diff --git a/components/chart/chart-line.js b/components/chart/chart-line.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..95300ad3bcb3dce3c59eb308656763f831cc0ff3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/chart/chart-line.js
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+import React from 'react'
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types'
+import { Shape } from 'react-native/Libraries/ART/ReactNativeART'
+import styles from './styles'
+const ChartLine = ({ path, isNfpLine = false }) => {
+  const strokeStyle =
+    isNfpLine ? styles.nfpLine.stroke : styles.column.stroke.color
+  const strokeWidth =
+    isNfpLine ? styles.nfpLine.strokeWidth : styles.column.stroke.width
+  return (
+    <Shape
+      stroke={strokeStyle}
+      strokeWidth={strokeWidth}
+      d={path}
+    />
+  )
+ChartLine.propTypes = {
+  path: PropTypes.object,
+  isNfpLine: PropTypes.bool,
+export default ChartLine
diff --git a/components/chart/chart.js b/components/chart/chart.js
index 8f8a3f5d37018b81edc4ccfa9d9c0c1b58f06ce0..95985522d030396da9e0240cbdbdfaff6561d79e 100644
--- a/components/chart/chart.js
+++ b/components/chart/chart.js
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
 import React, { Component } from 'react'
 import { View, FlatList, ActivityIndicator } from 'react-native'
-import { LocalDate } from 'js-joda'
+import AppLoadingView from '../app-loading'
 import YAxis from './y-axis'
 import nfpLines from './nfp-lines'
 import DayColumn from './day-column'
 import HorizontalGrid from './horizontal-grid'
-import { getCycleDaysSortedByDate, getAmountOfCycleDays } from '../../db'
-import styles from './styles'
+import { getCycleDaysSortedByDate } from '../../db'
+import nothingChanged from '../../db/db-unchanged'
 import { scaleObservable } from '../../local-storage'
-import config from '../../config'
+import { makeColumnInfo } from '../helpers/chart'
-import AppLoadingView from '../app-loading'
+import config from '../../config'
-import nothingChanged from '../../db/db-unchanged'
+import styles from './styles'
 export default class CycleChart extends Component {
   constructor(props) {
@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ export default class CycleChart extends Component {
-        chartHeight={this.state.chartHeight}
@@ -72,7 +71,7 @@ export default class CycleChart extends Component {
-      const columnData = this.makeColumnInfo()
+      const columnData = makeColumnInfo()
         columns: columnData,
         chartHeight: height
@@ -104,43 +103,29 @@ export default class CycleChart extends Component {
-  makeColumnInfo() {
-    let amountOfCycleDays = getAmountOfCycleDays()
-    // if there's not much data yet, we want to show at least 30 days on the chart
-    if (amountOfCycleDays < 30) {
-      amountOfCycleDays = 30
-    } else {
-      // we don't want the chart to end abruptly before the first data day
-      amountOfCycleDays += 5
-    }
-    const localDates = getTodayAndPreviousDays(amountOfCycleDays)
-    return localDates.map(localDate => localDate.toString())
-  }
   render() {
     const { chartHeight, chartLoaded } = this.state
     return (
-        style={{ flexDirection: 'row', flex: 1 }}
+        style={styles.container}
         {!chartLoaded && <AppLoadingView />}
         {chartHeight && chartLoaded && (
-          <YAxis
-            height={this.columnHeight}
-            symptomsToDisplay={this.symptomRowSymptoms}
-            symptomsSectionHeight={this.symptomRowHeight}
-          />
+          <React.Fragment>
+            <YAxis
+              height={this.columnHeight}
+              symptomsToDisplay={this.symptomRowSymptoms}
+              symptomsSectionHeight={this.symptomRowHeight}
+            />
+            <HorizontalGrid
+              height={this.columnHeight}
+              startPosition={this.symptomRowHeight}
+            />
+          </React.Fragment>
-        {chartHeight && chartLoaded && (
-          <HorizontalGrid
-            height={this.columnHeight}
-            startPosition={this.symptomRowHeight}
-          />)
-        }
         {chartHeight &&
@@ -171,20 +156,3 @@ function LoadingMoreView(props) {
-function getTodayAndPreviousDays(n) {
-  const today = LocalDate.now()
-  const targetDate = today.minusDays(n)
-  function getDaysInRange(currDate, range) {
-    if (currDate.isBefore(targetDate)) {
-      return range
-    } else {
-      range.push(currDate)
-      const next = currDate.minusDays(1)
-      return getDaysInRange(next, range)
-    }
-  }
-  return getDaysInRange(today, [])
diff --git a/components/chart/cycle-day-label.js b/components/chart/cycle-day-label.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..38a0d2e50b24620c34446ebd1205e9a1ee4309c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/chart/cycle-day-label.js
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+import React from 'react'
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types'
+import { Text, View } from 'react-native'
+import moment from 'moment'
+import { LocalDate } from 'js-joda'
+import styles from './styles'
+import cycleModule from '../../lib/cycle'
+const CycleDayLabel = ({ height, date }) => {
+  const { label } = styles.column
+  const dayDate = LocalDate.parse(date)
+  const cycleDayNumber = cycleModule().getCycleDayNumber(date)
+  const isFirstDayOfMonth = dayDate.dayOfMonth() === 1
+  const dateFormatting = isFirstDayOfMonth ? 'MMM' : 'Do'
+  const shortDate = moment(date, "YYYY-MM-DD").format(dateFormatting)
+  const boldDateLabel = isFirstDayOfMonth ? {fontWeight: 'bold'} : {}
+  return (
+    <View style={{ height }}>
+      <Text style={label.number}>
+        {cycleDayNumber ? cycleDayNumber : ' '}
+      </Text>
+      <Text style={[label.date, boldDateLabel]}>
+        {shortDate}
+      </Text>
+    </View>
+  )
+CycleDayLabel.propTypes = {
+  height: PropTypes.number,
+  date: PropTypes.string,
+export default CycleDayLabel
diff --git a/components/chart/day-column.js b/components/chart/day-column.js
index 1597697fc14e5d042f0a2dfb9ea27b4199907277..633f6364c9dc280bab9ff023a25fdb2acb1326b4 100644
--- a/components/chart/day-column.js
+++ b/components/chart/day-column.js
@@ -1,30 +1,20 @@
 import React, { Component } from 'react'
-import {
-  Text, View, TouchableOpacity
-} from 'react-native'
-import {
-  Surface,
-  Group as G,
-  Path,
-  Shape
-} from 'react-native/Libraries/ART/ReactNativeART'
+import { TouchableOpacity } from 'react-native'
 import { connect } from 'react-redux'
 import { setDate } from '../../slices/date'
-import { LocalDate } from 'js-joda'
-import moment from 'moment'
-import styles from './styles'
-import config from '../../config'
-import cycleModule from '../../lib/cycle'
 import { getCycleDay } from '../../db'
-import DotAndLine from './dot-and-line'
 import SymptomCell from './symptom-cell'
+import TemperatureColumn from './temperature-column'
+import CycleDayLabel from './cycle-day-label'
-import { normalizeToScale } from '../helpers/chart'
-const label = styles.column.label
+import {
+  symptomColorMethods,
+  getTemperatureProps,
+  isSymptomDataComplete
+} from '../helpers/chart'
 class DayColumn extends Component {
   constructor(props) {
@@ -40,14 +30,13 @@ class DayColumn extends Component {
         if (symptomData && symptom === 'temperature') {
           symptomDataToDisplay[symptom] =
-           this.getTemperatureProps(symptomData, columnHeight, dateString)
+           getTemperatureProps(symptomData, columnHeight, dateString)
         } else {
           if (symptomData && ! symptomData.exclude) {
             // if symptomColorMethods entry doesn't exist for given symptom,
             // use 'default'
             const getSymptomColorIndex =
-              this.symptomColorMethods[symptom] ||
-              this.symptomColorMethods['default']
+              symptomColorMethods[symptom] || symptomColorMethods['default']
             symptomDataToDisplay[symptom] = getSymptomColorIndex(symptomData)
@@ -64,75 +53,6 @@ class DayColumn extends Component {
-  getTemperatureProps = (symptomData, columnHeight, dateString) => {
-    const extractedData = {}
-    const { value, exclude } = symptomData
-    const neighborTemperatureGraphPoints =
-      getInfoForNeighborColumns(dateString, columnHeight)
-    for (const key in neighborTemperatureGraphPoints) {
-      extractedData[key] = neighborTemperatureGraphPoints[key]
-    }
-    return Object.assign({
-      value,
-      y: normalizeToScale(value, columnHeight),
-      temperatureExclude: exclude,
-    }, extractedData)
-  }
-  symptomColorMethods = {
-    'mucus': (symptomData) => {
-      const { feeling, texture } = symptomData
-      const colorIndex = feeling + texture
-      return colorIndex
-    },
-    'cervix': (symptomData) => {
-      const { opening, firmness } = symptomData
-      const isDataComplete = opening !== null && firmness !== null
-      const isClosedAndHard =
-        isDataComplete &&
-        (opening === 0 && firmness === 0)
-      const colorIndex = isClosedAndHard ? 0 : 2
-      return colorIndex
-    },
-    'sex': (symptomData) => {
-      const { solo, partner } = symptomData
-      const colorIndex = (solo !== null && partner !== null) ?
-        (solo + 2 * partner - 1) : 0
-      return colorIndex
-    },
-    'bleeding': (symptomData) => {
-      const { value } = symptomData
-      const colorIndex = value
-      return colorIndex
-    },
-    'default': () => { // desire, pain, mood, note
-      const colorIndex = 0
-      return colorIndex
-    }
-  }
-  isSymptomDataComplete = (symptom) => {
-    const { dateString } = this.props
-    const cycleDayData = getCycleDay(dateString)
-    const symptomData = cycleDayData[symptom]
-    const dataCompletenessCheck = {
-      'cervix': () => {
-        const { opening, firmness } = symptomData
-        return (opening !== null) && (firmness !== null)
-      },
-      'mucus': () => {
-        const { feeling, texture } = symptomData
-        return (feeling !== null) && (texture !== null)
-      },
-      'default': () => {
-        return true
-      }
-    }
-    return (dataCompletenessCheck[symptom] || dataCompletenessCheck['default'])()
-  }
   onDaySelect = (date) => {
@@ -143,89 +63,11 @@ class DayColumn extends Component {
   render() {
-    const columnElements = []
     const { dateString,
-      chartHeight,
       xAxisHeight } = this.props
-    if(this.fhmAndLtl.drawLtlAt) {
-      const ltlLine = (<Shape
-        stroke={styles.nfpLine.stroke}
-        strokeWidth={styles.nfpLine.strokeWidth}
-        d={new Path()
-          .moveTo(0, this.fhmAndLtl.drawLtlAt)
-          .lineTo(config.columnWidth, this.fhmAndLtl.drawLtlAt)
-        }
-        key='ltl'
-      />)
-      columnElements.push(ltlLine)
-    }
-    if (this.fhmAndLtl.drawFhmLine) {
-      const x = styles.nfpLine.strokeWidth / 2
-      const fhmLine = (<Shape
-        fill="red"
-        stroke={styles.nfpLine.stroke}
-        strokeWidth={styles.nfpLine.strokeWidth}
-        d={new Path().moveTo(x, x).lineTo(x, columnHeight)}
-        key='fhm'
-      />)
-      columnElements.push(fhmLine)
-    }
-    if (this.data && this.data.temperature && this.data.temperature.y) {
-      const { temperatureExclude,
-        y,
-        rightY,
-        leftY,
-        rightTemperatureExclude,
-        leftTemperatureExclude
-      } = this.data.temperature
-      columnElements.push(
-        <DotAndLine
-          y={y}
-          exclude={temperatureExclude}
-          rightY={rightY}
-          rightTemperatureExclude={rightTemperatureExclude}
-          leftY={leftY}
-          leftTemperatureExclude={leftTemperatureExclude}
-          key='dotandline'
-        />
-      )
-    }
-    const cycleDayNumber = cycleModule().getCycleDayNumber(dateString)
-    const dayDate = LocalDate.parse(dateString)
-    const shortDate = dayDate.dayOfMonth() === 1 ?
-      moment(dateString, "YYYY-MM-DD").format('MMM')
-      :
-      moment(dateString, "YYYY-MM-DD").format('Do')
-    const boldDateLabel = dayDate.dayOfMonth() === 1 ? {fontWeight: 'bold'} : {}
-    const cycleDayLabel = (
-      <Text style = {label.number}>
-        {cycleDayNumber ? cycleDayNumber : ' '}
-      </Text>)
-    const dateLabel = (
-      <Text style = {[label.date, boldDateLabel]}>
-        {shortDate}
-      </Text>
-    )
-    const column = (
-      <G>
-        <Shape
-          stroke={styles.column.stroke.color}
-          strokeWidth={styles.column.stroke.width}
-          d={new Path().lineTo(0, chartHeight)}
-        />
-        { columnElements }
-      </G>
-    )
     return (
         onPress={() => this.onDaySelect(dateString)}
@@ -240,21 +82,25 @@ class DayColumn extends Component {
               symptomValue={hasSymptomData && this.data[symptom]}
-                hasSymptomData && this.isSymptomDataComplete(symptom)
+                hasSymptomData && isSymptomDataComplete(symptom, dateString)
-        <Surface width={config.columnWidth} height={columnHeight}>
-          {column}
-        </Surface>
+        <TemperatureColumn
+          horizontalLinePosition={this.fhmAndLtl.drawLtlAt}
+          isVerticalLine={this.fhmAndLtl.drawFhmLine}
+          data={this.data && this.data.temperature}
+          columnHeight={columnHeight}
+        />
+        <CycleDayLabel
+          height={xAxisHeight}
+          date={dateString}
+        />
-        <View style={{height: xAxisHeight}}>
-          {cycleDayLabel}
-          {dateLabel}
-        </View>
@@ -270,28 +116,3 @@ export default connect(
-function getInfoForNeighborColumns(dateString, columnHeight) {
-  const ret = {
-    rightY: null,
-    rightTemperatureExclude: null,
-    leftY: null,
-    leftTemperatureExclude: null
-  }
-  const target = LocalDate.parse(dateString)
-  const dayBefore = target.minusDays(1).toString()
-  const dayAfter = target.plusDays(1).toString()
-  const cycleDayBefore = getCycleDay(dayBefore)
-  const cycleDayAfter = getCycleDay(dayAfter)
-  if (cycleDayAfter && cycleDayAfter.temperature) {
-    ret.rightY = normalizeToScale(cycleDayAfter.temperature.value, columnHeight)
-    ret.rightTemperatureExclude = cycleDayAfter.temperature.exclude
-  }
-  if (cycleDayBefore && cycleDayBefore.temperature) {
-    ret.leftY = normalizeToScale(cycleDayBefore.temperature.value, columnHeight)
-    ret.leftTemperatureExclude = cycleDayBefore.temperature.exclude
-  }
-  return ret
diff --git a/components/chart/styles.js b/components/chart/styles.js
index dc3a69be97429e7cdf93b590ca0c01a28003e234..5580af01c3ec70e3c9a4f360393391fd98dadfad 100644
--- a/components/chart/styles.js
+++ b/components/chart/styles.js
@@ -25,6 +25,10 @@ const orangeColor = '#bc6642'
 const mintColor = '#6ca299'
 const styles = {
+  container: {
+    flexDirection: 'row',
+    flex: 1,
+  },
   curve: {
     stroke: colorTemperature,
     strokeWidth: lineWidth,
diff --git a/components/chart/temperature-column.js b/components/chart/temperature-column.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fab3d976970198ee2e66c9af2d15a6000c4c32bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/chart/temperature-column.js
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+import React from 'react'
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types'
+import { Surface , Path } from 'react-native/Libraries/ART/ReactNativeART'
+import ChartLine from './chart-line'
+import DotAndLine from './dot-and-line'
+import styles from './styles'
+import config from '../../config'
+const TemperatureColumn = ({
+  horizontalLinePosition,
+  isVerticalLine,
+  data,
+  columnHeight
+}) => {
+  const x = styles.nfpLine.strokeWidth / 2
+  return (
+    <Surface width={config.columnWidth} height={columnHeight}>
+      <ChartLine
+        path={new Path().lineTo(0, columnHeight)}
+      />
+      {horizontalLinePosition && <ChartLine
+        path={new Path()
+          .moveTo(0, horizontalLinePosition)
+          .lineTo(config.columnWidth, horizontalLinePosition)
+        }
+        isNfpLine={true}
+        key='ltl'
+      />}
+      {isVerticalLine && <ChartLine
+        path={new Path().moveTo(x, x).lineTo(x, columnHeight)}
+        isNfpLine={true}
+        key='fhm'
+      />}
+      {data && data.y && <DotAndLine
+        y={data.y}
+        exclude={data.temperatureExclude}
+        rightY={data.rightY}
+        rightTemperatureExclude={data.rightTemperatureExclude}
+        leftY={data.leftY}
+        leftTemperatureExclude={data.leftTemperatureExclude}
+        key='dotandline'
+      />}
+    </Surface>
+  )
+TemperatureColumn.propTypes = {
+  horizontalLinePosition: PropTypes.number,
+  isVerticalLine: PropTypes.bool,
+  data: PropTypes.object,
+  columnHeight: PropTypes.number,
+export default TemperatureColumn
diff --git a/components/helpers/chart.js b/components/helpers/chart.js
index 24a563cb1ab291bd0606a9b1ff813293f2d12fde..d59a55a63086cf320ea1d9f1f33f3845528b9f0c 100644
--- a/components/helpers/chart.js
+++ b/components/helpers/chart.js
@@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
+import { LocalDate } from 'js-joda'
 import { scaleObservable, unitObservable } from '../../local-storage'
+import { getCycleDay, getAmountOfCycleDays } from '../../db'
 import config from '../../config'
+//YAxis helpers
 export function normalizeToScale(temp, columnHeight) {
   const scale = scaleObservable.value
   const valueRelativeToScale = (scale.max - temp) / (scale.max - scale.min)
@@ -65,3 +71,130 @@ export function getTickList(columnHeight) {
+//DayColumn helpers
+export function isSymptomDataComplete(symptom, dateString) {
+  const cycleDayData = getCycleDay(dateString)
+  const symptomData = cycleDayData[symptom]
+  const dataCompletenessCheck = {
+    'cervix': () => {
+      const { opening, firmness } = symptomData
+      return (opening !== null) && (firmness !== null)
+    },
+    'mucus': () => {
+      const { feeling, texture } = symptomData
+      return (feeling !== null) && (texture !== null)
+    },
+    'default': () => {
+      return true
+    }
+  }
+  return (dataCompletenessCheck[symptom] || dataCompletenessCheck['default'])()
+function getInfoForNeighborColumns(dateString, columnHeight) {
+  const ret = {
+    rightY: null,
+    rightTemperatureExclude: null,
+    leftY: null,
+    leftTemperatureExclude: null
+  }
+  const target = LocalDate.parse(dateString)
+  const dayBefore = target.minusDays(1).toString()
+  const dayAfter = target.plusDays(1).toString()
+  const cycleDayBefore = getCycleDay(dayBefore)
+  const cycleDayAfter = getCycleDay(dayAfter)
+  if (cycleDayAfter && cycleDayAfter.temperature) {
+    ret.rightY = normalizeToScale(cycleDayAfter.temperature.value, columnHeight)
+    ret.rightTemperatureExclude = cycleDayAfter.temperature.exclude
+  }
+  if (cycleDayBefore && cycleDayBefore.temperature) {
+    ret.leftY = normalizeToScale(cycleDayBefore.temperature.value, columnHeight)
+    ret.leftTemperatureExclude = cycleDayBefore.temperature.exclude
+  }
+  return ret
+export function getTemperatureProps(symptomData, columnHeight, dateString) {
+  const extractedData = {}
+  const { value, exclude } = symptomData
+  const neighborTemperatureGraphPoints =
+    getInfoForNeighborColumns(dateString, columnHeight)
+  for (const key in neighborTemperatureGraphPoints) {
+    extractedData[key] = neighborTemperatureGraphPoints[key]
+  }
+  return Object.assign({
+    value,
+    y: normalizeToScale(value, columnHeight),
+    temperatureExclude: exclude,
+  }, extractedData)
+export const symptomColorMethods = {
+  'mucus': (symptomData) => {
+    const { feeling, texture } = symptomData
+    const colorIndex = feeling + texture
+    return colorIndex
+  },
+  'cervix': (symptomData) => {
+    const { opening, firmness } = symptomData
+    const isDataComplete = opening !== null && firmness !== null
+    const isClosedAndHard =
+      isDataComplete &&
+      (opening === 0 && firmness === 0)
+    const colorIndex = isClosedAndHard ? 0 : 2
+    return colorIndex
+  },
+  'sex': (symptomData) => {
+    const { solo, partner } = symptomData
+    const colorIndex = (solo !== null && partner !== null) ?
+      (solo + 2 * partner - 1) : 0
+    return colorIndex
+  },
+  'bleeding': (symptomData) => {
+    const { value } = symptomData
+    const colorIndex = value
+    return colorIndex
+  },
+  'default': () => { // desire, pain, mood, note
+    const colorIndex = 0
+    return colorIndex
+  }
+// Chart helpers
+export function makeColumnInfo() {
+  let amountOfCycleDays = getAmountOfCycleDays()
+  // if there's not much data yet, we want to show at least 30 days on the chart
+  if (amountOfCycleDays < 30) {
+    amountOfCycleDays = 30
+  } else {
+    // we don't want the chart to end abruptly before the first data day
+    amountOfCycleDays += 5
+  }
+  const localDates = getTodayAndPreviousDays(amountOfCycleDays)
+  return localDates.map(localDate => localDate.toString())
+function getTodayAndPreviousDays(n) {
+  const today = LocalDate.now()
+  const targetDate = today.minusDays(n)
+  function getDaysInRange(currDate, range) {
+    if (currDate.isBefore(targetDate)) {
+      return range
+    } else {
+      range.push(currDate)
+      const next = currDate.minusDays(1)
+      return getDaysInRange(next, range)
+    }
+  }
+  return getDaysInRange(today, [])
\ No newline at end of file