diff --git a/db/index.js b/db/index.js
index b8ea0028bc8a0044ed86ee038bc8b69658163e54..16f584ea827fc3c8f42229f76930a12603e93095 100644
--- a/db/index.js
+++ b/db/index.js
@@ -5,9 +5,10 @@ import fs from 'react-native-fs'
 import restart from 'react-native-restart'
 import schemas from './schemas'
 import cycleModule from '../lib/cycle'
+import maybeSetNewCycleStart from '../lib/set-new-cycle-start'
 let db
-let isMensesStart
+let checkIsMensesStart
 let getMensesDaysRightAfter
 export async function openDb (hash) {
@@ -50,7 +51,7 @@ export async function openDb (hash) {
   db = connection
   const cycle = cycleModule()
-  isMensesStart = cycle.isMensesStart
+  checkIsMensesStart = cycle.isMensesStart
   getMensesDaysRightAfter = cycle.getMensesDaysRightAfter
   return true
@@ -77,52 +78,21 @@ export function saveSymptom(symptom, date, val) {
   if (!cycleDay) cycleDay = createCycleDay(date)
   db.write(() => {
-    if (bleedingValueDeleted(symptom, val)) {
-      cycleDay.bleeding = val
-      cycleDay.isCycleStart = false
-      maybeSetNewCycleStart(cycleDay, val)
-    } else if (bleedingValueAddedOrChanged(symptom, val)) {
-      cycleDay.bleeding = val
-      cycleDay.isCycleStart = isMensesStart(cycleDay)
-      maybeClearOldCycleStarts(cycleDay)
+    if (symptom === 'bleeding') {
+      const mensesDaysAfter = getMensesDaysRightAfter(cycleDay)
+      maybeSetNewCycleStart({
+        val, cycleDay, mensesDaysAfter, checkIsMensesStart
+      })
     } else {
       cycleDay[symptom] = val
-  function bleedingValueDeleted(symptom, val) {
-    return symptom === 'bleeding' && !val
-  }
-  function bleedingValueAddedOrChanged(symptom, val) {
-    return symptom === 'bleeding' && val
-  }
-  function maybeSetNewCycleStart(dayWithDeletedBleeding) {
-    // if a bleeding value is deleted, we need to check if
-    // there are any following bleeding days and if the
-    // next one of them is now a cycle start
-    const mensesDaysAfter = getMensesDaysRightAfter(dayWithDeletedBleeding)
-    if (!mensesDaysAfter.length) return
-    const nextOne = mensesDaysAfter[mensesDaysAfter.length - 1]
-    if (isMensesStart(nextOne)) {
-      nextOne.isCycleStart = true
-    }
-  }
-  function maybeClearOldCycleStarts(cycleDay) {
-    // if we have a new bleeding day, we need to clear the
-    // menses start marker from all following days of this
-    // menses that may have been marked as start before
-    const mensesDaysAfter = getMensesDaysRightAfter(cycleDay)
-    mensesDaysAfter.forEach(day => day.isCycleStart = false)
-  }
 export function updateCycleStartsForAllCycleDays() {
   db.write(() => {
     getBleedingDaysSortedByDate().forEach(day => {
-      if (isMensesStart(day)) {
+      if (checkIsMensesStart(day)) {
         day.isCycleStart = true
diff --git a/lib/set-new-cycle-start.js b/lib/set-new-cycle-start.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..34b5a696c4f74ddefd9ca49488489be68f874254
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/set-new-cycle-start.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+export default function ({
+  val, cycleDay, mensesDaysAfter, checkIsMensesStart
+}) {
+  cycleDay.bleeding = val
+  // if a bleeding value is deleted or excluded, we need to check if there are
+  // any following bleeding days and if the next one of them is now a cycle
+  // start
+  if (bleedingValueDeletedOrExluded(val)) {
+    cycleDay.isCycleStart = false
+    if (!mensesDaysAfter.length) return
+    const nextOne = mensesDaysAfter[mensesDaysAfter.length - 1]
+    if (checkIsMensesStart(nextOne)) {
+      nextOne.isCycleStart = true
+    }
+  } else {
+    cycleDay.isCycleStart = checkIsMensesStart(cycleDay)
+    maybeClearOldCycleStarts(cycleDay)
+  }
+  function bleedingValueDeletedOrExluded(val) {
+    const bleedingDeleted = !val
+    const bleedingExcluded = val && val.exclude
+    return bleedingDeleted || bleedingExcluded
+  }
+  function maybeClearOldCycleStarts() {
+  // if we have a new bleeding day, we need to clear the
+  // menses start marker from all following days of this
+  // menses that may have been marked as start before
+    mensesDaysAfter.forEach(day => day.isCycleStart = false)
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/set-new-cycle-start.spec.js b/test/set-new-cycle-start.spec.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f7975104f89d489a650e50c06478b8f8d098f031
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/set-new-cycle-start.spec.js
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+import chai from 'chai'
+import dirtyChai from 'dirty-chai'
+import maybeSetNewCycleStart from '../lib/set-new-cycle-start'
+const expect = chai.expect
+describe('maybeSetNewCycleStart', () => {
+  const deletedBleedingValue = null
+  const excludedBleedingValue = {
+    value: 2,
+    exclude: true
+  }
+  function getFixtures() {
+    const cycleStartDay = {
+      date: '2020-01-01',
+      isCycleStart: true,
+      bleeding: {
+        value: 2,
+        exclude: false
+      }
+    }
+    const mensesDaysAfter = [
+      {
+        date: '2020-01-04',
+        isCycleStart: false,
+        value: {
+          bleeding: {
+            value: 2,
+            exclude: false
+          }
+        }
+      },
+      {
+        date: '2020-01-03',
+        isCycleStart: false,
+        value: {
+          bleeding: {
+            value: 2,
+            exclude: false
+          }
+        }
+      },
+      {
+        date: '2020-01-02',
+        isCycleStart: false,
+        value: {
+          bleeding: {
+            value: 2,
+            exclude: false
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    ]
+    const notCycleStartDay = {
+      date: '2020-01-02',
+      isCycleStart: false,
+      bleeding: {
+        value: 2,
+        exclude: false
+      }
+    }
+    return [cycleStartDay, mensesDaysAfter, notCycleStartDay]
+  }
+  const checkIsMensesStart = cycleDay => {
+    if (cycleDay.date === '2020-01-02') return true
+  }
+  it('sets new cycle start when first day of period deleted', () => {
+    const [cycleStartDay, mensesDaysAfter] = getFixtures()
+    maybeSetNewCycleStart({
+      val: deletedBleedingValue,
+      cycleDay: cycleStartDay,
+      mensesDaysAfter,
+      checkIsMensesStart
+    })
+    expect(cycleStartDay.isCycleStart).to.be.false()
+    expect(cycleStartDay.bleeding).to.be.null()
+    expect(mensesDaysAfter[2].isCycleStart).to.be.true()
+  })
+  it('sets new cycle start when first day of period excluded', () => {
+    const [cycleStartDay, mensesDaysAfter] = getFixtures()
+    maybeSetNewCycleStart({
+      val: excludedBleedingValue,
+      cycleDay: cycleStartDay,
+      mensesDaysAfter,
+      checkIsMensesStart
+    })
+    expect(cycleStartDay.isCycleStart).to.be.false()
+    expect(cycleStartDay.bleeding).to.equal(excludedBleedingValue)
+    expect(mensesDaysAfter[2].isCycleStart).to.be.true()
+  })
+  it('does not set new cycle start when other day of period deleted', () => {
+    const [cycleStartDay, mensesDaysAfter, notCycleStartDay] = getFixtures()
+    maybeSetNewCycleStart({
+      val: deletedBleedingValue,
+      cycleDay: notCycleStartDay,
+      mensesDaysAfter,
+      checkIsMensesStart
+    })
+    expect(cycleStartDay.isCycleStart).to.be.true()
+    expect(notCycleStartDay.isCycleStart).to.be.false()
+    expect(notCycleStartDay.bleeding).to.equal(deletedBleedingValue)
+  })
+  it('does not set new cycle start when other day of period excluded', () => {
+    const excludedBleedingValue = {
+      value: 2,
+      exclude: true
+    }
+    const [cycleStartDay, mensesDaysAfter, notCycleStartDay] = getFixtures()
+    maybeSetNewCycleStart({
+      val: excludedBleedingValue,
+      cycleDay: notCycleStartDay,
+      mensesDaysAfter,
+      checkIsMensesStart
+    })
+    expect(cycleStartDay.isCycleStart).to.be.true()
+    expect(notCycleStartDay.isCycleStart).to.be.false()
+    expect(notCycleStartDay.bleeding).to.equal(excludedBleedingValue)
+  })
+  it('works when there are no following bleeding days', () => {
+    const [cycleStartDay] = getFixtures()
+    maybeSetNewCycleStart({
+      val: deletedBleedingValue,
+      cycleDay: cycleStartDay,
+      mensesDaysAfter: [],
+      checkIsMensesStart
+    })
+    expect(cycleStartDay.isCycleStart).to.be.false()
+    expect(cycleStartDay.bleeding).to.equal(deletedBleedingValue)
+  })
\ No newline at end of file