column.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cdcb015c4af335d5a124502800cc1ddf2403395d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/chart/day-column.js
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+import React, { Component } from 'react'
+import {
+  Text, View
+} from 'react-native'
+import Icon from 'react-native-vector-icons/Entypo'
+import styles from './styles'
+import config from './config'
+import { getOrCreateCycleDay } from '../../db'
+import cycleModule from '../../lib/cycle'
+import setUpFertilityStatusFunc from './nfp-lines'
+import { horizontalGrid } from './y-axis'
+import slowlog from 'react-native-slowlog'
+const getCycleDayNumber = cycleModule().getCycleDayNumber
+const label = styles.column.label
+const getFhmAndLtlInfo = setUpFertilityStatusFunc()
+export default class DayColumn extends Component {
+  constructor(props) {
+    super(props)
+    slowlog(this, /.*/, {threshold: 30})
+  }
+  makeDayColumn(data, index) {
+    const {
+      dateString,
+      y,
+      temperature,
+      temperatureExclude,
+      bleeding,
+      mucus
+    } = data
+    const cycleDayNumber = getCycleDayNumber(dateString)
+    const shortDate = dateString.split('-').slice(1).join('-')
+    const nfpLineInfo = getFhmAndLtlInfo(dateString, temperature)
+    //TODO move these so they are visible
+    const cycleDayLabel = (
+      <Text {...label.number} y={config.cycleDayNumberRowY}>
+        {cycleDayNumber}
+      </Text>)
+    const dateLabel = (
+      <Text {...label.date} y={config.dateRowY}>
+        {shortDate}
+      </Text>
+    )
+    const columnElements = []
+    if (bleeding) {
+      columnElements.push(
+        <Icon
+          name='drop'
+          position='absolute'
+          top = {10}
+          left = {20}
+          size={30}
+          color='#900'
+          style={{ marginTop: 20 }}
+        />
+      )
+    }
+    columnElements.push(...[horizontalGrid, cycleDayLabel, dateLabel])
+    //   {nfpLineInfo.drawFhmLine ?
+    //     <Line
+    //       x1={0 + styles.nfpLine.strokeWidth / 2}
+    //       y1="20"
+    //       x2={0 + styles.nfpLine.strokeWidth / 2}
+    //       y2={config.chartHeight - 20}
+    //       {...styles.nfpLine}
+    //     /> : null}
+    // />)
+    // onPress: () => this.passDateToDayView(dateString),
+    //     <Path {...styles.bleedingIcon}
+    //       d="M15 3
+    //         Q16.5 6.8 25 18
+    //         A12.8 12.8 0 1 1 5 18
+    //         Q13.5 6.8 15 3z" />
+    //     : null}
+    //   {nfpLineInfo.drawLtlAt ?
+    //     <Line
+    //       x1="0"
+    //       y1={nfpLineInfo.drawLtlAt}
+    //       x2={config.columnWidth}
+    //       y2={nfpLineInfo.drawLtlAt}
+    //       {...styles.nfpLine}
+    //     /> : null}
+    if (y) {
+      columnElements.push(this.drawDotAndLines(y, temperatureExclude, index))
+    }
+    //   {cycleDay && cycleDay.mucus ?
+    //     <Circle
+    //       {...styles.mucusIcon}
+    //       fill={styles.mucusIconShades[cycleDay.mucus.value]}
+    //     /> : null}
+    //   {y ?
+    //     this.drawDotAndLines(y, cycleDay.temperature.exclude, index)
+    //     : null} */}
+    return React.createElement(
+      View,
+      {
+        style: styles.column.rect,
+        key: index.toString()
+      },
+      columnElements
+    )
+  }
+  drawDotAndLines(currY, exclude) {
+    /*       <View
+        width='150%'
+        borderStyle = 'solid'
+        borderColor = 'red'
+        borderWidth = {1}
+        position = 'absolute'
+        top={200}
+        style={{
+          transform: [{rotateZ: '30deg'}]
+        }}
+      />
+    ) */
+    let lineToRight
+    let lineToLeft
+    /* function makeLine(otherColY, x, excludeLine) {
+      const middleY = ((otherColY - currY) / 2) + currY
+      const target = [x, middleY]
+      const lineStyle = excludeLine ? styles.curveExcluded : styles.curve
+      return <Line
+        x1={config.columnMiddle}
+        y1={currY}
+        x2={target[0]}
+        y2={target[1]}
+        {...lineStyle}
+      />
+    } */
+ /*    if (this.props.rightY) {
+      const excludedLine = this.props.rightTemperatureExclude || exclude
+      lineToRight = makeLine(this.props.rightY, config.columnWidth, excludedLine)
+    }
+    if (this.props.leftY) {
+      const excludedLine = this.props.leftTemperatureExclude || exclude
+      lineToLeft = makeLine(this.props.leftY, 0, excludedLine)
+    } */
+    const dotStyle = exclude ? styles.curveDotsExcluded : styles.curveDots
+/*     return (<G>
+      {lineToRight}
+      {lineToLeft}
+      <Circle
+        cx={config.columnMiddle}
+        cy={currY}
+        {...dotStyle}
+      />
+    </G>) */
+  }
+  passDateToDayView(dateString) {
+    const cycleDay = getOrCreateCycleDay(dateString)
+    this.props.navigate('cycleDay', { cycleDay })
+  }
+  shouldComponentUpdate(newProps) {
+    return Object.keys(newProps).some(key => newProps[key] != this.props[key])
+  }
+  render() {
+    return this.makeDayColumn(this.props.item, this.props.index)
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/components/chart/nfp-lines.js b/components/chart/nfp-lines.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e5265acdbe46ed3683ff5c5829568bf5638bc0c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/chart/nfp-lines.js
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+import { getCycleStatusForDay } from '../../lib/sympto-adapter'
+import { normalizeToScale } from './y-axis'
+export default function () {
+  const cycle = {
+    status: null
+  }
+  function updateCurrentCycle(dateString) {
+    cycle.status = getCycleStatusForDay(dateString)
+    if(!cycle.status) {
+      cycle.noMoreCycles = true
+      return
+    }
+    if (cycle.status.phases.preOvulatory) {
+      cycle.startDate = cycle.status.phases.preOvulatory.start.date
+    } else {
+      cycle.startDate = cycle.status.phases.periOvulatory.start.date
+    }
+  }
+  function dateIsInPeriOrPostPhase(dateString) {
+    return (
+      dateString >= cycle.status.phases.periOvulatory.start.date
+    )
+  }
+  function precededByAnotherTempValue(dateString) {
+    return (
+      // we are only interested in days that have a preceding
+      // temp
+      Object.keys(cycle.status.phases).some(phaseName => {
+        return cycle.status.phases[phaseName].cycleDays.some(day => {
+          return day.temperature && day.date < dateString
+        })
+      })
+      // and also a following temp, so we don't draw the line
+      // longer than necessary
+      &&
+      cycle.status.phases.postOvulatory.cycleDays.some(day => {
+        return day.temperature && day.date > dateString
+      })
+    )
+  }
+  function isInTempMeasuringPhase(temperature, dateString) {
+    return (
+      temperature || precededByAnotherTempValue(dateString)
+    )
+  }
+  return function(dateString, temperature) {
+    const ret = {}
+    if (!cycle.status && !cycle.noMoreCycles) updateCurrentCycle(dateString)
+    if (cycle.noMoreCycles) return ret
+    if (dateString < cycle.startDate) updateCurrentCycle(dateString)
+    if (cycle.noMoreCycles) return ret
+    const tempShift = cycle.status.temperatureShift
+    if (tempShift) {
+      if (tempShift.firstHighMeasurementDay.date === dateString) {
+        ret.drawFhmLine = true
+      }
+      if (
+        dateIsInPeriOrPostPhase(dateString) &&
+        isInTempMeasuringPhase(temperature, dateString)
+      ) {
+        ret.drawLtlAt = normalizeToScale(tempShift.ltl)
+      }
+    }
+    return ret
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/components/chart/y-axis.js b/components/chart/y-axis.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e90dcac9af64c6236fb1553477240dd870a14b3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/chart/y-axis.js
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+import React from 'react'
+import { Text, View } from 'react-native'
+import config from './config'
+import styles from './styles'
+function makeYAxis() {
+  const scaleMin = config.temperatureScale.low
+  const scaleMax = config.temperatureScale.high
+  const numberOfTicks = (scaleMax - scaleMin) * 2
+  const tickDistance = config.chartHeight / numberOfTicks
+  const tickPositions = []
+  const labels = []
+  // for style reasons, we don't want the first and last tick
+  for (let i = 1; i < numberOfTicks - 1; i++) {
+    const y = tickDistance * i
+    const style = styles.yAxisLabel
+    // this eyeballing is sadly necessary because RN does not
+    // support percentage values for transforms, which we'd need
+    // to reliably place the label vertically centered to the grid
+    style.top = y - 8
+    labels.push(
+      <Text
+        style={{...style}}
+        key={i}>
+        {scaleMax - i * 0.5}
+      </Text>
+    )
+    tickPositions.push(y)
+  }
+  return {labels, tickPositions}
+export const yAxis = makeYAxis()
+export const horizontalGrid = yAxis.tickPositions.map(tick => {
+  return (
+    <View
+      position='absolute'
+      width='100%'
+      top={tick}
+      {...styles.horizontalGrid}
+      key={tick}
+    />
+  )
+export function normalizeToScale(temp) {
+  const scale = config.temperatureScale
+  const valueRelativeToScale = (scale.high - temp) / (scale.high - scale.low)
+  const scaleHeight = config.chartHeight
+  return scaleHeight * valueRelativeToScale
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/package-lock.json b/package-lock.json
index 86dcf0073f06b33f99e247ebd19f22b8e339005e..b0cdbd301e71bc399aacc11e595c7e9856d894d0 100644
--- a/package-lock.json
+++ b/package-lock.json
@@ -6426,6 +6426,11 @@
       "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/react-native-simple-radio-button/-/react-native-simple-radio-button-2.7.2.tgz",
       "integrity": "sha512-BdlllHsC/gYJtxPJ2tshDWN8CzmlGg1G9uB+Lu4FRGvGkwhvMtJ/uNShMbvxu134xosH/feri6HQgLGlIT202Q=="
+    "react-native-slowlog": {
+      "version": "1.0.2",
+      "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/react-native-slowlog/-/react-native-slowlog-1.0.2.tgz",
+      "integrity": "sha1-VSCXnj751Sc0ldQx/zvjTwLjXIk="
+    },
     "react-native-tab-view": {
       "version": "0.0.77",
       "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/react-native-tab-view/-/react-native-tab-view-0.0.77.tgz",
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 58f26381f17f6a93962d6b0ef88a1ae8fd9050e0..cf36e5014cd675cbfb518858df7ddfb6db215c5d 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
     "react-native-share": "^1.1.0",
     "react-native-simple-radio-button": "^2.7.1",
     "react-native-vector-icons": "^5.0.0",
+    "react-native-slowlog": "^1.0.2",
     "react-navigation": "^2.0.4",
     "realm": "^2.7.1",
     "uuid": "^3.2.1"