diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 5d647565fa9ef7171c321936f78dcb91257b5aa6..b34f55a5b899d5c9545d5b92217e56e3bd89e380 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -54,3 +54,10 @@ buck-out/
 # Bundle artifact
+# RN android release 
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index a186717beed044a7c806def957d25be2cb7bf5ba..466431e2ac9c74c3aa3d72bade00baa1ea296a35 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -25,3 +25,6 @@ You can run the tests with `npm test`.
 ## Debugging
 When running into an old version of the app try to run the following command first:
 `react-native bundle --platform android --dev false --entry-file index.js --bundle-output android/app/src/main/assets/index.android.bundle --assets-dest android/app/src/main/res`
+## NFP rules
+More information about how the app calculates fertility status and bleeding predictions in the [wiki on Gitlab](https://gitlab.com/bloodyhealth/drip/wikis/home)
diff --git a/android/app/build.gradle b/android/app/build.gradle
index 6348b76bbed3ac2a079044c72c63b4ab7d68dc49..f33fb0eb15b979060d382fecb1382bca96ff5288 100644
--- a/android/app/build.gradle
+++ b/android/app/build.gradle
@@ -108,6 +108,16 @@ android {
             abiFilters "armeabi-v7a", "x86"
+    signingConfigs {
+        release {
+            if (project.hasProperty('DRIP_RELEASE_STORE_FILE')) {
+                storeFile file(DRIP_RELEASE_STORE_FILE)
+                storePassword DRIP_RELEASE_STORE_PASSWORD
+                keyAlias DRIP_RELEASE_KEY_ALIAS
+                keyPassword DRIP_RELEASE_KEY_PASSWORD
+            }
+        }
+    }
     splits {
         abi {
@@ -120,6 +130,7 @@ android {
         release {
             minifyEnabled enableProguardInReleaseBuilds
             proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile("proguard-android.txt"), "proguard-rules.pro"
+            signingConfig signingConfigs.release
     // applicationVariants are e.g. debug, release
diff --git a/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-hdpi/ic_notification.png b/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-hdpi/ic_notification.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 58405822bf648ee118a2416345c123b3fcd13c61..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-hdpi/ic_notification.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-hdpi/node_modules_reactnativecalendars_src_calendar_img_next.png b/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-hdpi/node_modules_reactnativecalendars_src_calendar_img_next.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 8762679b0ada5163299de7455f7020a80a82f71a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-hdpi/node_modules_reactnativecalendars_src_calendar_img_next.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-hdpi/node_modules_reactnativecalendars_src_calendar_img_previous.png b/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-hdpi/node_modules_reactnativecalendars_src_calendar_img_previous.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 5863ae25227190e4394d0906c8cb9540f494b1af..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-hdpi/node_modules_reactnativecalendars_src_calendar_img_previous.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-hdpi/node_modules_reactnavigation_src_views_assets_backicon.png b/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-hdpi/node_modules_reactnavigation_src_views_assets_backicon.png
deleted file mode 100644
index ad03a63bf3caba175695f5acca85a690dda2d02c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-hdpi/node_modules_reactnavigation_src_views_assets_backicon.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-mdpi/ic_notification.png b/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-mdpi/ic_notification.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 003156a561f7fb781c3a8e95d310147e5ca59505..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-mdpi/ic_notification.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-mdpi/node_modules_reactnavigation_src_views_assets_backicon.png b/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-mdpi/node_modules_reactnavigation_src_views_assets_backicon.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 083db295f474b9903408258c71818c2c49151d35..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-mdpi/node_modules_reactnavigation_src_views_assets_backicon.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-mdpi/node_modules_reactnavigation_src_views_assets_backiconmask.png b/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-mdpi/node_modules_reactnavigation_src_views_assets_backiconmask.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 5fa299b74967d4ef698f84f6f0208277befacdae..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-mdpi/node_modules_reactnavigation_src_views_assets_backiconmask.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-xhdpi/ic_notification.png b/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-xhdpi/ic_notification.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 1bdb4bd53e9e6b94bf8daf92b194331d50f6c9d0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-xhdpi/ic_notification.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-xhdpi/node_modules_reactnativecalendars_src_calendar_img_next.png b/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-xhdpi/node_modules_reactnativecalendars_src_calendar_img_next.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 2df4a544b309669314d2cc1277fc2a9261d6530b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-xhdpi/node_modules_reactnativecalendars_src_calendar_img_next.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-xhdpi/node_modules_reactnativecalendars_src_calendar_img_previous.png b/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-xhdpi/node_modules_reactnativecalendars_src_calendar_img_previous.png
deleted file mode 100644
index df667fda71d78e14a1974e8fec1b72aadc8b3181..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-xhdpi/node_modules_reactnativecalendars_src_calendar_img_previous.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-xhdpi/node_modules_reactnavigation_src_views_assets_backicon.png b/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-xhdpi/node_modules_reactnavigation_src_views_assets_backicon.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 6de0a1cbb365dfd5d9274890d243ca2321f32235..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-xhdpi/node_modules_reactnavigation_src_views_assets_backicon.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-xxhdpi/ic_notification.png b/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-xxhdpi/ic_notification.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 9af70b030606f70a4d6666dd5434aa2d998ea239..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-xxhdpi/ic_notification.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-xxhdpi/node_modules_reactnativecalendars_src_calendar_img_next.png b/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-xxhdpi/node_modules_reactnativecalendars_src_calendar_img_next.png
deleted file mode 100644
index f79bfd7cba6129e9818ebf9f4470323b8b8e3a69..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-xxhdpi/node_modules_reactnativecalendars_src_calendar_img_next.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-xxhdpi/node_modules_reactnativecalendars_src_calendar_img_previous.png b/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-xxhdpi/node_modules_reactnativecalendars_src_calendar_img_previous.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 23e08801349509a62d769ce8b5626b6138009843..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-xxhdpi/node_modules_reactnativecalendars_src_calendar_img_previous.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-xxhdpi/node_modules_reactnavigation_src_views_assets_backicon.png b/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-xxhdpi/node_modules_reactnavigation_src_views_assets_backicon.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 15a983a67d97c9a6c39d91550a528c37c53a9e3e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-xxhdpi/node_modules_reactnavigation_src_views_assets_backicon.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-xxxhdpi/ic_notification.png b/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-xxxhdpi/ic_notification.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 45e66248aff96311c3ea623827fd3a1dd88669be..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-xxxhdpi/ic_notification.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-xxxhdpi/node_modules_reactnativecalendars_src_calendar_img_next.png b/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-xxxhdpi/node_modules_reactnativecalendars_src_calendar_img_next.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 20401dffd11e23ced90bc294a932d6e7f546f6e0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-xxxhdpi/node_modules_reactnativecalendars_src_calendar_img_next.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-xxxhdpi/node_modules_reactnativecalendars_src_calendar_img_previous.png b/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-xxxhdpi/node_modules_reactnativecalendars_src_calendar_img_previous.png
deleted file mode 100644
index d65d1a677fea057070d68d6388f568807f94ed6d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-xxxhdpi/node_modules_reactnativecalendars_src_calendar_img_previous.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-xxxhdpi/node_modules_reactnavigation_src_views_assets_backicon.png b/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-xxxhdpi/node_modules_reactnavigation_src_views_assets_backicon.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 17e52e8550e5668f7117bcb755beb70c3a21c9e9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-xxxhdpi/node_modules_reactnavigation_src_views_assets_backicon.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/android/gradle.properties b/android/gradle.properties
index 1fd964e90b1c5ec50e26364318e2c872a9dd6154..913bbb42f2c6e0b1925a624703d38d84ff75a8ab 100644
--- a/android/gradle.properties
+++ b/android/gradle.properties
@@ -18,3 +18,4 @@
 # org.gradle.parallel=true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/components/app-text.js b/components/app-text.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c553445d570b8ffaf19367fdce374599456b3a89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/app-text.js
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+import React, { Component } from 'react'
+import { Text } from 'react-native'
+import styles from "../styles"
+export class AppText extends Component {
+  render() {
+    return (
+      <Text style={[styles.appText, this.props.style]}>
+        {this.props.children}
+      </Text>
+    )
+  }
+export class SymptomSectionHeader extends Component {
+  render() {
+    return (
+      <AppText style={styles.symptomViewHeading}>
+        {this.props.children}
+      </AppText>
+    )
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/components/chart/chart.js b/components/chart/chart.js
index 4f011bdedd6b072abc265e7a6d5b01c433642433..a4cc7d19014e77a7bc46c98494c4988f68402904 100644
--- a/components/chart/chart.js
+++ b/components/chart/chart.js
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 import React, { Component } from 'react'
-import { View, FlatList, Text } from 'react-native'
+import { View, FlatList } from 'react-native'
 import range from 'date-range'
 import { LocalDate } from 'js-joda'
 import { makeYAxisLabels, normalizeToScale, makeHorizontalGrid } from './y-axis'
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import { getCycleDay, cycleDaysSortedByDate, getAmountOfCycleDays } from '../../
 import styles from './styles'
 import { scaleObservable } from '../../local-storage'
 import config from '../../config'
+import { AppText } from '../app-text'
 export default class CycleChart extends Component {
   constructor(props) {
@@ -126,7 +127,7 @@ export default class CycleChart extends Component {
         {!this.state.chartLoaded &&
           <View style={{width: '100%', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center'}}>
-            <Text>Loading...</Text>
+            <AppText>Loading...</AppText>
diff --git a/components/chart/day-column.js b/components/chart/day-column.js
index 8215ee57177cb911e460aec428846f694a7f63c2..9b010fda01c53c7a5040e72addfceb590d7b354d 100644
--- a/components/chart/day-column.js
+++ b/components/chart/day-column.js
@@ -182,4 +182,4 @@ export default class DayColumn extends Component {
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/components/chart/y-axis.js b/components/chart/y-axis.js
index d2dda88bab68141d941eb5de2c51cd0e182f9258..12fa08c9a230ac7fe196fac400d41ae78fc7ce5c 100644
--- a/components/chart/y-axis.js
+++ b/components/chart/y-axis.js
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
 import React from 'react'
-import { Text, View } from 'react-native'
+import { View } from 'react-native'
 import config from '../../config'
 import styles from './styles'
 import { scaleObservable, unitObservable } from '../../local-storage'
+import { AppText } from '../app-text'
 export function makeYAxisLabels(columnHeight) {
   const units = unitObservable.value
@@ -25,11 +26,11 @@ export function makeYAxisLabels(columnHeight) {
     // support percentage values for transforms, which we'd need
     // to reliably place the label vertically centered to the grid
     return (
-      <Text
+      <AppText
         style={[style, {top: y - 8}, tickBold]}
         {showTick && tickLabel}
-      </Text>
+      </AppText>
diff --git a/components/cycle-day/cycle-day-overview.js b/components/cycle-day/cycle-day-overview.js
index 0c9b9d7b2921197516297bea48938f9458bb8ca9..407693617d85737fed3b2c452cfb349c746f2f9b 100644
--- a/components/cycle-day/cycle-day-overview.js
+++ b/components/cycle-day/cycle-day-overview.js
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ import React, { Component } from 'react'
 import {
-  Text,
 } from 'react-native'
@@ -12,18 +11,18 @@ import { getOrCreateCycleDay } from '../../db'
 import cycleModule from '../../lib/cycle'
 import Icon from 'react-native-vector-icons/FontAwesome'
 import styles, { iconStyles } from '../../styles'
-import {
-  bleeding as bleedingLabels,
-  mucusFeeling as feelingLabels,
-  mucusTexture as textureLabels,
-  mucusNFP as computeSensiplanMucusLabels,
-  cervixOpening as openingLabels,
-  cervixFirmness as firmnessLabels,
-  cervixPosition as positionLabels,
-  intensity as intensityLabels,
-  pain as painLabels,
-  sex as sexLabels
-} from './labels/labels'
+import * as labels from './labels/labels'
+import { AppText } from '../app-text'
+const bleedingLabels = labels.bleeding
+const feelingLabels = labels.mucus.feeling.categories
+const textureLabels = labels.mucus.texture.categories
+const openingLabels = labels.cervix.opening.categories
+const firmnessLabels = labels.cervix.firmness.categories
+const positionLabels = labels.cervix.position.categories
+const intensityLabels = labels.intensity
+const sexLabels = labels.sex
+const painLabels = labels.pain.categories
 export default class CycleDayOverView extends Component {
   constructor(props) {
@@ -51,7 +50,9 @@ export default class CycleDayOverView extends Component {
     const cycleDay = this.state.cycleDay
     const getCycleDayNumber = cycleModule().getCycleDayNumber
     const cycleDayNumber = getCycleDayNumber(cycleDay.date)
-    const dateInFuture = LocalDate.now().isBefore(LocalDate.parse(this.state.cycleDay.date))
+    const dateInFuture = LocalDate
+      .now()
+      .isBefore(LocalDate.parse(this.state.cycleDay.date))
     return (
       <View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
@@ -98,16 +99,16 @@ export default class CycleDayOverView extends Component {
               data={getLabel('sex', cycleDay.sex)}
-            <SymptomBox
-              title='Note'
-              onPress={() => this.navigate('NoteEditView')}
-              data={getLabel('note', cycleDay.note)}
-            />
               onPress={() => this.navigate('PainEditView')}
               data={getLabel('pain', cycleDay.pain)}
+            <SymptomBox
+              title='Note'
+              onPress={() => this.navigate('NoteEditView')}
+              data={getLabel('note', cycleDay.note)}
+            />
             {/*  this is just to make the last row adhere to the grid
         (and) because there are no pseudo properties in RN */}
             <FillerBoxes />
@@ -119,7 +120,7 @@ export default class CycleDayOverView extends Component {
 function getLabel(symptomName, symptom) {
-  const labels = {
+  const l = {
     bleeding: bleeding => {
       if (typeof bleeding.value === 'number') {
         let bleedingLabel = `${bleedingLabels[bleeding.value]}`
@@ -140,7 +141,7 @@ function getLabel(symptomName, symptom) {
       const categories = ['feeling', 'texture', 'value']
       if (categories.every(c => typeof mucus[c] === 'number')) {
         let mucusLabel = [feelingLabels[mucus.feeling], textureLabels[mucus.texture]].join(', ')
-        mucusLabel += `\n${computeSensiplanMucusLabels[mucus.value]}`
+        mucusLabel += `\n${labels.mucusNFP[mucus.value]}`
         if (mucus.exclude) mucusLabel = `(${mucusLabel})`
         return mucusLabel
@@ -210,7 +211,7 @@ function getLabel(symptomName, symptom) {
   if (!symptom) return
-  const label = labels[symptomName](symptom)
+  const label = l[symptomName](symptom)
   if (label.length < 45) return label
   return label.slice(0, 42) + '...'
@@ -221,21 +222,28 @@ class SymptomBox extends Component {
     const d = this.props.data
     const boxActive = d ? styles.symptomBoxActive : {}
     const iconActive = d ? iconStyles.symptomBoxActive : {}
-    const iconStyle = Object.assign({}, iconStyles.symptomBox, iconActive, disabledStyle)
+    const iconStyle = Object.assign(
+      {}, iconStyles.symptomBox, iconActive, disabledStyle
+    )
     const textActive = d ? styles.symptomTextActive : {}
     const disabledStyle = this.props.disabled ? styles.symptomInFuture : {}
     return (
-      <TouchableOpacity onPress={this.props.onPress} disabled={this.props.disabled}>
+      <TouchableOpacity
+        onPress={this.props.onPress}
+        disabled={this.props.disabled}
+      >
         <View style={[styles.symptomBox, boxActive, disabledStyle]}>
-          <Text style={[textActive, disabledStyle]}>{this.props.title}</Text>
+          <AppText style={[textActive, disabledStyle]}>
+            {this.props.title}
+          </AppText>
         <View style={[styles.symptomDataBox, disabledStyle]}>
-          <Text style={styles.symptomDataText}>{this.props.data}</Text>
+          <AppText style={styles.symptomDataText}>{this.props.data}</AppText>
diff --git a/components/cycle-day/labels/labels.js b/components/cycle-day/labels/labels.js
index 90faf28acf603e0bea205e253323be41c48bc0f0..5566f73609f2c5f70571f21c40a17e5895c202ec 100644
--- a/components/cycle-day/labels/labels.js
+++ b/components/cycle-day/labels/labels.js
@@ -1,11 +1,39 @@
 export const bleeding = ['spotting', 'light', 'medium', 'heavy']
-export const mucusFeeling = ['dry', 'nothing', 'wet', 'slippery']
-export const mucusTexture = ['nothing', 'creamy', 'egg white']
 export const mucusNFP = ['t', 'Ø', 'f', 'S', 'S+']
-export const cervixOpening = ['closed', 'medium', 'open']
-export const cervixFirmness = ['hard', 'soft']
-export const cervixPosition = ['low', 'medium', 'high']
 export const intensity = ['low', 'medium', 'high']
+export const cervix = {
+  opening: {
+    categories: ['closed', 'medium', 'open'],
+    explainer: 'Is your cervix open or closed?'
+  },
+  firmness: {
+    categories: ['hard', 'soft'],
+    explainer: "When it's hard it might feel like the tip of your nose"
+  },
+  position: {
+    categories: ['low', 'medium', 'high'],
+    explainer: 'How high up in the vagina is the cervix?'
+  }
+export const mucus = {
+  feeling: {
+    categories: ['dry', 'nothing', 'wet', 'slippery'],
+    explainer: 'What does your vaginal entrance feel like?'
+  },
+  texture: {
+    categories: ['nothing', 'creamy', 'egg white'],
+    explainer: "Looking at and touching your cervical mucus, which describes it best?"
+  },
+  excludeExplainer: "You can exclude this value if you don't want to use it for fertility detection"
+export const desire = {
+  header: 'Intensity',
+  explainer: 'How would you rate your sexual desire?'
 export const sex = {
   solo: 'Solo',
   partner: 'Partner',
@@ -15,19 +43,24 @@ export const sex = {
   patch: 'Patch',
   ring: 'Ring',
   implant: 'Implant',
-  other: 'Other'
+  other: 'Other',
+  activityExplainer: 'Were you sexually active today?',
+  contraceptiveExplainer: 'Did you use contraceptives?'
 export const pain = {
-  cramps: 'Cramps',
-  ovulationPain: 'Ovulation pain',
-  headache: 'Headache',
-  backache: 'Backache',
-  nausea: 'Nausea',
-  tenderBreasts: 'Tender breasts',
-  migraine: 'Migraine',
-  other: 'Other',
-  note: 'Note'
+  categories: {
+    cramps: 'Cramps',
+    ovulationPain: 'Ovulation pain',
+    headache: 'Headache',
+    backache: 'Backache',
+    nausea: 'Nausea',
+    tenderBreasts: 'Tender breasts',
+    migraine: 'Migraine',
+    other: 'Other',
+    note: 'Note',
+  },
+  explainer: 'How did your body feel today?'
 export const fertilityStatus = {
@@ -40,5 +73,14 @@ export const fertilityStatus = {
 export const temperature = {
   outOfRangeWarning: 'This temperature value is out of the current range for the temperature chart. You can change the range in the settings.',
   outOfAbsoluteRangeWarning: 'This temperature value is too high or low to be shown on the temperature chart.',
-  saveAnyway: 'Save anyway'
+  saveAnyway: 'Save anyway',
+  temperature: {
+    explainer: 'Take your temperature right after waking up, before getting out of bed'
+  },
+  note: {
+    explainer: 'Is there anything that could have influenced this value, such as bad sleep or alcohol consumption?'
+  },
+  excludeExplainer: "You can exclude this value if you don't want to use it for fertility detection"
+export const noteExplainer = "Anything you want to add for the day?"
diff --git a/components/cycle-day/select-box-group.js b/components/cycle-day/select-box-group.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ca14494bbe1b8405ef5e5f4b71903f26f27b47c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/cycle-day/select-box-group.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+import React, { Component } from 'react'
+import {
+  View,
+  TouchableOpacity,
+} from 'react-native'
+import styles from '../../styles'
+import { AppText } from '../app-text'
+export default class SelectBoxGroup extends Component {
+  render() {
+    return (
+      <View style={styles.selectBoxSection}>
+        {this.props.data.map(({ label, stateKey }) => {
+          const style = [styles.selectBox]
+          const textStyle = []
+          if (this.props.optionsState[stateKey]) {
+            style.push(styles.selectBoxActive)
+            textStyle.push(styles.selectBoxTextActive)
+          }
+          return (
+            <TouchableOpacity
+              onPress={() => this.props.onSelect(stateKey)}
+              key={stateKey}
+            >
+              <View style={style}>
+                <AppText style={textStyle}>{label}</AppText>
+              </View>
+            </TouchableOpacity>
+          )
+        })}
+      </View>
+    )
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/components/cycle-day/select-tab-group.js b/components/cycle-day/select-tab-group.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a8673fd6e493975650e42c858d95e2239040bb87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/cycle-day/select-tab-group.js
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+import React, { Component } from 'react'
+import {
+  View,
+  TouchableOpacity,
+} from 'react-native'
+import styles from '../../styles'
+import { AppText } from '../app-text'
+export default class SelectTabGroup extends Component {
+  render() {
+    return (
+      <View style={styles.selectTabGroup}>
+        {
+          this.props.buttons.map(({ label, value }, i) => {
+            let firstOrLastStyle
+            if (i === this.props.buttons.length - 1) {
+              firstOrLastStyle = styles.selectTabLast
+            } else if (i === 0) {
+              firstOrLastStyle = styles.selectTabFirst
+            }
+            let activeStyle
+            const isActive = value === this.props.active
+            if (isActive) activeStyle = styles.selectTabActive
+            return (
+              <TouchableOpacity
+                onPress={() => this.props.onSelect(value)}
+                key={i}
+                activeOpacity={1}
+              >
+                <View style={styles.radioButtonTextGroup}>
+                  <View style={[
+                    styles.selectTab,
+                    firstOrLastStyle,
+                    activeStyle
+                  ]}>
+                    <AppText style={activeStyle}>{label}</AppText>
+                  </View>
+                </View>
+              </TouchableOpacity>
+            )
+          })
+        }
+      </View>
+    )
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/components/cycle-day/symptoms/bleeding.js b/components/cycle-day/symptoms/bleeding.js
index bd24b9ebeec963fd2e6b7ecef93a47d4795aed8e..76985f455d8bdd1e7f442a905fe986b7864c2761 100644
--- a/components/cycle-day/symptoms/bleeding.js
+++ b/components/cycle-day/symptoms/bleeding.js
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
 import React, { Component } from 'react'
 import {
-  Text,
 } from 'react-native'
-import RadioForm from 'react-native-simple-radio-button'
 import styles from '../../../styles'
 import { saveSymptom } from '../../../db'
 import { bleeding as labels } from '../labels/labels'
 import ActionButtonFooter from './action-button-footer'
+import SelectTabGroup from '../select-tab-group'
+import SymptomSection from './symptom-section'
 export default class Bleeding extends Component {
   constructor(props) {
@@ -35,30 +35,29 @@ export default class Bleeding extends Component {
     return (
       <View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
-        <ScrollView>
-          <View>
-            <View style={styles.radioButtonRow}>
-              <RadioForm
-                radio_props={bleedingRadioProps}
-                initial={this.state.currentValue}
-                formHorizontal={true}
-                labelHorizontal={false}
-                labelStyle={styles.radioButton}
-                onPress={(itemValue) => {
-                  this.setState({ currentValue: itemValue })
-                }}
-              />
-            </View>
-            <View style={styles.symptomViewRowInline}>
-              <Text style={styles.symptomDayView}>Exclude</Text>
-              <Switch
-                onValueChange={(val) => {
-                  this.setState({ exclude: val })
-                }}
-                value={this.state.exclude}
-              />
-            </View>
-          </View>
+        <ScrollView style={styles.page}>
+          <SymptomSection
+            header="Heaviness"
+            explainer="How heavy is the bleeding?"
+          >
+            <SelectTabGroup
+              buttons={bleedingRadioProps}
+              active={this.state.currentValue}
+              onSelect={val => this.setState({ currentValue: val })}
+            />
+          </SymptomSection>
+          <SymptomSection
+            header="Exclude"
+            explainer="You can exclude this value if it's not menstrual bleeding"
+            inline={true}
+          >
+            <Switch
+              onValueChange={(val) => {
+                this.setState({ exclude: val })
+              }}
+              value={this.state.exclude}
+            />
+          </SymptomSection>
diff --git a/components/cycle-day/symptoms/cervix.js b/components/cycle-day/symptoms/cervix.js
index d1d8ba65ce0b8029b44cf74475d95c86444e419c..7d2ce6ccbb1582caa49e537f3a313adafcf698b0 100644
--- a/components/cycle-day/symptoms/cervix.js
+++ b/components/cycle-day/symptoms/cervix.js
@@ -1,19 +1,15 @@
 import React, { Component } from 'react'
 import {
-  Text,
 } from 'react-native'
-import RadioForm from 'react-native-simple-radio-button'
 import styles from '../../../styles'
 import { saveSymptom } from '../../../db'
-import {
-  cervixOpening as openingLabels,
-  cervixFirmness as firmnessLabels,
-  cervixPosition as positionLabels
-} from '../labels/labels'
+import { cervix as labels } from '../labels/labels'
 import ActionButtonFooter from './action-button-footer'
+import SelectTabGroup from '../select-tab-group'
+import SymptomSection from './symptom-section'
 export default class Cervix extends Component {
   constructor(props) {
@@ -36,72 +32,64 @@ export default class Cervix extends Component {
   render() {
     const cervixOpeningRadioProps = [
-      {label: openingLabels[0], value: 0},
-      {label: openingLabels[1], value: 1},
-      {label: openingLabels[2], value: 2}
+      { label: labels.opening.categories[0], value: 0 },
+      { label: labels.opening.categories[1], value: 1 },
+      { label: labels.opening.categories[2], value: 2 }
     const cervixFirmnessRadioProps = [
-      {label: firmnessLabels[0], value: 0 },
-      {label: firmnessLabels[1], value: 1 }
+      { label: labels.firmness.categories[0], value: 0 },
+      { label: labels.firmness.categories[1], value: 1 }
     const cervixPositionRadioProps = [
-      {label: positionLabels[0], value: 0 },
-      {label: positionLabels[1], value: 1 },
-      { label: positionLabels[2], value: 2 }
+      { label: labels.position.categories[0], value: 0 },
+      { label: labels.position.categories[1], value: 1 },
+      { label: labels.position.categories[2], value: 2 }
     return (
       <View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
-        <ScrollView>
-          <View>
-            <Text style={styles.symptomDayView}>Opening</Text>
-            <View style={styles.radioButtonRow}>
-              <RadioForm
-                radio_props={cervixOpeningRadioProps}
-                initial={this.state.opening}
-                formHorizontal={true}
-                labelHorizontal={false}
-                labelStyle={styles.radioButton}
-                onPress={(itemValue) => {
-                  this.setState({ opening: itemValue })
-                }}
-              />
-            </View>
-            <Text style={styles.symptomDayView}>Firmness</Text>
-            <View style={styles.radioButtonRow}>
-              <RadioForm
-                radio_props={cervixFirmnessRadioProps}
-                initial={this.state.firmness}
-                formHorizontal={true}
-                labelHorizontal={false}
-                labelStyle={styles.radioButton}
-                onPress={(itemValue) => {
-                  this.setState({ firmness: itemValue })
-                }}
-              />
-            </View>
-            <Text style={styles.symptomDayView}>Position</Text>
-            <View style={styles.radioButtonRow}>
-              <RadioForm
-                radio_props={cervixPositionRadioProps}
-                initial={this.state.position}
-                formHorizontal={true}
-                labelHorizontal={false}
-                labelStyle={styles.radioButton}
-                onPress={(itemValue) => {
-                  this.setState({ position: itemValue })
-                }}
-              />
-            </View>
-            <View style={styles.symptomViewRowInline}>
-              <Text style={styles.symptomDayView}>Exclude</Text>
-              <Switch
-                onValueChange={(val) => {
-                  this.setState({ exclude: val })
-                }}
-                value={this.state.exclude}
-              />
-            </View>
-          </View>
+        <ScrollView style={styles.page}>
+          <SymptomSection
+            header="Opening"
+            explainer={labels.opening.explainer}
+          >
+            <SelectTabGroup
+              buttons={cervixOpeningRadioProps}
+              active={this.state.opening}
+              onSelect={val => this.setState({ opening: val })}
+            />
+          </SymptomSection>
+          <SymptomSection
+            header="Firmness"
+            explainer={labels.firmness.explainer}
+          >
+            <SelectTabGroup
+              buttons={cervixFirmnessRadioProps}
+              active={this.state.firmness}
+              onSelect={val => this.setState({ firmness: val })}
+            />
+          </SymptomSection>
+          <SymptomSection
+            header="Position"
+            explainer={labels.position.explainer}
+          >
+            <SelectTabGroup
+              buttons={cervixPositionRadioProps}
+              active={this.state.position}
+              onSelect={val => this.setState({ position: val })}
+            />
+          </SymptomSection>
+          <SymptomSection
+            header="Exclude"
+            explainer="You can exclude this value if you don't want to use it for fertility detection"
+            inline={true}
+          >
+            <Switch
+              onValueChange={(val) => {
+                this.setState({ exclude: val })
+              }}
+              value={this.state.exclude}
+            />
+          </SymptomSection>
diff --git a/components/cycle-day/symptoms/desire.js b/components/cycle-day/symptoms/desire.js
index 2dd6fc6aeeb49e67c51b6be079150c10fbd908e3..d9be3b3fd9dbaa8e5e9a76dd1129f9cb487955d5 100644
--- a/components/cycle-day/symptoms/desire.js
+++ b/components/cycle-day/symptoms/desire.js
@@ -3,11 +3,12 @@ import {
 } from 'react-native'
-import RadioForm from 'react-native-simple-radio-button'
 import styles from '../../../styles'
 import { saveSymptom } from '../../../db'
-import { intensity as labels } from '../labels/labels'
+import { intensity, desire } from '../labels/labels'
 import ActionButtonFooter from './action-button-footer'
+import SelectTabGroup from '../select-tab-group'
+import SymptomSection from './symptom-section'
 export default class Desire extends Component {
   constructor(props) {
@@ -23,27 +24,23 @@ export default class Desire extends Component {
   render() {
     const desireRadioProps = [
-      { label: labels[0], value: 0 },
-      { label: labels[1], value: 1 },
-      { label: labels[2], value: 2 }
+      { label: intensity[0], value: 0 },
+      { label: intensity[1], value: 1 },
+      { label: intensity[2], value: 2 }
     return (
       <View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
-        <ScrollView>
-          <View>
-            <View style={styles.radioButtonRow}>
-              <RadioForm
-                radio_props={desireRadioProps}
-                initial={this.state.currentValue}
-                formHorizontal={true}
-                labelHorizontal={false}
-                labelStyle={styles.radioButton}
-                onPress={(itemValue) => {
-                  this.setState({ currentValue: itemValue })
-                }}
-              />
-            </View>
-          </View>
+        <ScrollView style={styles.page}>
+          <SymptomSection
+            header={desire.header}
+            explainer={desire.explainer}
+          >
+            <SelectTabGroup
+              buttons={desireRadioProps}
+              active={this.state.currentValue}
+              onSelect={val => this.setState({ currentValue: val })}
+            />
+          </SymptomSection>
diff --git a/components/cycle-day/symptoms/mucus.js b/components/cycle-day/symptoms/mucus.js
index f846bfdab903d54875a3dbf66e9c224a23a8e278..6257c7c801d452cd6a60b16a705da659b4c96fe5 100644
--- a/components/cycle-day/symptoms/mucus.js
+++ b/components/cycle-day/symptoms/mucus.js
@@ -1,19 +1,16 @@
 import React, { Component } from 'react'
 import {
-  Text,
 } from 'react-native'
-import RadioForm from 'react-native-simple-radio-button'
 import styles from '../../../styles'
 import { saveSymptom } from '../../../db'
-import {
-  mucusFeeling as feelingLabels,
-  mucusTexture as textureLabels
-} from '../labels/labels'
+import { mucus as labels } from '../labels/labels'
 import computeSensiplanValue from '../../../lib/sensiplan-mucus'
 import ActionButtonFooter from './action-button-footer'
+import SelectTabGroup from '../select-tab-group'
+import SymptomSection from './symptom-section'
 export default class Mucus extends Component {
@@ -36,66 +33,63 @@ export default class Mucus extends Component {
   render() {
-    const mucusFeelingRadioProps = [
-      { label: feelingLabels[0], value: 0 },
-      { label: feelingLabels[1], value: 1 },
-      { label: feelingLabels[2], value: 2 },
-      { label: feelingLabels[3], value: 3 }
+    const mucusFeeling = [
+      { label: labels.feeling.categories[0], value: 0 },
+      { label: labels.feeling.categories[1], value: 1 },
+      { label: labels.feeling.categories[2], value: 2 },
+      { label: labels.feeling.categories[3], value: 3 }
-    const mucusTextureRadioProps = [
-      { label: textureLabels[0], value: 0 },
-      { label: textureLabels[1], value: 1 },
-      { label: textureLabels[2], value: 2 }
+    const mucusTexture = [
+      { label: labels.texture.categories[0], value: 0 },
+      { label: labels.texture.categories[1], value: 1 },
+      { label: labels.texture.categories[2], value: 2 }
     return (
       <View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
-        <ScrollView>
-          <View>
-            <Text style={styles.symptomDayView}>Feeling</Text>
-            <View style={styles.radioButtonRow}>
-              <RadioForm
-                radio_props={mucusFeelingRadioProps}
-                initial={this.state.feeling}
-                formHorizontal={true}
-                labelHorizontal={false}
-                labelStyle={styles.radioButton}
-                onPress={(itemValue) => {
-                  this.setState({ feeling: itemValue })
-                }}
-              />
-            </View>
-            <Text style={styles.symptomDayView}>Texture</Text>
-            <View style={styles.radioButtonRow}>
-              <RadioForm
-                radio_props={mucusTextureRadioProps}
-                initial={this.state.texture}
-                formHorizontal={true}
-                labelHorizontal={false}
-                labelStyle={styles.radioButton}
-                onPress={(itemValue) => {
-                  this.setState({ texture: itemValue })
-                }}
-              />
-            </View>
-            <View style={styles.symptomViewRowInline}>
-              <Text style={styles.symptomDayView}>Exclude</Text>
-              <Switch
-                onValueChange={(val) => {
-                  this.setState({ exclude: val })
-                }}
-                value={this.state.exclude}
-              />
-            </View>
-          </View>
+        <ScrollView style={styles.page}>
+          <SymptomSection
+            header='Feeling'
+            explainer={labels.feeling.explainer}
+          >
+            <SelectTabGroup
+              buttons={mucusFeeling}
+              onSelect={val => this.setState({ feeling: val })}
+              active={this.state.feeling}
+            />
+          </SymptomSection>
+          <SymptomSection
+            header='Texture'
+            explainer={labels.texture.explainer}
+          >
+            <SelectTabGroup
+              buttons={mucusTexture}
+              onSelect={val => this.setState({ texture: val })}
+              active={this.state.texture}
+            />
+          </SymptomSection>
+          <SymptomSection
+            header="Exclude"
+            explainer={labels.excludeExplainer}
+            inline={true}
+          >
+            <Switch
+              onValueChange={(val) => {
+                this.setState({ exclude: val })
+              }}
+              value={this.state.exclude}
+            />
+          </SymptomSection>
           saveAction={() => {
+            const feeling = this.state.feeling
+            const texture = this.state.texture
             saveSymptom('mucus', this.cycleDay, {
-              feeling: this.state.feeling,
-              texture: this.state.texture,
-              value: computeSensiplanValue(this.state.feeling, this.state.texture),
+              feeling,
+              texture,
+              value: computeSensiplanValue(feeling, texture),
               exclude: this.state.exclude
diff --git a/components/cycle-day/symptoms/note.js b/components/cycle-day/symptoms/note.js
index 3e36441f6bc495e8ebf660e8416438d81ebc45c9..93d8e19b499986ae56106d8228140991aa2e6f8f 100644
--- a/components/cycle-day/symptoms/note.js
+++ b/components/cycle-day/symptoms/note.js
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ import {
 import styles from '../../../styles'
 import { saveSymptom } from '../../../db'
 import ActionButtonFooter from './action-button-footer'
+import SymptomSection from './symptom-section'
+import { noteExplainer } from '../labels/labels'
 export default class Note extends Component {
   constructor(props) {
@@ -24,8 +26,10 @@ export default class Note extends Component {
   render() {
     return (
       <View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
-        <ScrollView>
-          <View style={styles.symptomViewRow}>
+        <ScrollView style={styles.page}>
+          <SymptomSection
+            explainer={noteExplainer}
+          >
@@ -35,7 +39,7 @@ export default class Note extends Component {
-          </View>
+          </SymptomSection>
diff --git a/components/cycle-day/symptoms/pain.js b/components/cycle-day/symptoms/pain.js
index 6365065329cc36c18a41f970fdc34ddeb664d620..9005d1ec72c6dd634c13bb3e591f502a07482419 100644
--- a/components/cycle-day/symptoms/pain.js
+++ b/components/cycle-day/symptoms/pain.js
@@ -1,17 +1,42 @@
 import React, { Component } from 'react'
 import {
-  CheckBox,
-  Text,
 } from 'react-native'
-import styles from '../../../styles'
 import { saveSymptom } from '../../../db'
-import {
-  pain as painLabels
-} from '../labels/labels'
+import { pain as labels } from '../labels/labels'
 import ActionButtonFooter from './action-button-footer'
+import SelectBoxGroup from '../select-box-group'
+import SymptomSection from './symptom-section'
+import styles from '../../../styles'
+const categories = labels.categories
+const boxes = [{
+  label: categories.cramps,
+  stateKey: 'cramps'
+}, {
+  label: categories.ovulationPain,
+  stateKey: 'ovulationPain'
+}, {
+  label: categories.headache,
+  stateKey: 'headache'
+}, {
+  label: categories.backache,
+  stateKey: 'backache'
+}, {
+  label: categories.nausea,
+  stateKey: 'nausea'
+}, {
+  label: categories.tenderBreasts,
+  stateKey: 'tenderBreasts'
+}, {
+  label: categories.migraine,
+  stateKey: 'migraine'
+}, {
+  label: categories.other,
+  stateKey: 'other'
 export default class Pain extends Component {
   constructor(props) {
@@ -26,92 +51,26 @@ export default class Pain extends Component {
+  toggleState = (key) => {
+    const curr = this.state[key]
+    this.setState({[key]: !curr})
+    if (key === 'other' && !curr) {
+      this.setState({focusTextArea: true})
+    }
+  }
   render() {
     return (
       <View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
-        <ScrollView>
-          <View>
-            <View style={styles.symptomViewRowInline}>
-              <Text style={styles.symptomDayView}>{painLabels.cramps}</Text>
-              <CheckBox
-                value={this.state.cramps}
-                onValueChange={(val) => {
-                  this.setState({cramps: val})
-                }}
-              />
-              <Text style={styles.symptomDayView}>
-                {painLabels.ovulationPain}
-              </Text>
-              <CheckBox
-                value={this.state.ovulationPain}
-                onValueChange={(val) => {
-                  this.setState({ovulationPain: val})
-                }}
-              />
-            </View>
-            <View style={styles.symptomViewRowInline}>
-              <Text style={styles.symptomDayView}>
-                {painLabels.headache}
-              </Text>
-              <CheckBox
-                value={this.state.headache}
-                onValueChange={(val) => {
-                  this.setState({headache: val})
-                }}
-              />
-              <Text style={styles.symptomDayView}>
-                {painLabels.backache}
-              </Text>
-              <CheckBox
-                value={this.state.backache}
-                onValueChange={(val) => {
-                  this.setState({backache: val})
-                }}
-              />
-            </View>
-            <View style={styles.symptomViewRowInline}>
-              <Text style={styles.symptomDayView}>
-                {painLabels.nausea}
-              </Text>
-              <CheckBox
-                value={this.state.nausea}
-                onValueChange={(val) => {
-                  this.setState({nausea: val})
-                }}
-              />
-              <Text style={styles.symptomDayView}>
-                {painLabels.tenderBreasts}
-              </Text>
-              <CheckBox
-                value={this.state.tenderBreasts}
-                onValueChange={(val) => {
-                  this.setState({tenderBreasts: val})
-                }}
-              />
-            </View>
-            <View style={styles.symptomViewRowInline}>
-              <Text style={styles.symptomDayView}>
-                {painLabels.migraine}
-              </Text>
-              <CheckBox
-                value={this.state.migraine}
-                onValueChange={(val) => {
-                  this.setState({migraine: val})
-                }}
-              />
-              <Text style={styles.symptomDayView}>
-                {painLabels.other}
-              </Text>
-              <CheckBox
-                value={this.state.other}
-                onValueChange={(val) => {
-                  this.setState({
-                    other: val,
-                    focusTextArea: true
-                  })
-                }}
-              />
-            </View>
+        <ScrollView style={styles.page}>
+          <SymptomSection
+            explainer={labels.explainer}
+          >
+            <SelectBoxGroup
+              data={boxes}
+              onSelect={this.toggleState}
+              optionsState={this.state}
+            />
             { this.state.other &&
@@ -123,7 +82,7 @@ export default class Pain extends Component {
-          </View>
+          </SymptomSection>
diff --git a/components/cycle-day/symptoms/sex.js b/components/cycle-day/symptoms/sex.js
index f90db2193d110418e80bfc33b377d0c911ca17f6..a51b5c02336ce67a683be36bd33234539e3af663 100644
--- a/components/cycle-day/symptoms/sex.js
+++ b/components/cycle-day/symptoms/sex.js
@@ -1,15 +1,46 @@
 import React, { Component } from 'react'
 import {
-  CheckBox,
-  Text,
 } from 'react-native'
 import styles from '../../../styles'
 import { saveSymptom } from '../../../db'
-import { sex as sexLabels } from '../labels/labels'
+import { sex as labels } from '../labels/labels'
 import ActionButtonFooter from './action-button-footer'
+import SelectBoxGroup from '../select-box-group'
+import SymptomSection from './symptom-section'
+const sexBoxes = [{
+  label: labels.solo,
+  stateKey: 'solo'
+}, {
+  label: labels.partner,
+  stateKey: 'partner'
+const contraceptiveBoxes = [{
+  label: labels.condom,
+  stateKey: 'condom'
+}, {
+  label: labels.pill,
+  stateKey: 'pill'
+}, {
+  label: labels.iud,
+  stateKey: 'iud'
+}, {
+  label: labels.patch,
+  stateKey: 'patch'
+}, {
+  label: labels.ring,
+  stateKey: 'ring'
+}, {
+  label: labels.implant,
+  stateKey: 'implant'
+}, {
+  label: labels.other,
+  stateKey: 'other'
 export default class Sex extends Component {
   constructor(props) {
@@ -26,117 +57,50 @@ export default class Sex extends Component {
-  render() {
+  toggleState = (key) => {
+    const curr = this.state[key]
+    this.setState({[key]: !curr})
+    if (key === 'other' && !curr) {
+      this.setState({focusTextArea: true})
+    }
+  }
+  render() {
     return (
       <View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
-        <ScrollView>
-          <View>
-            <View style={styles.symptomViewRowInline}>
-              <Text style={styles.symptomDayView}>{sexLabels.solo}</Text>
-              <CheckBox
-                value={this.state.solo}
-                onValueChange={(val) => {
-                  this.setState({ solo: val })
-                }}
-              />
-              <Text style={styles.symptomDayView}>
-                {sexLabels.partner}
-              </Text>
-              <CheckBox
-                value={this.state.partner}
-                onValueChange={(val) => {
-                  this.setState({ partner: val })
-                }}
-              />
-            </View>
-            <Text style={styles.symptomDayView}>CONTRACEPTIVES</Text>
-            <View style={styles.symptomViewRowInline}>
-              <Text style={styles.symptomDayView}>
-                {sexLabels.condom}
-              </Text>
-              <CheckBox
-                value={this.state.condom}
-                onValueChange={(val) => {
-                  this.setState({ condom: val })
-                }}
-              />
-              <Text style={styles.symptomDayView}>
-                {sexLabels.pill}
-              </Text>
-              <CheckBox
-                value={this.state.pill}
-                onValueChange={(val) => {
-                  this.setState({ pill: val })
-                }}
-              />
-            </View>
-            <View style={styles.symptomViewRowInline}>
-              <Text style={styles.symptomDayView}>
-                {sexLabels.iud}
-              </Text>
-              <CheckBox
-                value={this.state.iud}
-                onValueChange={(val) => {
-                  this.setState({ iud: val })
-                }}
-              />
-              <Text style={styles.symptomDayView}>
-                {sexLabels.patch}
-              </Text>
-              <CheckBox
-                value={this.state.patch}
-                onValueChange={(val) => {
-                  this.setState({ patch: val })
-                }}
-              />
-            </View>
-            <View style={styles.symptomViewRowInline}>
-              <Text style={styles.symptomDayView}>
-                {sexLabels.ring}
-              </Text>
-              <CheckBox
-                value={this.state.ring}
-                onValueChange={(val) => {
-                  this.setState({ ring: val })
-                }}
-              />
-              <Text style={styles.symptomDayView}>
-                {sexLabels.implant}
-              </Text>
-              <CheckBox
-                value={this.state.implant}
-                onValueChange={(val) => {
-                  this.setState({ implant: val })
-                }}
-              />
-            </View>
-            <View style={styles.symptomViewRowInline}>
-              <Text style={styles.symptomDayView}>
-                {sexLabels.other}
-              </Text>
-              <CheckBox
-                value={this.state.other}
-                onValueChange={(val) => {
-                  this.setState({
-                    other: val,
-                    focusTextArea: true
-                  })
-                }}
-              />
-            </View>
-            {this.state.other &&
-              <TextInput
-                autoFocus={this.state.focusTextArea}
-                multiline={true}
-                placeholder="Enter"
-                value={this.state.note}
-                onChangeText={(val) => {
-                  this.setState({ note: val })
-                }}
-              />
-            }
-          </View>
+        <ScrollView style={styles.page}>
+          <SymptomSection
+            header="Activity"
+            explainer={labels.activityExplainer}
+          >
+            <SelectBoxGroup
+              data={sexBoxes}
+              onSelect={this.toggleState}
+              optionsState={this.state}
+            />
+          </SymptomSection>
+          <SymptomSection
+            header="Contraceptives"
+            explainer={labels.contraceptiveExplainer}
+          >
+            <SelectBoxGroup
+              data={contraceptiveBoxes}
+              onSelect={this.toggleState}
+              optionsState={this.state}
+            />
+          </SymptomSection>
+          {this.state.other &&
+            <TextInput
+              autoFocus={this.state.focusTextArea}
+              multiline={true}
+              placeholder="Enter"
+              value={this.state.note}
+              onChangeText={(val) => {
+                this.setState({ note: val })
+              }}
+            />
+          }
diff --git a/components/cycle-day/symptoms/symptom-section.js b/components/cycle-day/symptoms/symptom-section.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d29d7fb3735c1205c49baaaf1e14aea7fb9a7a45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/cycle-day/symptoms/symptom-section.js
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+import React, { Component } from 'react'
+import { View } from 'react-native'
+import { SymptomSectionHeader, AppText } from '../../app-text'
+export default class SymptomSection extends Component {
+  render() {
+    const p = this.props
+    let placeHeadingInline
+    if (!p.explainer && p.inline) {
+      placeHeadingInline = {
+        flexDirection: 'row',
+        alignItems: "center"
+      }
+    }
+    return (
+      <View style={placeHeadingInline}>
+        <SymptomSectionHeader flex={1}>{p.header}</SymptomSectionHeader>
+        <View
+          flexDirection={p.inline ? 'row' : null}
+          flex={1}
+          alignItems={p.inline ? 'center' : null}
+        >
+          <View flex={1}>
+            <AppText>{p.explainer}</AppText>
+          </View>
+          {p.children}
+        </View>
+      </View>
+    )
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/components/cycle-day/symptoms/temperature.js b/components/cycle-day/symptoms/temperature.js
index ae7d74e0a395d8e05ef1aee11647e2b3efc042a3..1e7c750b86721d1d415583b860f813f0b0918679 100644
--- a/components/cycle-day/symptoms/temperature.js
+++ b/components/cycle-day/symptoms/temperature.js
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 import React, { Component } from 'react'
 import {
-  Text,
@@ -13,11 +12,12 @@ import DateTimePicker from 'react-native-modal-datetime-picker-nevo'
 import { getPreviousTemperature, saveSymptom } from '../../../db'
 import styles from '../../../styles'
 import { LocalTime, ChronoUnit } from 'js-joda'
-import { temperature as tempLabels } from '../labels/labels'
+import { temperature as labels } from '../labels/labels'
 import { scaleObservable } from '../../../local-storage'
 import { shared } from '../../labels'
 import ActionButtonFooter from './action-button-footer'
 import config from '../../../config'
+import SymptomSection from './symptom-section'
 const minutes = ChronoUnit.MINUTES
@@ -72,9 +72,9 @@ export default class Temp extends Component {
     const scale = scaleObservable.value
     let warningMsg
     if (value < absolute.min || value > absolute.max) {
-      warningMsg = tempLabels.outOfAbsoluteRangeWarning
+      warningMsg = labels.outOfAbsoluteRangeWarning
     } else if (value < scale.min || value > scale.max) {
-      warningMsg = tempLabels.outOfRangeWarning
+      warningMsg = labels.outOfRangeWarning
     if (warningMsg) {
@@ -96,18 +96,23 @@ export default class Temp extends Component {
   render() {
     return (
       <View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
-        <ScrollView>
+        <ScrollView style={styles.page}>
-            <View style={styles.symptomViewRowInline}>
-              <Text style={styles.symptomDayView}>Temperature (°C)</Text>
+            <SymptomSection
+              header="Temperature (°C)"
+              explainer={labels.temperature.explainer}
+              inline={true}
+            >
                 setState={(val) => this.setState(val)}
-            </View>
-            <View style={styles.symptomViewRowInline}>
-              <Text style={styles.symptomDayView}>Time</Text>
+            </SymptomSection>
+            <SymptomSection
+              header="Time"
+              inline={true}
+            >
                 onFocus={() => {
@@ -116,42 +121,44 @@ export default class Temp extends Component {
-            </View>
-            <DateTimePicker
-              mode="time"
-              isVisible={this.state.isTimePickerVisible}
-              onConfirm={jsDate => {
-                this.setState({
-                  time: `${jsDate.getHours()}:${jsDate.getMinutes()}`,
-                  isTimePickerVisible: false
-                })
-              }}
-              onCancel={() => this.setState({ isTimePickerVisible: false })}
-            />
-            <View style={styles.symptomViewRowInline}>
-              <Text style={styles.symptomDayView}>Note</Text>
-            </View>
-            <View>
+              <DateTimePicker
+                mode="time"
+                isVisible={this.state.isTimePickerVisible}
+                onConfirm={jsDate => {
+                  this.setState({
+                    time: `${jsDate.getHours()}:${jsDate.getMinutes()}`,
+                    isTimePickerVisible: false
+                  })
+                }}
+                onCancel={() => this.setState({ isTimePickerVisible: false })}
+              />
+            </SymptomSection>
+            <SymptomSection
+              header="Note"
+              explainer={labels.note.explainer}
+            >
-                style={styles.temperatureTextInput}
-                placeholder="enter"
+                placeholder="Enter"
                 onChangeText={(val) => {
                   this.setState({ note: val })
-            </View>
-            <View style={styles.symptomViewRowInline}>
-              <Text style={styles.symptomDayView}>Exclude</Text>
+            </SymptomSection>
+            <SymptomSection
+              header="Exclude"
+              explainer={labels.excludeExplainer}
+              inline={true}
+            >
                 onValueChange={(val) => {
                   this.setState({ exclude: val })
-            </View>
+            </SymptomSection>
diff --git a/components/home.js b/components/home.js
index 6f4ab050314a560bfa1377e79282ac9524fad5b9..1fa051d3ad879129153aa82a9bb5c02cb64bdf11 100644
--- a/components/home.js
+++ b/components/home.js
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import {
 import { LocalDate, ChronoUnit } from 'js-joda'
 import styles from '../styles/index'
 import cycleModule from '../lib/cycle'
-import { getOrCreateCycleDay, bleedingDaysSortedByDate, fillWithDummyData, deleteAll } from '../db'
+import { getOrCreateCycleDay, bleedingDaysSortedByDate, fillWithMucusDummyData, fillWithCervixDummyData, deleteAll } from '../db'
 import {bleedingPrediction as labels} from './labels'
 const getCycleDayNumber = cycleModule().getCycleDayNumber
@@ -62,8 +62,14 @@ export default class Home extends Component {
           <View style={styles.homeButton}>
-              onPress={() => fillWithDummyData()}
-              title="fill with example data">
+              onPress={() => fillWithMucusDummyData()}
+              title="fill with example data for mucus&temp">
+            </Button>
+          </View>
+          <View style={styles.homeButton}>
+            <Button
+              onPress={() => fillWithCervixDummyData()}
+              title="fill with example data for cervix&temp">
           <View style={styles.homeButton}>
@@ -107,4 +113,4 @@ function determinePredictionText() {
   } else {
     return labels.predictionStartedXDaysLeft(daysToEnd)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/components/settings.js b/components/settings.js
index aac1a65945bf6d5a91da9afe49c4b03bdca83fd3..125cd27176c8cd9aef2ad1fd907b5e511baaf1da 100644
--- a/components/settings.js
+++ b/components/settings.js
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import {
-  Text,
 } from 'react-native'
 import DateTimePicker from 'react-native-modal-datetime-picker-nevo'
@@ -23,6 +22,7 @@ import {
 } from '../local-storage'
+import { AppText } from './app-text'
 export default class Settings extends Component {
   constructor(props) {
@@ -35,36 +35,36 @@ export default class Settings extends Component {
         <View style={styles.settingsSegment}>
-          <Text style={styles.settingsSegmentTitle}>
+          <AppText style={styles.settingsSegmentTitle}>
-          </Text>
-          <Text>{labels.tempScale.segmentExplainer}</Text>
+          </AppText>
+          <AppText>{labels.tempScale.segmentExplainer}</AppText>
         <View style={styles.settingsSegment}>
-          <Text style={styles.settingsSegmentTitle}>
+          <AppText style={styles.settingsSegmentTitle}>
-          </Text>
-          <Text>{labels.export.segmentExplainer}</Text>
+          </AppText>
+          <AppText>{labels.export.segmentExplainer}</AppText>
-            <Text style={styles.settingsButtonText}>
+            <AppText style={styles.settingsButtonText}>
-            </Text>
+            </AppText>
         <View style={styles.settingsSegment}>
-          <Text style={styles.settingsSegmentTitle}>
+          <AppText style={styles.settingsSegmentTitle}>
-          </Text>
-          <Text>{labels.import.segmentExplainer}</Text>
+          </AppText>
+          <AppText>{labels.import.segmentExplainer}</AppText>
-            <Text style={styles.settingsButtonText}>
+            <AppText style={styles.settingsButtonText}>
-            </Text>
+            </AppText>
@@ -84,15 +84,15 @@ class TempReminderPicker extends Component {
         onPress={() => this.setState({ isTimePickerVisible: true })}
-        <Text style={styles.settingsSegmentTitle}>
+        <AppText style={styles.settingsSegmentTitle}>
-        </Text>
+        </AppText>
         <View style={{ flexDirection: 'row', alignItems: 'center' }}>
           <View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
             {this.state.time && this.state.enabled ?
-              <Text>{labels.tempReminder.timeSet(this.state.time)}</Text>
+              <AppText>{labels.tempReminder.timeSet(this.state.time)}</AppText>
-              <Text>{labels.tempReminder.noTimeSet}</Text>
+              <AppText>{labels.tempReminder.noTimeSet}</AppText>
@@ -104,7 +104,6 @@ class TempReminderPicker extends Component {
               if (!switchOn) saveTempReminder({ enabled: false })
-            onTintColor={secondaryColor}
@@ -160,8 +159,8 @@ class TempSlider extends Component {
   render() {
     return (
       <View style={{ alignItems: 'center' }}>
-        <Text>{`${labels.tempScale.min} ${this.state.min}`}</Text>
-        <Text>{`${labels.tempScale.max} ${this.state.max}`}</Text>
+        <AppText>{`${labels.tempScale.min} ${this.state.min}`}</AppText>
+        <AppText>{`${labels.tempScale.max} ${this.state.max}`}</AppText>
           values={[this.state.min, this.state.max]}
diff --git a/components/stats.js b/components/stats.js
index ad4b0e6c18caed2f31e15125c149868fb9c6c9da..b868e638290cda28f01fcadba340b12f501bf6e8 100644
--- a/components/stats.js
+++ b/components/stats.js
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 import React, { Component } from 'react'
 import {
-  Text,
 } from 'react-native'
@@ -9,6 +8,7 @@ import styles from '../styles/index'
 import cycleModule from '../lib/cycle'
 import {getCycleLengthStats as getCycleInfo} from '../lib/cycle-length'
 import {stats as labels} from './labels'
+import { AppText } from './app-text'
 export default class Stats extends Component {
   render() {
@@ -28,32 +28,32 @@ export default class Stats extends Component {
           {!atLeastOneCycle &&
-            <Text style={styles.statsIntro}>{labels.emptyStats}</Text>
+            <AppText style={styles.statsIntro}>{labels.emptyStats}</AppText>
           {atLeastOneCycle && numberOfCycles === 1 &&
-            <Text style={styles.statsIntro}>
+            <AppText style={styles.statsIntro}>
-            </Text>
+            </AppText>
           {atLeastOneCycle && numberOfCycles > 1 && <View>
-            <Text style={styles.statsIntro}>
+            <AppText style={styles.statsIntro}>
-            </Text>
+            </AppText>
             <View style={styles.statsRow}>
-              <Text style={styles.statsLabelLeft}>{labels.averageLabel}</Text>
-              <Text style={styles.statsLabelRight}>{cycleInfo.mean + ' ' + labels.daysLabel}</Text>
+              <AppText style={styles.statsLabelLeft}>{labels.averageLabel}</AppText>
+              <AppText style={styles.statsLabelRight}>{cycleInfo.mean + ' ' + labels.daysLabel}</AppText>
             <View style={styles.statsRow}>
-              <Text style={styles.statsLabelLeft}>{labels.minLabel}</Text>
-              <Text style={styles.statsLabelRight}>{cycleInfo.minimum + ' ' + labels.daysLabel}</Text>
+              <AppText style={styles.statsLabelLeft}>{labels.minLabel}</AppText>
+              <AppText style={styles.statsLabelRight}>{cycleInfo.minimum + ' ' + labels.daysLabel}</AppText>
             <View style={styles.statsRow}>
-              <Text style={styles.statsLabelLeft}>{labels.maxLabel}</Text>
-              <Text style={styles.statsLabelRight}>{cycleInfo.maximum + ' ' + labels.daysLabel}</Text>
+              <AppText style={styles.statsLabelLeft}>{labels.maxLabel}</AppText>
+              <AppText style={styles.statsLabelRight}>{cycleInfo.maximum + ' ' + labels.daysLabel}</AppText>
             <View style={styles.statsRow}>
-              <Text style={styles.statsLabelLeft}>{labels.stdLabel}</Text>
-              <Text style={styles.statsLabelRight}>{cycleInfo.stdDeviation + ' ' + labels.daysLabel}</Text>
+              <AppText style={styles.statsLabelLeft}>{labels.stdLabel}</AppText>
+              <AppText style={styles.statsLabelRight}>{cycleInfo.stdDeviation + ' ' + labels.daysLabel}</AppText>
diff --git a/db/fixtures.js b/db/fixtures.js
index a9075f78ba0510d1bc0dd4fa89f88c952d87543b..fd4a9492c2627c450048d16499bfe92e2f5fd3c1 100644
--- a/db/fixtures.js
+++ b/db/fixtures.js
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
 function convertToSymptoFormat(val) {
   const sympto = { date: val.date }
-  if (val.temperature) sympto.temperature = { value: val.temperature, exclude: false }
+  if (val.temperature) sympto.temperature = {
+    value: val.temperature,
+    exclude: false
+  }
   if (val.mucus) sympto.mucus = {
     value: val.mucus,
     exclude: false,
@@ -11,7 +14,7 @@ function convertToSymptoFormat(val) {
   return sympto
-export const cycleWithFhm = [
+export const cycleWithFhmMucus = [
   { date: '2018-07-01', bleeding: 2 },
   { date: '2018-07-02', bleeding: 1 },
   { date: '2018-07-06', temperature: 36.2},
@@ -26,7 +29,7 @@ export const cycleWithFhm = [
   { date: '2018-07-18', temperature: 36.9, mucus: 2 }
-export const longAndComplicatedCycle = [
+export const longAndComplicatedCycleWithMucus = [
   { date: '2018-06-01', temperature: 36.6, bleeding: 2 },
   { date: '2018-06-02', temperature: 36.65 },
   { date: '2018-06-04', temperature: 36.6 },
@@ -70,4 +73,71 @@ export const cycleWithTempAndNoMucusShift = [
   { date: '2018-05-24', temperature: 36.85, mucus: 4 },
   { date: '2018-05-26', temperature: 36.8, mucus: 4 },
   { date: '2018-05-27', temperature: 36.9, mucus: 4 }
\ No newline at end of file
+export const cycleWithFhmCervix = [
+  { date: '2018-08-01', bleeding: 2 },
+  { date: '2018-08-02', bleeding: 1 },
+  { date: '2018-08-03', bleeding: 0 },
+  { date: '2018-08-04', bleeding: 0 },
+  { date: '2018-08-05', temperature: 36.07 },
+  { date: '2018-08-06', temperature: 36.2 },
+  { date: '2018-08-07', temperature: 36.35 },
+  { date: '2018-08-08', temperature: 36.4 },
+  { date: '2018-08-09', temperature: 36.3 },
+  { date: '2018-08-10', temperature: 36.45 },
+  { date: '2018-08-11', temperature: 36.45 },
+  { date: '2018-08-12', temperature: 36.7, cervix: { opening: 1, firmness: 1 } },
+  { date: '2018-08-13', temperature: 36.8, cervix: { opening: 0, firmness: 0 } },
+  { date: '2018-08-14', temperature: 36.75, cervix: { opening: 0, firmness: 0 } },
+  { date: '2018-08-15', temperature: 36.9, cervix: { opening: 0, firmness: 0 } },
+  { date: '2018-08-16', temperature: 36.95, cervix: { opening: 0, firmness: 0 } },
+  { date: '2018-08-17', temperature: 36.9, cervix: { opening: 0, firmness: 0 } },
+  { date: '2018-08-18', temperature: 36.9, cervix: { opening: 1, firmness: 0 } }
+export const longAndComplicatedCycleWithCervix = [
+  { date: '2018-06-01', temperature: 36.6, bleeding: 2 },
+  { date: '2018-06-02', temperature: 36.65 },
+  { date: '2018-06-04', temperature: 36.6 },
+  { date: '2018-06-05', temperature: 36.55 },
+  { date: '2018-06-06', temperature: 36.7, cervix: { opening: 1, firmness: 1 } },
+  { date: '2018-06-09', temperature: 36.5, cervix: { opening: 1, firmness: 1 } },
+  { date: '2018-06-10', temperature: 36.4, cervix: { opening: 1, firmness: 1 } },
+  { date: '2018-06-13', temperature: 36.45, cervix: { opening: 1, firmness: 1 } },
+  { date: '2018-06-14', temperature: 36.5, cervix: { opening: 1, firmness: 1 } },
+  { date: '2018-06-15', temperature: 36.55, cervix: { opening: 0, firmness: 0 } },
+  { date: '2018-06-16', temperature: 36.7, cervix: { opening: 0, firmness: 0 } },
+  { date: '2018-06-17', temperature: 36.65, cervix: { opening: 1, firmness: 1 } },
+  { date: '2018-06-18', temperature: 36.75, cervix: { opening: 0, firmness: 0 } },
+  { date: '2018-06-19', temperature: 36.8, cervix: { opening: 1, firmness: 0 } },
+  { date: '2018-06-20', temperature: 36.85, cervix: { opening: 0, firmness: 0 } },
+  { date: '2018-06-21', temperature: 36.8, cervix: { opening: 0, firmness: 0 } },
+  { date: '2018-06-22', temperature: 36.9, cervix: { opening: 0, firmness: 0 } },
+  { date: '2018-06-25', temperature: 36.9, cervix: { opening: 0, firmness: 0 } },
+  { date: '2018-06-26', temperature: 36.8, cervix: { opening: 1, firmness: 1 } },
+  { date: '2018-06-27', temperature: 36.9, cervix: { opening: 1, firmness: 1 } }
+export const cycleWithTempAndNoCervixShift = [
+  { date: '2018-07-01', temperature: 36.6, bleeding: 2 },
+  { date: '2018-07-02', temperature: 36.65 },
+  { date: '2018-07-05', temperature: 36.55 },
+  { date: '2018-07-06', temperature: 36.7, cervix: { opening: 0, firmness: 0 } },
+  { date: '2018-07-08', temperature: 36.45, cervix: { opening: 0, firmness: 0 } },
+  { date: '2018-07-09', temperature: 36.5, cervix: { opening: 1, firmness: 1 }  },
+  { date: '2018-07-10', temperature: 36.4, cervix: { opening: 0, firmness: 0 } },
+  { date: '2018-07-11', temperature: 36.5, cervix: { opening: 0, firmness: 1 }  },
+  { date: '2018-07-13', temperature: 36.45, cervix: { opening: 0, firmness: 1 }  },
+  { date: '2018-07-14', temperature: 36.5, cervix: { opening: 1, firmness: 1 }  },
+  { date: '2018-07-15', temperature: 36.55, cervix: { opening: 1, firmness: 1 }  },
+  { date: '2018-07-16', temperature: 36.7, cervix: { opening: 0, firmness: 1 }  },
+  { date: '2018-07-17', temperature: 36.65, cervix: { opening: 0, firmness: 1 }  },
+  { date: '2018-07-18', temperature: 36.75, cervix: { opening: 1, firmness: 1 }  },
+  { date: '2018-07-19', temperature: 36.8, cervix: { opening: 1, firmness: 1 }  },
+  { date: '2018-07-20', temperature: 36.85, cervix: { opening: 1, firmness: 1 }  },
+  { date: '2018-07-23', temperature: 36.9, cervix: { opening: 0, firmness: 1 }  },
+  { date: '2018-07-24', temperature: 36.85, cervix: { opening: 1, firmness: 1 }  },
+  { date: '2018-07-26', temperature: 36.8, cervix: { opening: 1, firmness: 1 }  },
+  { date: '2018-07-27', temperature: 36.9, cervix: { opening: 1, firmness: 1 }  }
diff --git a/db/index.js b/db/index.js
index 184567418143141b300a57fb638d542df26d2e2a..1b79d7bc037914504961b110f8c05adba920b45b 100644
--- a/db/index.js
+++ b/db/index.js
@@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
 import Realm from 'realm'
 import { LocalDate, ChronoUnit } from 'js-joda'
 import {
+  cycleWithFhmMucus,
+  longAndComplicatedCycleWithMucus,
-  cycleWithFhm,
-  longAndComplicatedCycle
+  cycleWithFhmCervix,
+  longAndComplicatedCycleWithCervix,
+  cycleWithTempAndNoCervixShift
 } from './fixtures'
 const TemperatureSchema = {
@@ -179,10 +182,10 @@ function getCycleDay(localDate) {
   return db.objectForPrimaryKey('CycleDay', localDate)
-function fillWithDummyData() {
+function fillWithMucusDummyData() {
   const dummyCycles = [
-    cycleWithFhm,
-    longAndComplicatedCycle,
+    cycleWithFhmMucus,
+    longAndComplicatedCycleWithMucus,
@@ -204,6 +207,32 @@ function fillWithDummyData() {
+function fillWithCervixDummyData() {
+  const dummyCycles = [
+    cycleWithFhmCervix,
+    longAndComplicatedCycleWithCervix,
+    cycleWithTempAndNoCervixShift
+  ]
+  db.write(() => {
+    db.deleteAll()
+    dummyCycles.forEach(cycle => {
+      cycle.forEach(day => {
+        const existing = getCycleDay(day.date)
+        if (existing) {
+          Object.keys(day).forEach(key => {
+            if (key === 'date') return
+            existing[key] = day[key]
+          })
+        } else {
+          db.create('CycleDay', day)
+        }
+      })
+    })
+  })
 function deleteAll() {
   db.write(() => {
@@ -266,7 +295,8 @@ export {
-  fillWithDummyData,
+  fillWithMucusDummyData,
+  fillWithCervixDummyData,
diff --git a/lib/sympto/cervix.js b/lib/sympto/cervix.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..25783817463491651b3b3d411149888f7ce92426
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/sympto/cervix.js
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+export default function (cycleDays, tempEvalEndIndex) {
+  const notDetected = { detected: false }
+  const cervixDays = cycleDays
+    .filter(day => day.cervix && !day.cervix.exclude)
+    .filter(day => typeof day.cervix.opening === 'number' && typeof day.cervix.firmness === 'number')
+  // we search for the day of cervix peak, which must:
+  // * have fertile cervix values
+  // * be followed by at least 3 days
+  // these 3 following days must all show infertile cervix values
+  // if everything applies we must check the days until the end of temperature evaluation
+  // during these relevantDays no fertile cervix must occur
+  for (let i = 0; i < cervixDays.length; i++) {
+    const day = cervixDays[i]
+    if (isClosedAndHard(day.cervix)) continue
+    // the three following days must be with closed and hard cervix (indicating an infertile cervix)
+    const threeFollowingDays = cervixDays.slice(i + 1, i + 4)
+    if (threeFollowingDays.length < 3) continue
+    // no other fertile cervix value may occur until temperature evaluation has
+    // been completed
+    const fertileCervixOccursIn3FollowingDays = threeFollowingDays.some(day => {
+      return !isClosedAndHard(day.cervix)
+    })
+    if (fertileCervixOccursIn3FollowingDays) continue
+    const cycleDayIndex = cycleDays.indexOf(day)
+    const relevantDays = cycleDays
+      .slice(cycleDayIndex + 1, tempEvalEndIndex + 1)
+      .filter(day => day.cervix && !day.cervix.exclude)
+    const onlyClosedAndHardUntilEndOfTempEval = relevantDays.every(day => {
+      return isClosedAndHard(day.cervix)
+    })
+    if (onlyClosedAndHardUntilEndOfTempEval) {
+      return {
+        detected: true,
+        cervixPeakBeforeShift: day,
+        evaluationCompleteDay: threeFollowingDays[threeFollowingDays.length - 1]
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return notDetected
+function isClosedAndHard (cervixDay) {
+  return cervixDay.opening === 0 && cervixDay.firmness === 0
diff --git a/lib/sympto/index.js b/lib/sympto/index.js
index c85b3ca12bb809a00d35e5995be1ea7da26a9306..575b608ea0a28f4235053d93839b607a9df5b737 100644
--- a/lib/sympto/index.js
+++ b/lib/sympto/index.js
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
 import getTemperatureShift from './temperature'
 import getMucusShift from './mucus'
+import getCervixShift from './cervix'
 import getPreOvulatoryPhase from './pre-ovulatory'
 import { LocalDate } from 'js-joda'
 import assert from 'assert'
-export default function getSymptoThermalStatus(cycles) {
-  const { cycle, previousCycle, earlierCycles = [] } = cycles
+export default function getSymptoThermalStatus(cycleInfo) {
+  const { cycle, previousCycle, earlierCycles = [], secondarySymptom = 'mucus' } = cycleInfo
   throwIfArgsAreNotInRequiredFormat([cycle, ...earlierCycles])
   const status = {
@@ -15,7 +16,10 @@ export default function getSymptoThermalStatus(cycles) {
   // if there was no first higher measurement in the previous cycle,
   // no infertile pre-ovulatory phase may be assumed
   if (previousCycle) {
-    const statusForLast = getSymptoThermalStatus({ cycle: previousCycle })
+    const statusForLast = getSymptoThermalStatus({
+      cycle: previousCycle,
+      secondarySymptom: secondarySymptom
+    })
     if (statusForLast.temperatureShift) {
       const preOvuPhase = getPreOvulatoryPhase(
@@ -48,20 +52,28 @@ export default function getSymptoThermalStatus(cycles) {
   const temperatureShift = getTemperatureShift(cycle)
   if (!temperatureShift.detected) return status
   const tempEvalEndIndex = cycle.indexOf(temperatureShift.evaluationCompleteDay)
-  const mucusShift = getMucusShift(cycle, tempEvalEndIndex)
-  if (!mucusShift.detected) return status
+  let secondaryShift
+  if (secondarySymptom === 'mucus') {
+    secondaryShift = getMucusShift(cycle, tempEvalEndIndex)
+  } else if (secondarySymptom === 'cervix') {
+    secondaryShift = getCervixShift(cycle, tempEvalEndIndex)
+  }
+  if (!secondaryShift.detected) return status
   let periOvulatoryEnd
   const tempOver = temperatureShift.evaluationCompleteDay.date
-  const mucusOver = mucusShift.evaluationCompleteDay.date
+  const secondarySymptomOver = secondaryShift.evaluationCompleteDay.date
-  if (tempOver > mucusOver) {
+  if (tempOver >= secondarySymptomOver) {
     periOvulatoryEnd = temperatureShift.evaluationCompleteDay
-  } else {
-    periOvulatoryEnd = mucusShift.evaluationCompleteDay
+  } else if (secondarySymptom > tempOver) {
+    periOvulatoryEnd = secondaryShift.evaluationCompleteDay
   const previousPeriDays = periPhase.cycleDays
@@ -78,7 +90,12 @@ export default function getSymptoThermalStatus(cycles) {
   periPhase.cycleDays = previousPeriDays.slice(0, previousPeriEndIndex + 1)
   periPhase.end = status.phases.postOvulatory.start
-  status.mucusShift = mucusShift
+  if (secondarySymptom === 'mucus') {
+    status.mucusShift = secondaryShift
+  } else if (secondarySymptom === 'cervix') {
+    status.cervixShift = secondaryShift
+  }
   status.temperatureShift = temperatureShift
   return status
@@ -86,18 +103,23 @@ export default function getSymptoThermalStatus(cycles) {
 function throwIfArgsAreNotInRequiredFormat(cycles) {
   cycles.forEach(cycle => {
-    assert.ok(Array.isArray(cycle))
-    assert.ok(cycle.length > 0)
-    assert.ok(cycle[0].bleeding !== null)
-    assert.equal(typeof cycle[0].bleeding, 'object')
-    assert.equal(typeof cycle[0].bleeding.value, 'number')
+    assert.ok(Array.isArray(cycle), "Cycles must be arrays.")
+    assert.ok(cycle.length > 0, "Cycle must not be empty.")
+    assert.ok(cycle[0].bleeding !== null, "First cycle day should have bleeding.")
+    assert.equal(typeof cycle[0].bleeding, 'object', "First cycle day must contain bleeding value.")
+    assert.equal(typeof cycle[0].bleeding.value, 'number', "First cycle day bleeding value must be a number.")
     cycle.forEach(day => {
-      assert.equal(typeof day.date, 'string')
-      assert.doesNotThrow(() => LocalDate.parse(day.date))
-      if (day.temperature) assert.equal(typeof day.temperature.value, 'number')
-      if (day.mucus) assert.equal(typeof day.mucus.value, 'number')
-      if (day.mucus) assert.ok(day.mucus.value >= 0)
-      if (day.mucus) assert.ok(day.mucus.value < 5)
+      assert.equal(typeof day.date, 'string', "Date must be given as a string.")
+      assert.doesNotThrow(() => LocalDate.parse(day.date), "Date must be given in right string format.")
+      if (day.temperature) assert.equal(typeof day.temperature.value, 'number', "Temperature value must be a number.")
+      if (day.mucus) assert.equal(typeof day.mucus.value, 'number', "Mucus value must be a number.")
+      if (day.mucus) assert.ok(day.mucus.value >= 0, "Mucus value must greater or equal to 0.")
+      if (day.mucus) assert.ok(day.mucus.value <= 4, "Mucus value must be below 5.")
+      if (day.cervix) assert.ok(day.cervix.opening >= 0, "Cervix opening value must be 0 or bigger")
+      if (day.cervix) assert.ok(day.cervix.opening <= 2, "Cervix opening value must be 2 or smaller")
+      if (day.cervix) assert.ok(day.cervix.firmness >= 0, "Cervix firmness value must be 0 or bigger")
+      if (day.cervix) assert.ok(day.cervix.firmness <= 1, "Cervix firmness value must be 1 or smaller")
+      assert.equal(typeof cycle[0].bleeding.value, 'number', "Bleeding value must be a number")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/sympto/pre-ovulatory.js b/lib/sympto/pre-ovulatory.js
index b1e76981c105b536912e3ef3de2cd7e74a2de145..874e2bc911958ca72137ebac1319866991c623ce 100644
--- a/lib/sympto/pre-ovulatory.js
+++ b/lib/sympto/pre-ovulatory.js
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ export default function(cycle, previousCycles) {
   const maybePreOvuDays = cycle.slice(0, preOvuPhaseLength).filter(d => {
     return d.date <= preOvuEndDate
-  const preOvulatoryDays = getDaysUntilFertileMucus(maybePreOvuDays)
-  // if mucus occurs on the 1st cycle day, there is no pre-ovu phase
+  const preOvulatoryDays = getDaysUntilFertileSecondarySymptom(maybePreOvuDays)
+  // if fertile mucus or cervix occurs on the 1st cycle day, there is no pre-ovu phase
   if (!preOvulatoryDays.length) return null
   let endDate
@@ -34,13 +34,17 @@ export default function(cycle, previousCycles) {
-function getDaysUntilFertileMucus(days) {
-  const firstFertileMucusDayIndex = days.findIndex(day => {
-    return day.mucus && day.mucus.value > 1
+function getDaysUntilFertileSecondarySymptom(days, secondarySymptom = 'mucus') {
+  const firstFertileSecondarySymptomDayIndex = days.findIndex(day => {
+    if (secondarySymptom === 'mucus') {
+      return day.mucus && day.mucus.value > 1
+    } else if (secondarySymptom === 'cervix') {
+      return day.cervix && !day.cervix.isClosedAndHard
+    }
-  if (firstFertileMucusDayIndex > -1) {
-    return days.slice(0, firstFertileMucusDayIndex)
+  if (firstFertileSecondarySymptomDayIndex > -1) {
+    return days.slice(0, firstFertileSecondarySymptomDayIndex)
   return days
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/sympto/temperature.js b/lib/sympto/temperature.js
index 387cd6378457fda7d98cd633ee3e9a0eb02f88fa..fb380b5e989fbefed69179e02022fee0a231e67f 100644
--- a/lib/sympto/temperature.js
+++ b/lib/sympto/temperature.js
@@ -39,18 +39,18 @@ function checkIfFirstHighMeasurement(temp, i, temperatureDays, ltl) {
   if (i > temperatureDays.length - 3) {
     return { detected: false }
-  const nextDays = temperatureDays.slice(i + 1, i + 4)
+  const nextDaysAfterPotentialFhm = temperatureDays.slice(i + 1, i + 4)
   return (
-    getResultForRegularRule(nextDays, ltl)) ||
-    getResultForFirstExceptionRule(nextDays, ltl) ||
-    getResultForSecondExceptionRule(nextDays, ltl) ||
+    getResultForRegularRule(nextDaysAfterPotentialFhm, ltl)) ||
+    getResultForFirstExceptionRule(nextDaysAfterPotentialFhm, ltl) ||
+    getResultForSecondExceptionRule(nextDaysAfterPotentialFhm, ltl) ||
     { detected: false }
-function getResultForRegularRule(nextDays, ltl) {
-  if (!nextDays.every(day => day.temp > ltl)) return false
-  const thirdDay = nextDays[1]
+function getResultForRegularRule(nextDaysAfterPotentialFhm, ltl) {
+  if (!nextDaysAfterPotentialFhm.every(day => day.temp > ltl)) return false
+  const thirdDay = nextDaysAfterPotentialFhm[1]
   if (rounded(thirdDay.temp - ltl, 0.1) < 0.2) return false
   return {
     detected: true,
@@ -60,10 +60,10 @@ function getResultForRegularRule(nextDays, ltl) {
-function getResultForFirstExceptionRule(nextDays, ltl) {
-  if (nextDays.length < 3) return false
-  if (!nextDays.every(day => day.temp > ltl)) return false
-  const fourthDay = nextDays[2]
+function getResultForFirstExceptionRule(nextDaysAfterPotentialFhm, ltl) {
+  if (nextDaysAfterPotentialFhm.length < 3) return false
+  if (!nextDaysAfterPotentialFhm.every(day => day.temp > ltl)) return false
+  const fourthDay = nextDaysAfterPotentialFhm[2]
   if (fourthDay.temp <= ltl) return false
   return {
     detected: true,
@@ -73,10 +73,10 @@ function getResultForFirstExceptionRule(nextDays, ltl) {
-function getResultForSecondExceptionRule(nextDays, ltl) {
-  if (nextDays.length < 3) return false
-  if (secondOrThirdTempIsAtOrBelowLtl(nextDays, ltl)) {
-    const fourthDay = nextDays[2]
+function getResultForSecondExceptionRule(nextDaysAfterPotentialFhm, ltl) {
+  if (nextDaysAfterPotentialFhm.length < 3) return false
+  if (secondOrThirdTempIsAtOrBelowLtl(nextDaysAfterPotentialFhm, ltl)) {
+    const fourthDay = nextDaysAfterPotentialFhm[2]
     if (rounded(fourthDay.temp - ltl, 0.1) >= 0.2) {
       return {
         detected: true,
@@ -89,9 +89,9 @@ function getResultForSecondExceptionRule(nextDays, ltl) {
   return false
-function secondOrThirdTempIsAtOrBelowLtl(nextDays, ltl) {
-  const secondIsLow = nextDays[0].temp <= ltl
-  const thirdIsLow = nextDays[1].temp <= ltl
+function secondOrThirdTempIsAtOrBelowLtl(nextDaysAfterPotentialFhm, ltl) {
+  const secondIsLow = nextDaysAfterPotentialFhm[0].temp <= ltl
+  const thirdIsLow = nextDaysAfterPotentialFhm[1].temp <= ltl
   if ((secondIsLow || thirdIsLow) && !(secondIsLow && thirdIsLow)) {
     return true
   } else {
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 11c62a84faabc353e7cb333621998c7589b4e6a9..a58e1298fc5a4ca487210ad176d7f3c78bf434d3 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -33,11 +33,8 @@
     "react-native-modal-datetime-picker-nevo": "^4.11.0",
     "react-native-push-notification": "^3.1.1",
     "react-native-share": "^1.1.0",
-    "react-native-simple-radio-button": "^2.7.1",
     "react-native-vector-icons": "^5.0.0",
-    "react-navigation": "^2.0.4",
-    "realm": "^2.7.1",
-    "uuid": "^3.2.1"
+    "realm": "^2.7.1"
   "devDependencies": {
     "@babel/register": "^7.0.0-beta.55",
@@ -47,8 +44,7 @@
     "dirty-chai": "^2.0.1",
     "eslint": "^4.19.1",
     "eslint-plugin-react": "^7.8.2",
-    "mocha": "^5.2.0",
-    "react-test-renderer": "16.3.1"
+    "mocha": "^5.2.0"
   "description": "A menstrual cycle tracking app that's open-source and leaves your data on your phone. Use it to track your menstrual cycle or for fertility awareness!",
   "main": "index.js",
diff --git a/styles/index.js b/styles/index.js
index 180285343d8b30c082a940f1f1fc389c4f6c2783..d43b67860a441be3a480ee56a63d146615bf2a8a 100644
--- a/styles/index.js
+++ b/styles/index.js
@@ -7,6 +7,9 @@ export const shadesOfRed = ['#ffcbbf', '#ffb19f', '#ff977e', '#ff7e5f'] // light
 export const shadesOfGrey = ['#e5e5e5', '#cccccc'] // [lighter, darker]
 export default StyleSheet.create({
+  appText: {
+    color: 'black'
+  },
   welcome: {
     fontSize: 20,
     margin: 30,
@@ -25,20 +28,15 @@ export default StyleSheet.create({
     textAlign: 'center',
     marginLeft: 15
-  symptomDayView: {
+  symptomViewHeading: {
     fontSize: 20,
-    textAlignVertical: 'center'
+    color: 'black',
+    marginBottom: 5
   symptomBoxImage: {
     width: 50,
     height: 50
-  radioButton: {
-    fontSize: 18,
-    margin: 8,
-    textAlign: 'center',
-    textAlignVertical: 'center'
-  },
   symptomBoxesView: {
     flexDirection: 'row',
     flexWrap: 'wrap',
@@ -85,17 +83,6 @@ export default StyleSheet.create({
   symptomDataText: {
     fontSize: 12
-  symptomEditRow: {
-    justifyContent: 'space-between',
-    marginBottom: 10,
-  },
-  symptomViewRowInline: {
-    flexDirection: 'row',
-    justifyContent: 'space-between',
-    marginBottom: 10,
-    alignItems: 'center',
-    height: 50
-  },
   header: {
     backgroundColor: primaryColor,
     paddingHorizontal: 15,
@@ -152,11 +139,6 @@ export default StyleSheet.create({
   symptomEditButton: {
     width: 130
-  radioButtonRow: {
-    marginTop: 15,
-    marginLeft: 'auto',
-    marginRight: 'auto'
-  },
   statsIntro: {
     fontSize: 18,
     margin: 10,
@@ -200,6 +182,57 @@ export default StyleSheet.create({
     fontSize: 15,
     color: fontOnPrimaryColor
+  selectBox: {
+    backgroundColor: 'lightgrey',
+    marginRight: 7,
+    marginVertical: 5,
+    paddingHorizontal: 15,
+    paddingVertical: 10,
+    borderRadius: 10
+  },
+  selectBoxActive: {
+    backgroundColor: secondaryColor,
+    color: fontOnPrimaryColor
+  },
+  selectBoxTextActive: {
+    color: fontOnPrimaryColor
+  },
+  selectBoxSection: {
+    flexDirection: 'row',
+    flexWrap: 'wrap',
+    marginVertical: 10,
+  },
+  selectTabGroup: {
+    marginVertical: 10,
+    flexDirection: 'row'
+  },
+  selectTab: {
+    backgroundColor: 'lightgrey',
+    borderStyle: 'solid',
+    borderLeftWidth: 1,
+    paddingVertical: 10,
+    paddingHorizontal: 15,
+    borderColor: 'white',
+    marginBottom: 3,
+    alignItems: 'center',
+    justifyContent: 'center'
+  },
+  selectTabActive: {
+    backgroundColor: secondaryColor,
+    color: fontOnPrimaryColor
+  },
+  selectTabLast: {
+    borderTopRightRadius: 10,
+    borderBottomRightRadius: 10,
+  },
+  selectTabFirst: {
+    borderTopLeftRadius: 10,
+    borderBottomLeftRadius: 10,
+    borderLeftWidth: null
+  },
+  page: {
+    marginHorizontal: 10
+  }
 export const iconStyles = {
@@ -219,5 +252,5 @@ export const iconStyles = {
   menuIconInactive: {
     color: 'lightgrey'
-  }
+  },
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/sympto/cervix-temp-fixtures.js b/test/sympto/cervix-temp-fixtures.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..58ff6954b52b6bc2b792bf939018869c0883e30e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/sympto/cervix-temp-fixtures.js
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+function convertToSymptoFormat(val) {
+  const sympto = { date: val.date }
+  if (val.temperature) sympto.temperature = {
+    value: val.temperature,
+    exclude: false
+  }
+  if (val.cervix && typeof val.cervix.opening === 'number' && typeof val.cervix.firmness === 'number') sympto.cervix = {
+    opening: val.cervix.opening,
+    firmness: val.cervix.firmness,
+    exclude: false
+  }
+  if (val.bleeding) sympto.bleeding = {
+    value: val.bleeding,
+    exclude: false
+  }
+  return sympto
+export const cervixShiftAndFhmOnSameDay = [
+  { date: '2018-08-01', bleeding: 1, cervix: { opening: 1, firmness: 1 } },
+  { date: '2018-08-02', bleeding: 2, cervix: { opening: 1, firmness: 1 } },
+  { date: '2018-08-03', temperature: 36.6, bleeding: 2, cervix: { opening: 2, firmness: 1 } },
+  { date: '2018-08-04', temperature: 36.55, bleeding: 1, cervix: { opening: 2, firmness: 0 } },
+  { date: '2018-08-05', temperature: 36.6, cervix: { opening: 0, firmness: 1 } },
+  { date: '2018-08-06', temperature: 36.65, cervix: { opening: 0, firmness: 1 } },
+  { date: '2018-08-07', temperature: 36.71, cervix: { opening: 1, firmness: 0 } },
+  { date: '2018-08-08', temperature: 36.69, cervix: { opening: 1, firmness: 0 } },
+  { date: '2018-08-09', temperature: 36.64, cervix: { opening: 1, firmness: 1 } },
+  { date: '2018-08-10', temperature: 36.66, cervix: { opening: 1, firmness: 1 } },
+  { date: '2018-08-11', temperature: 36.61, cervix: { opening: 1, firmness: 0 } },
+  { date: '2018-08-12', temperature: 36.6, cervix: { opening: 0, firmness: 1 } },
+  { date: '2018-08-13', temperature: 36.8, cervix: { opening: 0, firmness: 0 } },
+  { date: '2018-08-14', temperature: 36.85, cervix: { opening: 0, firmness: 0 } },
+  { date: '2018-08-15', temperature: 36.9, cervix: { opening: 0, firmness: 0 } },
+  { date: '2018-08-16', temperature: 36.95, cervix: { opening: 0, firmness: 0 } },
+  { date: '2018-08-17', temperature: 36.95, cervix: { opening: 0, firmness: 0 } }
+export const cycleWithFhmNoCervixShift = [
+  { date: '2018-08-01', bleeding: 1 },
+  { date: '2018-08-02', bleeding: 2 },
+  { date: '2018-08-03', temperature: 36.6, bleeding: 2 },
+  { date: '2018-08-04', temperature: 36.55, bleeding: 1 },
+  { date: '2018-08-05', temperature: 36.6 },
+  { date: '2018-08-06', temperature: 36.65, cervix: { opening: 0, firmness: 1 } },
+  { date: '2018-08-07', temperature: 36.7, cervix: { opening: 1, firmness: 0 } },
+  { date: '2018-08-08', temperature: 36.6, cervix: { opening: 0, firmness: 1 } },
+  { date: '2018-08-09', temperature: 36.8, cervix: { opening: 0, firmness: 0 } },
+  { date: '2018-08-10', temperature: 36.85, cervix: { opening: 2, firmness: 0 } },
+  { date: '2018-08-11', temperature: 36.9, cervix: { opening: 1, firmness: 0 } },
+  { date: '2018-08-12', temperature: 36.95, cervix: { opening: 0, firmness: 1 } },
+  { date: '2018-08-13', temperature: 36.95, cervix: { opening: 0, firmness: 0 } }
+export const cycleWithoutFhmNoCervixShift = [
+  { date: '2018-06-02', temperature: 36.6, bleeding: 2 },
+  { date: '2018-06-03', temperature: 36.65 },
+  { date: '2018-06-04', temperature: 36.6 },
+  { date: '2018-06-05', temperature: 36.55 },
+  { date: '2018-06-06', temperature: 36.7, cervix: { opening: 0, firmness: 0 } },
+  { date: '2018-06-09', temperature: 36.8 },
+  { date: '2018-06-10', temperature: 36.9, cervix: { opening: 2, firmness: 0 } },
+  { date: '2018-06-13', temperature: 36.9, cervix: { opening: 1, firmness: 1 } }
+export const longCycleWithoutAnyShifts = [
+  { date: '2018-07-01', temperature: 36.65, bleeding: 1 },
+  { date: '2018-07-02', temperature: 36.45 },
+  { date: '2018-07-03', temperature: 36.65 },
+  { date: '2018-07-04', temperature: 36.65 },
+  { date: '2018-07-05', temperature: 36.65, cervix: { opening: 0, firmness: 0 } },
+  { date: '2018-07-06', temperature: 36.85, cervix: { opening: 0, firmness: 1 } },
+  { date: '2018-07-07', temperature: 36.65, cervix: { opening: 1, firmness: 1 } },
+  { date: '2018-07-08', temperature: 36.65, cervix: { opening: 2, firmness: 1 } },
+  { date: '2018-07-09', temperature: 36.65, cervix: { opening: 2, firmness: 1 } },
+  { date: '2018-07-10', temperature: 36.65, cervix: { opening: 1, firmness: 1 } },
+  { date: '2018-07-11', temperature: 36.35, cervix: { opening: 0, firmness: 0 } },
+  { date: '2018-07-12', temperature: 36.65, cervix: { opening: 0, firmness: 0 } },
+  { date: '2018-07-13', temperature: 36.25, cervix: { opening: 1, firmness: 1 } },
+  { date: '2018-07-14', temperature: 36.65, cervix: { opening: 1, firmness: 1 } },
+  { date: '2018-07-15', temperature: 36.65, cervix: { opening: 2, firmness: 0 } },
+  { date: '2018-07-16', temperature: 36.15, cervix: { opening: 2, firmness: 1 } },
+  { date: '2018-07-17', temperature: 36.65, cervix: { opening: 0, firmness: 1 } },
+  { date: '2018-07-18', temperature: 36.25, cervix: { opening: 2, firmness: 1 } },
+  { date: '2018-07-19', temperature: 36.65, cervix: { opening: 1, firmness: 1 } },
+  { date: '2018-07-20', temperature: 36.45, cervix: { opening: 1, firmness: 1 } },
+  { date: '2018-07-21', temperature: 36.52, cervix: { opening: 0, firmness: 0 } },
+  { date: '2018-07-22', temperature: 36.65, cervix: { opening: 1, firmness: 1 } },
+  { date: '2018-07-23', temperature: 36.75, cervix: { opening: 1, firmness: 1 } },
+  { date: '2018-07-24', temperature: 36.65, cervix: { opening: 1, firmness: 1 } },
+  { date: '2018-07-25', temperature: 36.65, cervix: { opening: 0, firmness: 1 } },
+  { date: '2018-07-26', temperature: 36.65, cervix: { opening: 2, firmness: 1 } },
+export const longAndComplicatedCycle = [
+  { date: '2018-06-01', temperature: 36.6, bleeding: 2 },
+  { date: '2018-06-02', temperature: 36.65 },
+  { date: '2018-06-04', temperature: 36.6 },
+  { date: '2018-06-05', temperature: 36.55 },
+  { date: '2018-06-06', temperature: 36.7, cervix: { opening: 0, firmness: 0 } },
+  { date: '2018-06-09', temperature: 36.5, cervix: { opening: 2, firmness: 1 } },
+  { date: '2018-06-10', temperature: 36.4, cervix: { opening: 2, firmness: 1 } },
+  { date: '2018-06-13', temperature: 36.45, cervix: { opening: 1, firmness: 1 } },
+  { date: '2018-06-14', temperature: 36.5, cervix: { opening: 1, firmness: 1 } },
+  { date: '2018-06-15', temperature: 36.55, cervix: { opening: 1, firmness: 1 } },
+  { date: '2018-06-16', temperature: 36.7, cervix: { opening: 2, firmness: 1 } },
+  { date: '2018-06-17', temperature: 36.65, cervix: { opening: 2, firmness: 1 } },
+  { date: '2018-06-18', temperature: 36.75, cervix: { opening: 1, firmness: 1 } },
+  { date: '2018-06-19', temperature: 36.8, cervix: { opening: 0, firmness: 0 } },
+  { date: '2018-06-20', temperature: 36.85, cervix: { opening: 1, firmness: 1 } },
+  { date: '2018-06-21', temperature: 36.8, cervix: { opening: 1, firmness: 1 } },
+  { date: '2018-06-22', temperature: 36.9, cervix: { opening: 2, firmness: 1 } },
+  { date: '2018-06-25', temperature: 36.9, cervix: { opening: 0, firmness: 0 } },
+  { date: '2018-06-26', temperature: 36.8, cervix: { opening: 0, firmness: 0 } },
+  { date: '2018-06-27', temperature: 36.9, cervix: { opening: 0, firmness: 0 } }
+export const tempShift3DaysAfterCervixShift = [
+  { date: '2018-05-08', bleeding: 3 },
+  { date: '2018-05-09', bleeding: 2 },
+  { date: '2018-05-10', bleeding: 2 },
+  { date: '2018-05-11', bleeding: 1 },
+  { date: '2018-05-12', temperature: 36.3 },
+  { date: '2018-05-13', temperature: 36.4, cervix: { opening: 1, firmness: 1 } },
+  { date: '2018-05-14', temperature: 36.3, cervix: { opening: 1, firmness: 1 } },
+  { date: '2018-05-15', temperature: 36.2, cervix: { opening: 1, firmness: 1 } },
+  { date: '2018-05-16', temperature: 36.3, cervix: { opening: 0, firmness: 0 } },
+  { date: '2018-05-17', temperature: 36.3, cervix: { opening: 0, firmness: 0 } },
+  { date: '2018-05-18', temperature: 36.35, cervix: { opening: 0, firmness: 0 } },
+  { date: '2018-05-19', temperature: 36.65, cervix: { opening: 0, firmness: 0 } },
+  { date: '2018-05-20', temperature: 36.7, cervix: { opening: 0, firmness: 0 } },
+  { date: '2018-05-21', temperature: 36.6, cervix: { opening: 0, firmness: 0 } },
+  { date: '2018-05-22', temperature: 36.85, cervix: { opening: 0, firmness: 0 } },
+  { date: '2018-05-23', temperature: 36.8, cervix: { opening: 1, firmness: 0 } },
+  { date: '2018-05-24', temperature: 36.85, cervix: { opening: 0, firmness: 0 } },
+  { date: '2018-05-25', temperature: 36.95, cervix: { opening: 0, firmness: 0 } },
+  { date: '2018-05-26', temperature: 36.85, cervix: { opening: 0, firmness: 1 } },
+  { date: '2018-05-27', temperature: 36.8, cervix: { opening: 1, firmness: 0 } },
+  { date: '2018-05-28', temperature: 36.6, cervix: { opening: 1, firmness: 0 } },
+  { date: '2018-05-29', bleeding: 2 }
+export const cervixShift2DaysAfterTempShift = [
+  { date: '2018-04-05', bleeding: 3 },
+  { date: '2018-04-06', bleeding: 2 },
+  { date: '2018-04-07', bleeding: 2 },
+  { date: '2018-04-08', bleeding: 1 },
+  { date: '2018-04-09', temperature: 36.5 },
+  { date: '2018-04-10', temperature: 36.5, cervix: { opening: 1, firmness: 1 } },
+  { date: '2018-04-11', temperature: 36.55, cervix: { opening: 1, firmness: 1 } },
+  { date: '2018-04-12', temperature: 36.5, cervix: { opening: 1, firmness: 1 } },
+  { date: '2018-04-13', temperature: 36.35, cervix: { opening: 1, firmness: 1 } },
+  { date: '2018-04-14', temperature: 36.35, cervix: { opening: 1, firmness: 1 } },
+  { date: '2018-04-15', temperature: 36.6, cervix: { opening: 1, firmness: 1 } },
+  { date: '2018-04-16', temperature: 36.8, cervix: { opening: 1, firmness: 1 } },
+  { date: '2018-04-17', temperature: 36.8, cervix: { opening: 0, firmness: 0 } },
+  { date: '2018-04-18', temperature: 36.8, cervix: { opening: 0, firmness: 0 } },
+  { date: '2018-04-19', temperature: 36.85, cervix: { opening: 0, firmness: 0 } },
+  { date: '2018-04-20', temperature: 37.0, cervix: { opening: 0, firmness: 0 } },
+  { date: '2018-04-22', temperature: 36.9, cervix: { opening: 0, firmness: 0 } },
+  { date: '2018-04-23', temperature: 37.1, cervix: { opening: 0, firmness: 0 } },
+  { date: '2018-04-24', temperature: 36.75, cervix: { opening: 0, firmness: 0 } }
+export const noOvulationDetected = [
+  { date: '2018-03-08', bleeding: 3 },
+  { date: '2018-03-09', bleeding: 3 },
+  { date: '2018-03-10', bleeding: 3 },
+  { date: '2018-03-11', bleeding: 3 },
+  { date: '2018-03-12', temperature: 36.3, cervix: { opening: 0, firmness: 0 } },
+  { date: '2018-03-13', temperature: 36.5, cervix: { opening: 1, firmness: 1 } },
+  { date: '2018-03-14', temperature: 36.45, cervix: { opening: 1, firmness: 1 } },
+  { date: '2018-03-15', temperature: 36.4, cervix: { opening: 1, firmness: 1 } },
+  { date: '2018-03-16', temperature: 36.2, cervix: { opening: 1, firmness: 1 } },
+  { date: '2018-03-17', temperature: 36.5, cervix: { opening: 1, firmness: 1 } },
+  { date: '2018-03-18', temperature: 36.6, cervix: { opening: 1, firmness: 1 } },
+  { date: '2018-03-19', temperature: 36.35, cervix: { opening: 1, firmness: 0 } },
+  { date: '2018-03-20', temperature: 36.8, cervix: { opening: 0, firmness: 0 } },
+  { date: '2018-03-21', temperature: 36.7, cervix: { opening: 0, firmness: 0 } },
+  { date: '2018-03-22', temperature: 36.7, cervix: { opening: 0, firmness: 1 } },
+  { date: '2018-03-23', temperature: 36.7, cervix: { opening: 0, firmness: 0 } }
+export const fiveDayCycle = [
+  { date: '2018-08-01', bleeding: 2 },
+  { date: '2018-08-03', bleeding: 3 }
diff --git a/test/sympto/cervix-temp.spec.js b/test/sympto/cervix-temp.spec.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e2d8fa04126a0a3c57dbc59f2fc02b15bf886cf2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/sympto/cervix-temp.spec.js
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+import chai from 'chai'
+import getSensiplanStatus from '../../lib/sympto'
+import {
+  cervixShiftAndFhmOnSameDay,
+  cycleWithFhmNoCervixShift,
+  cycleWithoutFhm,
+  longCycleWithoutAnyShifts,
+  tempShift3DaysAfterCervixShift,
+  cervixShift2DaysAfterTempShift,
+  noOvulationDetected,
+  fiveDayCycle
+} from './cervix-temp-fixtures'
+const expect = chai.expect
+describe('sympto', () => {
+  describe('combining temperature and cervix tracking', () => {
+    describe('with no previous higher temp measurement', () => {
+      it('with no temp or cervix shifts detects only peri-ovulatory', () => {
+        const status = getSensiplanStatus({
+          cycle: longCycleWithoutAnyShifts,
+          previousCycle: cycleWithoutFhm,
+          secondarySymptom: 'cervix'
+        })
+        expect(Object.keys(status.phases).length).to.eql(1)
+        expect(status).to.eql({
+          phases: {
+            periOvulatory: {
+              start: { date: '2018-07-01' },
+              cycleDays: longCycleWithoutAnyShifts
+            }
+          }
+        })
+      })
+      it('with temp but no cervix shift detects only peri-ovulatory', () => {
+        const status = getSensiplanStatus({
+          cycle: cycleWithFhmNoCervixShift,
+          previousCycle: cycleWithoutFhm,
+          secondarySymptom: 'cervix'
+        })
+        expect(Object.keys(status.phases).length).to.eql(1)
+        expect(status).to.eql({
+          phases: {
+            periOvulatory: {
+              start: { date: '2018-08-01' },
+              cycleDays: cycleWithFhmNoCervixShift
+            }
+          }
+        })
+      })
+      it('with temp and cervix shifts at the same day an no previous cycle detects only peri- and post-ovulatory phases', () => {
+        const status = getSensiplanStatus({
+          cycle: cervixShiftAndFhmOnSameDay,
+          secondarySymptom: 'cervix'
+        })
+        expect(Object.keys(status.phases).length).to.eql(2)
+        expect(status.temperatureShift.evaluationCompleteDay.date).to.eql('2018-08-15')
+        expect(status.cervixShift.evaluationCompleteDay.date).to.eql('2018-08-15')
+        expect(status.temperatureShift.rule).to.eql(0)
+        expect(status.phases.periOvulatory).to.eql({
+          start: { date: '2018-08-01' },
+          end: { date: '2018-08-15', time: '18:00' },
+          cycleDays: cervixShiftAndFhmOnSameDay
+            .filter(({date}) => date <= '2018-08-15')
+        })
+        expect(status.phases.postOvulatory).to.eql({
+          start: { date: '2018-08-15', time: '18:00' },
+          cycleDays: cervixShiftAndFhmOnSameDay
+            .filter(({date}) => date >= '2018-08-15')
+        })
+      })
+    })
+    describe('with previous higher temp measurement', () => {
+      it('with no shifts in 5-day long cycle detects only peri-ovulatory according to 5-day rule', () => {
+        const status = getSensiplanStatus({
+          cycle: fiveDayCycle,
+          previousCycle: cervixShiftAndFhmOnSameDay,
+          secondarySymptom: 'cervix'
+        })
+        expect(Object.keys(status.phases).length).to.eql(1)
+        expect(status.phases.preOvulatory).to.eql({
+          cycleDays: fiveDayCycle,
+          start: { date: '2018-08-01' },
+          end: { date: '2018-08-05' }
+        })
+      })
+      it('with no shifts in long cycle detects pre- and peri-ovulatory phase according to 5-day-rule', () => {
+        const status = getSensiplanStatus({
+          cycle: longCycleWithoutAnyShifts,
+          previousCycle: cervixShiftAndFhmOnSameDay,
+          secondarySymptom: 'cervix'
+        })
+        expect(Object.keys(status.phases).length).to.eql(2)
+        expect(status.phases.preOvulatory).to.eql({
+          cycleDays: longCycleWithoutAnyShifts
+            .filter(({date}) => date <= '2018-07-05'),
+          start: { date: '2018-07-01' },
+          end: { date: '2018-07-05' }
+        })
+        expect(status.phases.periOvulatory).to.eql({
+          cycleDays: longCycleWithoutAnyShifts
+            .filter(({date}) => date >= '2018-07-06'),
+          start: { date: '2018-07-06' }
+        })
+      })
+      it('with temperature and cervix evaluation end on same day detects all 3 phases', () => {
+        const status = getSensiplanStatus({
+          cycle: cervixShiftAndFhmOnSameDay,
+          previousCycle: cervixShiftAndFhmOnSameDay,
+          secondarySymptom: 'cervix'
+        })
+        expect(Object.keys(status.phases).length).to.eql(3)
+        expect(status.temperatureShift.evaluationCompleteDay.date).to.eql('2018-08-15')
+        expect(status.cervixShift.evaluationCompleteDay.date).to.eql('2018-08-15')
+        expect(status.phases.preOvulatory).to.eql({
+          start: { date: '2018-08-01' },
+          end: { date: '2018-08-05' },
+          cycleDays: cervixShiftAndFhmOnSameDay
+            .filter(({date}) => date <= '2018-08-05')
+        })
+        expect(status.phases.periOvulatory).to.eql({
+          start: { date: '2018-08-06' },
+          end: { date: '2018-08-15', time: '18:00' },
+          cycleDays: cervixShiftAndFhmOnSameDay
+            .filter(({date}) => {
+              return date > '2018-08-05' && date <= '2018-08-15'
+            })
+        })
+        expect(status.phases.postOvulatory).to.eql({
+          start: { date: '2018-08-15', time: '18:00' },
+          cycleDays: cervixShiftAndFhmOnSameDay
+            .filter(({date}) => date >= '2018-08-15')
+        })
+      })
+      it('with temperature shift 3 days after cervix shift detects all 3 phases', () => {
+        const status = getSensiplanStatus({
+          cycle: tempShift3DaysAfterCervixShift,
+          previousCycle: cervixShiftAndFhmOnSameDay,
+          secondarySymptom: 'cervix'
+        })
+        expect(Object.keys(status.phases).length).to.eql(3)
+        expect(status.cervixShift).to.be.an('object')
+        expect(status.temperatureShift).to.be.an('object')
+        expect(status.cervixShift.evaluationCompleteDay.date).to.eql('2018-05-18')
+        expect(status.temperatureShift.evaluationCompleteDay.date).to.eql('2018-05-21')
+        expect(status.phases.preOvulatory).to.eql({
+          start: { date: '2018-05-08' },
+          end: { date: '2018-05-12' },
+          cycleDays: tempShift3DaysAfterCervixShift
+            .filter(({date}) => date <= '2018-05-12')
+        })
+        expect(status.phases.periOvulatory).to.eql({
+          start: { date:'2018-05-13'},
+          end: { date: '2018-05-21', time: '18:00' },
+          cycleDays: tempShift3DaysAfterCervixShift
+            .filter(({date}) => {
+              return date >= '2018-05-13' && date <= '2018-05-21'
+            })
+        })
+        expect(status.phases.postOvulatory).to.eql({
+          start: { date: '2018-05-21', time: '18:00' },
+          cycleDays: tempShift3DaysAfterCervixShift
+            .filter(({date}) => date >= '2018-05-21')
+        })
+      })
+      it('with cervix shift 2 days after temperature shift detects all 3 phases', () => {
+        const status = getSensiplanStatus({
+          cycle: cervixShift2DaysAfterTempShift,
+          previousCycle: cervixShiftAndFhmOnSameDay,
+          secondarySymptom: 'cervix'
+        })
+        expect(Object.keys(status.phases).length).to.eql(3)
+        expect(status.temperatureShift.rule).to.eql(0)
+        expect(status.temperatureShift.evaluationCompleteDay.date).to.eql('2018-04-17')
+        expect(status.cervixShift.evaluationCompleteDay.date).to.eql('2018-04-19')
+        expect(status.phases.preOvulatory).to.eql({
+          cycleDays: cervixShift2DaysAfterTempShift
+            .filter(({date}) => date <= '2018-04-09'),
+          start: { date: '2018-04-05' },
+          end: { date: '2018-04-09' }
+        })
+        expect(status.phases.periOvulatory).to.eql({
+          cycleDays: cervixShift2DaysAfterTempShift
+            .filter(({date}) => {
+              return date >= '2018-04-10' && date <= '2018-04-19'
+            }),
+          start: { date: '2018-04-10' },
+          end: { date: '2018-04-19', time: '18:00' }
+        })
+        expect(status.phases.postOvulatory).to.eql({
+          cycleDays: cervixShift2DaysAfterTempShift
+            .filter(({date}) => date >= '2018-04-19'),
+          start: { date: '2018-04-19', time: '18:00' }
+        })
+      })
+      it('with no shifts no ovulation is found detects only pre and peri-ovulatory phase', () => {
+        const status = getSensiplanStatus({
+          cycle: noOvulationDetected,
+          previousCycle: cervixShiftAndFhmOnSameDay,
+          secondarySymptom: 'cervix'
+        })
+        expect(Object.keys(status.phases).length).to.eql(2)
+        expect(status.phases.preOvulatory).to.eql({
+          cycleDays: noOvulationDetected
+            .filter(({date}) => date <= '2018-03-12'),
+          start: { date: '2018-03-08' },
+          end: { date: '2018-03-12' }
+        })
+        expect(status.phases.periOvulatory).to.eql({
+          cycleDays: noOvulationDetected
+            .filter(({date}) => date > '2018-03-12'),
+          start: { date: '2018-03-13' }
+        })
+      })
+    })
+  })
diff --git a/test/sympto/cervix.spec.js b/test/sympto/cervix.spec.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f8bbc3ebb25e1848c3dfc0965bd7ce36625c5aa7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/sympto/cervix.spec.js
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+import chai from 'chai'
+import getCervixStatus from '../../lib/sympto/cervix'
+const expect = chai.expect
+function turnIntoCycleDayObject(value, fakeDate) {
+  const hardAndClosed = {
+    opening: 0,
+    firmness: 0
+  }
+  const hardAndOpen = {
+    opening: 1,
+    firmness: 0
+  }
+  const softAndClosed = {
+    opening: 0,
+    firmness: 1
+  }
+  const softAndOpen = {
+    opening: 1,
+    firmness: 1
+  }
+  const cervixStates = [hardAndClosed, hardAndOpen, softAndClosed, softAndOpen]
+  return {
+    date: fakeDate,
+    cervix: {
+      opening: cervixStates[value].opening,
+      firmness: cervixStates[value].firmness,
+      exclude: false
+    }
+  }
+describe('sympto', () => {
+  describe('detects cervix shift', () => {
+    it('when shift happens at day 13 with consistent following days of infertile cervix until tempEvalEnd', () => {
+      const values = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
+        .map(turnIntoCycleDayObject)
+      const status = getCervixStatus(values, 16)
+      expect(status).to.eql({
+        detected: true,
+        cervixPeakBeforeShift: {
+          date: 10,
+          cervix: {
+            opening: 1,
+            firmness: 1,
+            exclude: false
+          }
+        },
+        evaluationCompleteDay: {
+          date: 13,
+          cervix: {
+            opening: 0,
+            firmness: 0,
+            exclude: false
+          }
+        }
+      })
+    })
+    it('right at the start of cycle days even if later shift happens again because tempEvalEnd happened before second potential shift', () => {
+      const values = [2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
+        .map(turnIntoCycleDayObject)
+      const status = getCervixStatus(values, 5)
+      expect(status).to.eql({
+        detected: true,
+        cervixPeakBeforeShift: {
+          date: 0,
+          cervix: {
+            opening: 0,
+            firmness: 1,
+            exclude: false
+          },
+        },
+        evaluationCompleteDay: {
+          date: 3,
+          cervix: {
+            opening: 0,
+            firmness: 0,
+            exclude: false
+          }
+        }
+      })
+    })
+    it('at day 6 although right at the start of cycle days a potential shift happened but because tempEvalEnd happens after second shift', () => {
+      const values = [2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
+        .map(turnIntoCycleDayObject)
+      const status = getCervixStatus(values, 10)
+      expect(status).to.eql({
+        detected: true,
+        cervixPeakBeforeShift: {
+          date: 6,
+          cervix: {
+            opening: 1,
+            firmness: 0,
+            exclude: false
+          },
+        },
+        evaluationCompleteDay: {
+          date: 9,
+          cervix: {
+            opening: 0,
+            firmness: 0,
+            exclude: false
+          }
+        }
+      })
+    })
+    it('when the cervix shift is happening after tempEvalEnd', () => {
+      const values = [1,1,1,1,1,2,3,3,3,3,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        .map(turnIntoCycleDayObject)
+      const status = getCervixStatus(values, 10)
+      expect(status).to.eql({
+        detected: true,
+        cervixPeakBeforeShift: {
+          date: 13,
+          cervix: {
+            opening: 1,
+            firmness: 0,
+            exclude: false
+          }
+        },
+        evaluationCompleteDay: {
+          date: 16,
+          cervix: {
+            opening: 0,
+            firmness: 0,
+            exclude: false
+          }
+        }
+      })
+    })
+  })
+  describe('detects no cervix shift', () => {
+    it('if there are less than 3 days closed and hard cervix', () => {
+      const values = [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 0, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 2, 0]
+        .map(turnIntoCycleDayObject)
+      const status = getCervixStatus(values, 15)
+      expect(status).to.eql({ detected: false })
+    })
+    it('if cycleDays have not enough cervix values to detect valid cervix shift', () => {
+      const values = [2,0,0]
+        .map(turnIntoCycleDayObject)
+      const status = getCervixStatus(values, 17)
+      expect(status).to.eql({ detected: false })
+    })
+    it('if no days indicate fertile cervix which could be cervix peak', () => {
+      const values = [1, 3, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1]
+        .map(turnIntoCycleDayObject)
+      const status = getCervixStatus(values, 12)
+      expect(status).to.eql({ detected: false })
+    })
+    it('if all days indicate infertile cervix values', () => {
+      const values = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        .map(turnIntoCycleDayObject)
+      const status = getCervixStatus(values, 9)
+      expect(status).to.eql({ detected: false })
+    })
+    it('if there are no cervix values', () => {
+      const values = [].map(turnIntoCycleDayObject)
+      const status = getCervixStatus(values, 15)
+      expect(status).to.eql({ detected: false })
+    })
+  })
diff --git a/test/sympto/index.spec.js b/test/sympto/index.spec.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f1df47118972349981f056acfdb45721204aec7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/test/sympto/index.spec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,660 +0,0 @@
-import chai from 'chai'
-import getSensiplanStatus from '../../lib/sympto'
-import { AssertionError } from 'assert'
-import {
-  cycleWithoutFhm,
-  longAndComplicatedCycle,
-  cycleWithTempAndNoMucusShift,
-  cycleWithFhm,
-  cycleWithoutAnyShifts,
-  fiveDayCycle,
-  cycleWithEarlyMucus,
-  cycleWithMucusOnFirstDay,
-  mucusPeakAndFhmOnSameDay,
-  fhmTwoDaysBeforeMucusPeak,
-  fhm5DaysAfterMucusPeak,
-  mucusPeak5DaysAfterFhm,
-  mucusPeakTwoDaysBeforeFhm,
-  fhmOnDay12,
-  fhmOnDay15,
-  mucusPeakSlightlyBeforeTempShift,
-  highestMucusQualityAfterEndOfEval
-} from './fixtures'
-const expect = chai.expect
-describe('sympto', () => {
-  describe('with no previous higher measurement', () => {
-    it('with no shifts detects only peri-ovulatory', function () {
-      const status = getSensiplanStatus({
-        cycle: cycleWithoutAnyShifts,
-        previousCycle: cycleWithoutFhm
-      })
-      expect(status).to.eql({
-        phases: {
-          periOvulatory: {
-            start: { date: '2018-06-01' },
-            cycleDays: cycleWithoutAnyShifts
-          }
-        },
-      })
-    })
-    it('with shifts detects only peri-ovulatory and post-ovulatory', () => {
-      const status = getSensiplanStatus({
-        cycle: longAndComplicatedCycle,
-        previousCycle: cycleWithoutFhm
-      })
-      expect(status.temperatureShift).to.be.an('object')
-      expect(status.mucusShift).to.be.an('object')
-      expect(Object.keys(status.phases).length).to.eql(2)
-      expect(status.phases.periOvulatory).to.eql({
-        start: { date: '2018-06-01' },
-        end: { date: '2018-06-21', time: '18:00' },
-        cycleDays: longAndComplicatedCycle
-          .filter(({date}) => date <= '2018-06-21')
-      })
-      expect(status.phases.postOvulatory).to.eql({
-        start: {
-          date: '2018-06-21',
-          time: '18:00'
-        },
-        cycleDays: longAndComplicatedCycle
-          .filter(({date}) => date >= '2018-06-21')
-      })
-    })
-  })
-  describe('with previous higher measurement', () => {
-    describe('with no shifts detects pre-ovulatory phase', function () {
-      it('according to 5-day-rule', function () {
-        const status = getSensiplanStatus({
-          cycle: fiveDayCycle,
-          previousCycle: cycleWithFhm
-        })
-        expect(Object.keys(status.phases).length).to.eql(1)
-        expect(status.phases.preOvulatory).to.eql({
-          cycleDays: fiveDayCycle,
-          start: { date: '2018-06-01' },
-          end: { date: '2018-06-05' }
-        })
-      })
-    })
-    describe('with no shifts detects pre- and peri-ovulatory phase', () => {
-      it('according to 5-day-rule', function () {
-        const status = getSensiplanStatus({
-          cycle: cycleWithTempAndNoMucusShift,
-          previousCycle: cycleWithFhm
-        })
-        expect(Object.keys(status.phases).length).to.eql(2)
-        expect(status.phases.preOvulatory).to.eql({
-          cycleDays: cycleWithTempAndNoMucusShift
-            .filter(({date}) => date <= '2018-06-05'),
-          start: { date: '2018-06-01' },
-          end: { date: '2018-06-05' }
-        })
-        expect(status.phases.periOvulatory).to.eql({
-          cycleDays: cycleWithTempAndNoMucusShift
-            .filter(({date}) => date > '2018-06-05'),
-          start: { date: '2018-06-06' }
-        })
-      })
-      it('according to 5-day-rule with shortened pre-phase', function () {
-        const status = getSensiplanStatus({
-          cycle: cycleWithEarlyMucus,
-          previousCycle: cycleWithFhm
-        })
-        expect(Object.keys(status.phases).length).to.eql(2)
-        expect(status.phases.preOvulatory).to.eql({
-          cycleDays: [cycleWithEarlyMucus[0]],
-          start: { date: '2018-06-01' },
-          end: { date: '2018-06-01' }
-        })
-        expect(status.phases.periOvulatory).to.eql({
-          cycleDays: cycleWithEarlyMucus.slice(1),
-          start: { date: '2018-06-02' }
-        })
-      })
-    })
-    describe('with shifts detects pre- and peri-ovulatory phase', function () {
-      it('according to 5-day-rule', function () {
-        const status = getSensiplanStatus({
-          cycle: longAndComplicatedCycle,
-          previousCycle: cycleWithFhm
-        })
-        expect(Object.keys(status.phases).length).to.eql(3)
-        expect(status.phases.preOvulatory).to.eql({
-          cycleDays: longAndComplicatedCycle
-            .filter(({date}) => date <= '2018-06-05'),
-          start: { date: '2018-06-01' },
-          end: { date: '2018-06-05' }
-        })
-        expect(status.phases.periOvulatory).to.eql({
-          cycleDays: longAndComplicatedCycle
-            .filter(({date}) => date > '2018-06-05' && date <= '2018-06-21'),
-          start: { date: '2018-06-06' },
-          end: { date: '2018-06-21', time: '18:00'}
-        })
-        expect(status.phases.postOvulatory).to.eql({
-          cycleDays: longAndComplicatedCycle
-            .filter(({date}) => date >= '2018-06-21'),
-          start: { date: '2018-06-21', time: '18:00'}
-        })
-      })
-    })
-  })
-  describe('combining first higher measurment and mucus peak', () => {
-    it('with fhM + mucus peak on same day finds start of postovu phase', () => {
-      const status = getSensiplanStatus({
-        cycle: mucusPeakAndFhmOnSameDay,
-        previousCycle: cycleWithFhm
-      })
-      expect(status.temperatureShift).to.be.an('object')
-      expect(status.mucusShift).to.be.an('object')
-      expect(Object.keys(status.phases).length).to.eql(3)
-      expect(status.phases.preOvulatory).to.eql({
-        start: { date: '2018-06-01' },
-        end: { date: '2018-06-05' },
-        cycleDays: mucusPeakAndFhmOnSameDay
-          .filter(({date}) => date <= '2018-06-05')
-      })
-      expect(status.phases.periOvulatory).to.eql({
-        start: { date: '2018-06-06' },
-        end: { date: '2018-06-21', time: '18:00' },
-        cycleDays: mucusPeakAndFhmOnSameDay
-          .filter(({date}) => {
-            return date > '2018-06-05' && date <= '2018-06-21'
-          })
-      })
-      expect(status.phases.postOvulatory).to.eql({
-        start: {
-          date: '2018-06-21',
-          time: '18:00'
-        },
-        cycleDays: mucusPeakAndFhmOnSameDay
-          .filter(({date}) => date >= '2018-06-21')
-      })
-    })
-    it('with fhM 2 days before mucus peak waits for end of mucus eval', () => {
-      const status = getSensiplanStatus({
-        cycle: fhmTwoDaysBeforeMucusPeak,
-        previousCycle: cycleWithFhm
-      })
-      expect(status.temperatureShift).to.be.an('object')
-      expect(status.mucusShift).to.be.an('object')
-      expect(Object.keys(status.phases).length).to.eql(3)
-      expect(status.phases.preOvulatory).to.eql({
-        start: { date: '2018-06-01' },
-        end: { date: '2018-06-05' },
-        cycleDays: fhmTwoDaysBeforeMucusPeak
-          .filter(({date}) => date <= '2018-06-05')
-      })
-      expect(status.phases.periOvulatory).to.eql({
-        start: { date: '2018-06-06' },
-        end: { date: '2018-06-26', time: '18:00' },
-        cycleDays: fhmTwoDaysBeforeMucusPeak
-          .filter(({date}) => {
-            return date > '2018-06-05' && date <= '2018-06-26'
-          })
-      })
-      expect(status.phases.postOvulatory).to.eql({
-        start: {
-          date: '2018-06-26',
-          time: '18:00'
-        },
-        cycleDays: fhmTwoDaysBeforeMucusPeak
-          .filter(({date}) => date >= '2018-06-26')
-      })
-    })
-    it('another example for mucus peak before temp shift', () => {
-      const status = getSensiplanStatus({
-        cycle: mucusPeakSlightlyBeforeTempShift,
-        previousCycle: cycleWithFhm
-      })
-      expect(status.temperatureShift).to.be.an('object')
-      expect(status.mucusShift).to.be.an('object')
-      expect(Object.keys(status.phases).length).to.eql(3)
-      expect(status.phases.preOvulatory).to.eql({
-        start: { date: '2018-06-01' },
-        end: { date: '2018-06-05' },
-        cycleDays: mucusPeakSlightlyBeforeTempShift
-          .filter(({date}) => date <= '2018-06-05')
-      })
-      expect(status.phases.periOvulatory).to.eql({
-        start: { date: '2018-06-06' },
-        end: { date: '2018-06-17', time: '18:00' },
-        cycleDays: mucusPeakSlightlyBeforeTempShift
-          .filter(({date}) => {
-            return date > '2018-06-05' && date <= '2018-06-17'
-          })
-      })
-      expect(status.phases.postOvulatory).to.eql({
-        start: {
-          date: '2018-06-17',
-          time: '18:00'
-        },
-        cycleDays: mucusPeakSlightlyBeforeTempShift
-          .filter(({date}) => date >= '2018-06-17')
-      })
-    })
-    it('with another mucus peak 5 days after fHM ignores it', () => {
-      const status = getSensiplanStatus({
-        cycle: mucusPeak5DaysAfterFhm,
-        previousCycle: cycleWithFhm
-      })
-      expect(status.temperatureShift).to.be.an('object')
-      expect(status.mucusShift).to.be.an('object')
-      expect(Object.keys(status.phases).length).to.eql(3)
-      expect(status.phases.preOvulatory).to.eql({
-        start: { date: '2018-06-01' },
-        end: { date: '2018-06-01' },
-        cycleDays: mucusPeak5DaysAfterFhm
-          .filter(({date}) => date <= '2018-06-01')
-      })
-      expect(status.phases.periOvulatory).to.eql({
-        start: { date: '2018-06-02' },
-        end: { date: '2018-06-22', time: '18:00' },
-        cycleDays: mucusPeak5DaysAfterFhm
-          .filter(({date}) => {
-            return date > '2018-06-01' && date <= '2018-06-22'
-          })
-      })
-      expect(status.phases.postOvulatory).to.eql({
-        start: {
-          date: '2018-06-22',
-          time: '18:00'
-        },
-        cycleDays: mucusPeak5DaysAfterFhm
-          .filter(({date}) => date >= '2018-06-22')
-      })
-    })
-    it('with mucus peak 2 days before fhM waits for end of temp eval', () => {
-      const status = getSensiplanStatus({
-        cycle:  mucusPeakTwoDaysBeforeFhm,
-        previousCycle: cycleWithFhm
-      })
-      expect(status.temperatureShift).to.be.an('object')
-      expect(status.mucusShift).to.be.an('object')
-      expect(Object.keys(status.phases).length).to.eql(3)
-      expect(status.phases.preOvulatory).to.eql({
-        start: { date: '2018-06-01' },
-        end: { date: '2018-06-04' },
-        cycleDays: mucusPeakTwoDaysBeforeFhm
-          .filter(({date}) => date <= '2018-06-04')
-      })
-      expect(status.phases.periOvulatory).to.eql({
-        start: { date: '2018-06-05' },
-        end: { date: '2018-07-03', time: '18:00' },
-        cycleDays: mucusPeakTwoDaysBeforeFhm
-          .filter(({date}) => {
-            return date > '2018-06-04' && date <= '2018-07-03'
-          })
-      })
-      expect(status.phases.postOvulatory).to.eql({
-        start: {
-          date: '2018-07-03',
-          time: '18:00'
-        },
-        cycleDays: mucusPeakTwoDaysBeforeFhm
-          .filter(({date}) => date >= '2018-07-03')
-      })
-    })
-    it('with mucus peak 5 days before fhM waits for end of temp eval', () => {
-      const status = getSensiplanStatus({
-        cycle:  fhm5DaysAfterMucusPeak,
-        previousCycle: cycleWithFhm
-      })
-      expect(status.temperatureShift).to.be.an('object')
-      expect(status.mucusShift).to.be.an('object')
-      expect(Object.keys(status.phases).length).to.eql(3)
-      expect(status.phases.preOvulatory).to.eql({
-        start: { date: '2018-06-01' },
-        end: { date: '2018-06-05' },
-        cycleDays: fhm5DaysAfterMucusPeak
-          .filter(({date}) => date <= '2018-06-05')
-      })
-      expect(status.phases.periOvulatory).to.eql({
-        start: { date: '2018-06-06' },
-        end: { date: '2018-06-21', time: '18:00' },
-        cycleDays: fhm5DaysAfterMucusPeak
-          .filter(({date}) => {
-            return date > '2018-06-05' && date <= '2018-06-21'
-          })
-      })
-      expect(status.phases.postOvulatory).to.eql({
-        start: {
-          date: '2018-06-21',
-          time: '18:00'
-        },
-        cycleDays: fhm5DaysAfterMucusPeak
-          .filter(({date}) => date >= '2018-06-21')
-      })
-    })
-    it('with highest quality after end of eval', () => {
-      const status = getSensiplanStatus({
-        cycle: highestMucusQualityAfterEndOfEval,
-        previousCycle: cycleWithFhm
-      })
-      expect(status.temperatureShift).to.be.an('object')
-      expect(status.mucusShift).to.be.an('object')
-      expect(Object.keys(status.phases).length).to.eql(3)
-      expect(status.phases.preOvulatory).to.eql({
-        start: { date: '2018-06-01' },
-        end: { date: '2018-06-05' },
-        cycleDays: highestMucusQualityAfterEndOfEval
-          .filter(({date}) => date <= '2018-06-05')
-      })
-      expect(status.phases.periOvulatory).to.eql({
-        start: { date: '2018-06-06' },
-        end: { date: '2018-06-17', time: '18:00' },
-        cycleDays: highestMucusQualityAfterEndOfEval
-          .filter(({date}) => {
-            return date > '2018-06-05' && date <= '2018-06-17'
-          })
-      })
-      expect(status.phases.postOvulatory).to.eql({
-        start: {
-          date: '2018-06-17',
-          time: '18:00'
-        },
-        cycleDays: highestMucusQualityAfterEndOfEval
-          .filter(({date}) => date >= '2018-06-17')
-      })
-    })
-  })
-  describe('applying the minus-8 rule', () => {
-    it('shortens the pre-ovu phase if there is a previous <13 fhm', () => {
-      const status = getSensiplanStatus({
-        cycle:  longAndComplicatedCycle,
-        previousCycle: fhmOnDay15,
-        earlierCycles: [fhmOnDay12, ...Array(10).fill(fhmOnDay15)]
-      })
-      expect(status.temperatureShift).to.be.an('object')
-      expect(status.mucusShift).to.be.an('object')
-      expect(Object.keys(status.phases).length).to.eql(3)
-      expect(status.phases.preOvulatory).to.eql({
-        start: { date: '2018-06-01' },
-        end: { date: '2018-06-04' },
-        cycleDays: longAndComplicatedCycle
-          .filter(({date}) => date <= '2018-06-04')
-      })
-      expect(status.phases.periOvulatory).to.eql({
-        start: { date: '2018-06-05' },
-        end: { date: '2018-06-21', time: '18:00' },
-        cycleDays: longAndComplicatedCycle
-          .filter(({date}) => {
-            return date > '2018-06-04' && date <= '2018-06-21'
-          })
-      })
-      expect(status.phases.postOvulatory).to.eql({
-        start: {
-          date: '2018-06-21',
-          time: '18:00'
-        },
-        cycleDays: longAndComplicatedCycle
-          .filter(({date}) => date >= '2018-06-21')
-      })
-    })
-    it('shortens pre-ovu phase with prev <13 fhm even with <12 cycles', () => {
-      const status = getSensiplanStatus({
-        cycle:  longAndComplicatedCycle,
-        previousCycle: fhmOnDay12,
-        earlierCycles: Array(10).fill(fhmOnDay12)
-      })
-      expect(status.temperatureShift).to.be.an('object')
-      expect(status.mucusShift).to.be.an('object')
-      expect(Object.keys(status.phases).length).to.eql(3)
-      expect(status.phases.preOvulatory).to.eql({
-        start: { date: '2018-06-01' },
-        end: { date: '2018-06-04' },
-        cycleDays: longAndComplicatedCycle
-          .filter(({date}) => date <= '2018-06-04')
-      })
-      expect(status.phases.periOvulatory).to.eql({
-        start: { date: '2018-06-05' },
-        end: { date: '2018-06-21', time: '18:00' },
-        cycleDays: longAndComplicatedCycle
-          .filter(({date}) => {
-            return date > '2018-06-04' && date <= '2018-06-21'
-          })
-      })
-      expect(status.phases.postOvulatory).to.eql({
-        start: {
-          date: '2018-06-21',
-          time: '18:00'
-        },
-        cycleDays: longAndComplicatedCycle
-          .filter(({date}) => date >= '2018-06-21')
-      })
-    })
-    it('shortens the pre-ovu phase if mucus occurs', () => {
-      const status = getSensiplanStatus({
-        cycle: cycleWithEarlyMucus,
-        previousCycle: fhmOnDay12,
-        earlierCycles: Array(10).fill(fhmOnDay12)
-      })
-      expect(Object.keys(status.phases).length).to.eql(2)
-      expect(status.phases.preOvulatory).to.eql({
-        start: { date: '2018-06-01' },
-        end: { date: '2018-06-01' },
-        cycleDays: cycleWithEarlyMucus
-          .filter(({date}) => date <= '2018-06-01')
-      })
-      expect(status.phases.periOvulatory).to.eql({
-        start: { date: '2018-06-02' },
-        cycleDays: cycleWithEarlyMucus
-          .filter(({date}) => {
-            return date > '2018-06-01'
-          })
-      })
-    })
-    it('shortens the pre-ovu phase if mucus occurs even on the first day', () => {
-      const status = getSensiplanStatus({
-        cycle: cycleWithMucusOnFirstDay,
-        previousCycle: fhmOnDay12,
-        earlierCycles: Array(10).fill(fhmOnDay12)
-      })
-      expect(Object.keys(status.phases).length).to.eql(1)
-      expect(status.phases.periOvulatory).to.eql({
-        start: { date: '2018-06-01' },
-        cycleDays: cycleWithMucusOnFirstDay
-      })
-    })
-    it('lengthens the pre-ovu phase if >= 12 cycles with fhm > 13', () => {
-      const status = getSensiplanStatus({
-        cycle: longAndComplicatedCycle,
-        previousCycle: fhmOnDay15,
-        earlierCycles: Array(11).fill(fhmOnDay15)
-      })
-      expect(Object.keys(status.phases).length).to.eql(3)
-      expect(status.phases.preOvulatory).to.eql({
-        start: { date: '2018-06-01' },
-        end: { date: '2018-06-07' },
-        cycleDays: longAndComplicatedCycle
-          .filter(({date}) => date <= '2018-06-07')
-      })
-      expect(status.phases.periOvulatory).to.eql({
-        start: { date: '2018-06-08' },
-        end: { date: '2018-06-21', time: '18:00' },
-        cycleDays: longAndComplicatedCycle
-          .filter(({date}) => {
-            return date > '2018-06-07' && date <= '2018-06-21'
-          })
-      })
-      expect(status.phases.postOvulatory).to.eql({
-        start: {
-          date: '2018-06-21',
-          time: '18:00'
-        },
-        cycleDays: longAndComplicatedCycle
-          .filter(({date}) => date >= '2018-06-21')
-      })
-    })
-    it('does not lengthen the pre-ovu phase if < 12 cycles', () => {
-      const status = getSensiplanStatus({
-        cycle: longAndComplicatedCycle,
-        previousCycle: fhmOnDay15,
-        earlierCycles: Array(10).fill(fhmOnDay15)
-      })
-      expect(Object.keys(status.phases).length).to.eql(3)
-      expect(status.phases.preOvulatory).to.eql({
-        start: { date: '2018-06-01' },
-        end: { date: '2018-06-05' },
-        cycleDays: longAndComplicatedCycle
-          .filter(({date}) => date <= '2018-06-05')
-      })
-      expect(status.phases.periOvulatory).to.eql({
-        start: { date: '2018-06-06' },
-        end: { date: '2018-06-21', time: '18:00' },
-        cycleDays: longAndComplicatedCycle
-          .filter(({date}) => {
-            return date > '2018-06-05' && date <= '2018-06-21'
-          })
-      })
-      expect(status.phases.postOvulatory).to.eql({
-        start: {
-          date: '2018-06-21',
-          time: '18:00'
-        },
-        cycleDays: longAndComplicatedCycle
-          .filter(({date}) => date >= '2018-06-21')
-      })
-    })
-    it('does not detect any pre-ovu phase if prev cycle had no fhm', () => {
-      const status = getSensiplanStatus({
-        cycle: longAndComplicatedCycle,
-        previousCycle: cycleWithoutFhm,
-        earlierCycles: [...Array(12).fill(fhmOnDay15)]
-      })
-      expect(Object.keys(status.phases).length).to.eql(2)
-      expect(status.phases.periOvulatory).to.eql({
-        start: { date: '2018-06-01' },
-        end: { date: '2018-06-21', time: '18:00' },
-        cycleDays: longAndComplicatedCycle
-          .filter(({date}) => {
-            return date >= '2018-06-01' && date <= '2018-06-21'
-          })
-      })
-      expect(status.phases.postOvulatory).to.eql({
-        start: {
-          date: '2018-06-21',
-          time: '18:00'
-        },
-        cycleDays: longAndComplicatedCycle
-          .filter(({date}) => date >= '2018-06-21')
-      })
-    })
-  })
-  describe('when args are wrong', () => {
-    it('throws when arg object is not in right format', () => {
-      const wrongObject = { hello: 'world' }
-      expect(() => getSensiplanStatus(wrongObject)).to.throw(AssertionError)
-    })
-    it('throws if cycle array is empty', () => {
-      expect(() => getSensiplanStatus({cycle: []})).to.throw(AssertionError)
-    })
-    it('throws if cycle days are not in right format', () => {
-      expect(() => getSensiplanStatus({
-        cycle: [{
-          hello: 'world',
-          bleeding: { value: 0 }
-        }],
-        earlierCycles: [[{
-          date: '1992-09-09',
-          bleeding: { value: 0 }
-        }]]
-      })).to.throw(AssertionError)
-      expect(() => getSensiplanStatus({
-        cycle: [{
-          date: '2018-04-13',
-          temperature: {value: '35'},
-          bleeding: { value: 0 }
-        }],
-        earlierCycles: [[{
-          date: '1992-09-09',
-          bleeding: { value: 0 }
-        }]]
-      })).to.throw(AssertionError)
-      expect(() => getSensiplanStatus({
-        cycle: [{
-          date: '09-14-2017',
-          bleeding: { value: 0 }
-        }],
-        earlierCycles: [[{
-          date: '1992-09-09',
-          bleeding: { value: 0 }
-        }]]
-      })).to.throw(AssertionError)
-    })
-    it('throws if first cycle day does not have bleeding value', () => {
-      expect(() => getSensiplanStatus({
-        cycle: [{
-          date: '2017-01-01',
-          bleeding: {
-            value: 'medium'
-          }
-        }],
-        earlierCycles: [[
-          {
-            date: '2017-09-23',
-          }
-        ]]
-      })).to.throw(AssertionError)
-    })
-  })
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/sympto/fixtures.js b/test/sympto/mucus-temp-fixtures.js
similarity index 90%
rename from test/sympto/fixtures.js
rename to test/sympto/mucus-temp-fixtures.js
index 0bb4f9fbc96dd7144657e809e3d350bd330560ee..d6463c018886c957fdd7019085b219569e9a74e4 100644
--- a/test/sympto/fixtures.js
+++ b/test/sympto/mucus-temp-fixtures.js
@@ -1,9 +1,17 @@
 function convertToSymptoFormat(val) {
   const sympto = { date: val.date }
-  if (val.temperature) sympto.temperature = { value: val.temperature }
-  if (val.mucus) sympto.mucus = { value: val.mucus }
-  if (val.bleeding) sympto.bleeding = { value: val.bleeding }
+  if (val.temperature) sympto.temperature = {
+    value: val.temperature,
+    exclude: false
+  }
+  if (val.mucus) sympto.mucus = {
+    value: val.mucus,
+    exclude: false
+  }
+  if (val.bleeding) sympto.bleeding = {
+    value: val.bleeding,
+    exclude: false
+  }
   return sympto
@@ -15,7 +23,7 @@ export const cycleWithFhm = [
   { date: '2018-06-06', temperature: 36.7, mucus: 0 },
   { date: '2018-06-13', temperature: 36.8, mucus: 4 },
   { date: '2018-06-15', temperature: 36.9, mucus: 2 },
-  { date: '2018-06-17', temperature: 36.9, mucus: 2 },
+  { date: '2018-06-16', temperature: 36.9, mucus: 2 },
   { date: '2018-06-17', temperature: 36.9, mucus: 2 },
   { date: '2018-06-18', temperature: 36.9, mucus: 2 }
@@ -227,6 +235,31 @@ export const mucusPeak5DaysAfterFhm = [
   { date: '2018-07-02', temperature: 36.9, mucus: 1 }
+export const highestMucusQualityAfterEndOfEval = [
+  { date: '2018-06-01', temperature: 36.6, bleeding: 2 },
+  { date: '2018-06-02', temperature: 36.65, mucus: 2 },
+  { date: '2018-06-04', temperature: 36.6 },
+  { date: '2018-06-05', temperature: 36.55 },
+  { date: '2018-06-06', temperature: 36.7, mucus: 0 },
+  { date: '2018-06-09', temperature: 36.5, mucus: 1 },
+  { date: '2018-06-10', temperature: 36.4, mucus: 2 },
+  { date: '2018-06-13', temperature: 36.45, mucus: 3 },
+  { date: '2018-06-14', temperature: 36.5, mucus: 3 },
+  { date: '2018-06-15', temperature: 36.55, mucus: 3 },
+  { date: '2018-06-16', temperature: 36.7, mucus: 3 },
+  { date: '2018-06-17', temperature: 36.65, mucus: 3 },
+  { date: '2018-06-18', temperature: 36.60, mucus: 2 },
+  { date: '2018-06-19', temperature: 36.8, mucus: 3 },
+  { date: '2018-06-20', temperature: 36.85, mucus: 3 },
+  { date: '2018-06-21', temperature: 36.8, mucus: 3 },
+  { date: '2018-06-22', temperature: 36.9, mucus: 1 },
+  { date: '2018-06-25', temperature: 36.9, mucus: 1 },
+  { date: '2018-06-26', temperature: 36.8, mucus: 1 },
+  { date: '2018-06-30', temperature: 36.9, mucus: 1 },
+  { date: '2018-07-01', temperature: 36.9, mucus: 4 },
+  { date: '2018-07-02', temperature: 36.9, mucus: 1 }
 export const fhm5DaysAfterMucusPeak = [
   { date: '2018-06-01', temperature: 36.6, bleeding: 2 },
   { date: '2018-06-02', temperature: 36.65 },
@@ -299,26 +332,3 @@ export const mucusPeakSlightlyBeforeTempShift = [
   { date: '2018-06-21', temperature: 36.8, mucus: 1},
   { date: '2018-06-22', temperature: 36.8, mucus: 1}
-export const highestMucusQualityAfterEndOfEval = [
-  { date: '2018-06-01', temperature: 36.6, bleeding: 2 },
-  { date: '2018-06-02', temperature: 36.65 },
-  { date: '2018-06-04', temperature: 36.6 },
-  { date: '2018-06-07', temperature: 36.4, mucus: 1 },
-  { date: '2018-06-08', temperature: 36.35, mucus: 2},
-  { date: '2018-06-09', temperature: 36.4, mucus: 2},
-  { date: '2018-06-10', temperature: 36.45, mucus: 2},
-  { date: '2018-06-11', temperature: 36.4, mucus: 2},
-  { date: '2018-06-12', temperature: 36.45, mucus: 2},
-  { date: '2018-06-13', temperature: 36.45, mucus: 3},
-  { date: '2018-06-14', temperature: 36.55, mucus: 2},
-  { date: '2018-06-15', temperature: 36.6, mucus: 2},
-  { date: '2018-06-16', temperature: 36.6, mucus: 2},
-  { date: '2018-06-17', temperature: 36.55, mucus: 2},
-  { date: '2018-06-18', temperature: 36.6, mucus: 1},
-  { date: '2018-06-19', temperature: 36.7, mucus: 4},
-  { date: '2018-06-20', temperature: 36.75, mucus: 1},
-  { date: '2018-06-21', temperature: 36.8, mucus: 1},
-  { date: '2018-06-22', temperature: 36.8, mucus: 1}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/sympto/mucus-temp.spec.js b/test/sympto/mucus-temp.spec.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c2a2563c3075f083afbf10dcfdfd2beaf1df50a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/sympto/mucus-temp.spec.js
@@ -0,0 +1,594 @@
+import chai from 'chai'
+import getSensiplanStatus from '../../lib/sympto'
+import { AssertionError } from 'assert'
+import {
+  cycleWithoutFhm,
+  longAndComplicatedCycle,
+  cycleWithTempAndNoMucusShift,
+  cycleWithFhm,
+  cycleWithoutAnyShifts,
+  fiveDayCycle,
+  cycleWithEarlyMucus,
+  cycleWithMucusOnFirstDay,
+  mucusPeakAndFhmOnSameDay,
+  fhmTwoDaysBeforeMucusPeak,
+  fhm5DaysAfterMucusPeak,
+  mucusPeak5DaysAfterFhm,
+  mucusPeakTwoDaysBeforeFhm,
+  fhmOnDay12,
+  fhmOnDay15,
+  mucusPeakSlightlyBeforeTempShift
+} from './mucus-temp-fixtures'
+const expect = chai.expect
+describe('sympto', () => {
+  describe('combining temperature and mucus tracking', () => {
+    describe('with no previous higher temp measurement', () => {
+      it('with no shifts detects only peri-ovulatory', () => {
+        const status = getSensiplanStatus({
+          cycle: cycleWithoutAnyShifts,
+          previousCycle: cycleWithoutFhm
+        })
+        expect(status.phases.periOvulatory).to.eql({
+          start: { date: '2018-06-01' },
+          cycleDays: cycleWithoutAnyShifts
+        })
+      })
+      it('with temp and mucus shifts detects only peri-ovulatory and post-ovulatory', () => {
+        const status = getSensiplanStatus({
+          cycle: longAndComplicatedCycle,
+          previousCycle: cycleWithoutFhm
+        })
+        expect(status.temperatureShift).to.be.an('object')
+        expect(status.mucusShift).to.be.an('object')
+        expect(Object.keys(status.phases).length).to.eql(2)
+        expect(status.phases.periOvulatory).to.eql({
+          start: { date: '2018-06-01' },
+          end: { date: '2018-06-21', time: '18:00' },
+          cycleDays: longAndComplicatedCycle
+            .filter(({date}) => date <= '2018-06-21')
+        })
+        expect(status.phases.postOvulatory).to.eql({
+          start: {
+            date: '2018-06-21',
+            time: '18:00'
+          },
+          cycleDays: longAndComplicatedCycle
+            .filter(({date}) => date >= '2018-06-21')
+        })
+      })
+    })
+    describe('with previous higher measurement', () => {
+      describe('with no shifts detects pre-ovulatory phase', () => {
+        it('according to 5-day-rule', () => {
+          const status = getSensiplanStatus({
+            cycle: fiveDayCycle,
+            previousCycle: cycleWithFhm
+          })
+          expect(Object.keys(status.phases).length).to.eql(1)
+          expect(status.phases.preOvulatory).to.eql({
+            cycleDays: fiveDayCycle,
+            start: { date: '2018-06-01' },
+            end: { date: '2018-06-05' }
+          })
+        })
+      })
+      describe('with no shifts detects pre- and peri-ovulatory phase', () => {
+        it('according to 5-day-rule', () => {
+          const status = getSensiplanStatus({
+            cycle: cycleWithTempAndNoMucusShift,
+            previousCycle: cycleWithFhm
+          })
+          expect(Object.keys(status.phases).length).to.eql(2)
+          expect(status.phases.preOvulatory).to.eql({
+            cycleDays: cycleWithTempAndNoMucusShift
+              .filter(({date}) => date <= '2018-06-05'),
+            start: { date: '2018-06-01' },
+            end: { date: '2018-06-05' }
+          })
+          expect(status.phases.periOvulatory).to.eql({
+            cycleDays: cycleWithTempAndNoMucusShift
+              .filter(({date}) => date > '2018-06-05'),
+            start: { date: '2018-06-06' }
+          })
+        })
+        it('according to 5-day-rule with shortened pre-phase', () => {
+          const status = getSensiplanStatus({
+            cycle: cycleWithEarlyMucus,
+            previousCycle: cycleWithFhm
+          })
+          expect(Object.keys(status.phases).length).to.eql(2)
+          expect(status.phases.preOvulatory).to.eql({
+            cycleDays: [cycleWithEarlyMucus[0]],
+            start: { date: '2018-06-01' },
+            end: { date: '2018-06-01' }
+          })
+          expect(status.phases.periOvulatory).to.eql({
+            cycleDays: cycleWithEarlyMucus.slice(1),
+            start: { date: '2018-06-02' }
+          })
+        })
+      })
+      describe('with shifts detects pre- and peri-ovulatory phase', () => {
+        it('according to 5-day-rule', () => {
+          const status = getSensiplanStatus({
+            cycle: longAndComplicatedCycle,
+            previousCycle: cycleWithFhm
+          })
+          expect(Object.keys(status.phases).length).to.eql(3)
+          expect(status.phases.preOvulatory).to.eql({
+            cycleDays: longAndComplicatedCycle
+              .filter(({date}) => date <= '2018-06-05'),
+            start: { date: '2018-06-01' },
+            end: { date: '2018-06-05' }
+          })
+          expect(status.phases.periOvulatory).to.eql({
+            cycleDays: longAndComplicatedCycle
+              .filter(({date}) => date > '2018-06-05' && date <= '2018-06-21'),
+            start: { date: '2018-06-06' },
+            end: { date: '2018-06-21', time: '18:00'}
+          })
+          expect(status.phases.postOvulatory).to.eql({
+            cycleDays: longAndComplicatedCycle
+              .filter(({date}) => date >= '2018-06-21'),
+            start: { date: '2018-06-21', time: '18:00'}
+          })
+        })
+      })
+    })
+    describe('combining first higher measurment and mucus peak', () => {
+      it('with fhM + mucus peak on same day finds start of postovu phase', () => {
+        const status = getSensiplanStatus({
+          cycle: mucusPeakAndFhmOnSameDay,
+          previousCycle: cycleWithFhm
+        })
+        expect(status.temperatureShift).to.be.an('object')
+        expect(status.mucusShift).to.be.an('object')
+        expect(Object.keys(status.phases).length).to.eql(3)
+        expect(status.phases.preOvulatory).to.eql({
+          start: { date: '2018-06-01' },
+          end: { date: '2018-06-05' },
+          cycleDays: mucusPeakAndFhmOnSameDay
+            .filter(({date}) => date <= '2018-06-05')
+        })
+        expect(status.phases.periOvulatory).to.eql({
+          start: { date: '2018-06-06' },
+          end: { date: '2018-06-21', time: '18:00' },
+          cycleDays: mucusPeakAndFhmOnSameDay
+            .filter(({date}) => {
+              return date > '2018-06-05' && date <= '2018-06-21'
+            })
+        })
+        expect(status.phases.postOvulatory).to.eql({
+          start: {
+            date: '2018-06-21',
+            time: '18:00'
+          },
+          cycleDays: mucusPeakAndFhmOnSameDay
+            .filter(({date}) => date >= '2018-06-21')
+        })
+      })
+      it('with fhM 2 days before mucus peak waits for end of mucus eval', () => {
+        const status = getSensiplanStatus({
+          cycle: fhmTwoDaysBeforeMucusPeak,
+          previousCycle: cycleWithFhm
+        })
+        expect(status.temperatureShift).to.be.an('object')
+        expect(status.mucusShift).to.be.an('object')
+        expect(Object.keys(status.phases).length).to.eql(3)
+        expect(status.phases.preOvulatory).to.eql({
+          start: { date: '2018-06-01' },
+          end: { date: '2018-06-05' },
+          cycleDays: fhmTwoDaysBeforeMucusPeak
+            .filter(({date}) => date <= '2018-06-05')
+        })
+        expect(status.phases.periOvulatory).to.eql({
+          start: { date: '2018-06-06' },
+          end: { date: '2018-06-26', time: '18:00' },
+          cycleDays: fhmTwoDaysBeforeMucusPeak
+            .filter(({date}) => {
+              return date > '2018-06-05' && date <= '2018-06-26'
+            })
+        })
+        expect(status.phases.postOvulatory).to.eql({
+          start: {
+            date: '2018-06-26',
+            time: '18:00'
+          },
+          cycleDays: fhmTwoDaysBeforeMucusPeak
+            .filter(({date}) => date >= '2018-06-26')
+        })
+      })
+      it('another example for mucus peak before temp shift', () => {
+        const status = getSensiplanStatus({
+          cycle: mucusPeakSlightlyBeforeTempShift,
+          previousCycle: cycleWithFhm
+        })
+        expect(status.temperatureShift).to.be.an('object')
+        expect(status.mucusShift).to.be.an('object')
+        expect(Object.keys(status.phases).length).to.eql(3)
+        expect(status.phases.preOvulatory).to.eql({
+          start: { date: '2018-06-01' },
+          end: { date: '2018-06-05' },
+          cycleDays: mucusPeakSlightlyBeforeTempShift
+            .filter(({date}) => date <= '2018-06-05')
+        })
+        expect(status.phases.periOvulatory).to.eql({
+          start: { date: '2018-06-06' },
+          end: { date: '2018-06-17', time: '18:00' },
+          cycleDays: mucusPeakSlightlyBeforeTempShift
+            .filter(({date}) => {
+              return date > '2018-06-05' && date <= '2018-06-17'
+            })
+        })
+        expect(status.phases.postOvulatory).to.eql({
+          start: {
+            date: '2018-06-17',
+            time: '18:00'
+          },
+          cycleDays: mucusPeakSlightlyBeforeTempShift
+            .filter(({date}) => date >= '2018-06-17')
+        })
+      })
+      it('with another mucus peak 5 days after fHM ignores it', () => {
+        const status = getSensiplanStatus({
+          cycle: mucusPeak5DaysAfterFhm,
+          previousCycle: cycleWithFhm
+        })
+        expect(status.temperatureShift).to.be.an('object')
+        expect(status.mucusShift).to.be.an('object')
+        expect(Object.keys(status.phases).length).to.eql(3)
+        expect(status.phases.preOvulatory).to.eql({
+          start: { date: '2018-06-01' },
+          end: { date: '2018-06-01' },
+          cycleDays: mucusPeak5DaysAfterFhm
+            .filter(({date}) => date <= '2018-06-01')
+        })
+        expect(status.phases.periOvulatory).to.eql({
+          start: { date: '2018-06-02' },
+          end: { date: '2018-06-22', time: '18:00' },
+          cycleDays: mucusPeak5DaysAfterFhm
+            .filter(({date}) => {
+              return date > '2018-06-01' && date <= '2018-06-22'
+            })
+        })
+        expect(status.phases.postOvulatory).to.eql({
+          start: {
+            date: '2018-06-22',
+            time: '18:00'
+          },
+          cycleDays: mucusPeak5DaysAfterFhm
+            .filter(({date}) => date >= '2018-06-22')
+        })
+      })
+      it('with mucus peak 2 days before fhM waits for end of temp eval', () => {
+        const status = getSensiplanStatus({
+          cycle:  mucusPeakTwoDaysBeforeFhm,
+          previousCycle: cycleWithFhm
+        })
+        expect(status.temperatureShift).to.be.an('object')
+        expect(status.mucusShift).to.be.an('object')
+        expect(Object.keys(status.phases).length).to.eql(3)
+        expect(status.phases.preOvulatory).to.eql({
+          start: { date: '2018-06-01' },
+          end: { date: '2018-06-04' },
+          cycleDays: mucusPeakTwoDaysBeforeFhm
+            .filter(({date}) => date <= '2018-06-04')
+        })
+        expect(status.phases.periOvulatory).to.eql({
+          start: { date: '2018-06-05' },
+          end: { date: '2018-07-03', time: '18:00' },
+          cycleDays: mucusPeakTwoDaysBeforeFhm
+            .filter(({date}) => {
+              return date > '2018-06-04' && date <= '2018-07-03'
+            })
+        })
+        expect(status.phases.postOvulatory).to.eql({
+          start: {
+            date: '2018-07-03',
+            time: '18:00'
+          },
+          cycleDays: mucusPeakTwoDaysBeforeFhm
+            .filter(({date}) => date >= '2018-07-03')
+        })
+      })
+      it('with mucus peak 5 days before fhM waits for end of temp eval', () => {
+        const status = getSensiplanStatus({
+          cycle:  fhm5DaysAfterMucusPeak,
+          previousCycle: cycleWithFhm
+        })
+        expect(status.temperatureShift).to.be.an('object')
+        expect(status.mucusShift).to.be.an('object')
+        expect(Object.keys(status.phases).length).to.eql(3)
+        expect(status.phases.preOvulatory).to.eql({
+          start: { date: '2018-06-01' },
+          end: { date: '2018-06-05' },
+          cycleDays: fhm5DaysAfterMucusPeak
+            .filter(({date}) => date <= '2018-06-05')
+        })
+        expect(status.phases.periOvulatory).to.eql({
+          start: { date: '2018-06-06' },
+          end: { date: '2018-06-21', time: '18:00' },
+          cycleDays: fhm5DaysAfterMucusPeak
+            .filter(({date}) => {
+              return date > '2018-06-05' && date <= '2018-06-21'
+            })
+        })
+        expect(status.phases.postOvulatory).to.eql({
+          start: {
+            date: '2018-06-21',
+            time: '18:00'
+          },
+          cycleDays: fhm5DaysAfterMucusPeak
+            .filter(({date}) => date >= '2018-06-21')
+        })
+      })
+    })
+    describe('applying the minus-8 rule', () => {
+      it('shortens the pre-ovu phase if there is a previous <13 fhm', () => {
+        const status = getSensiplanStatus({
+          cycle:  longAndComplicatedCycle,
+          previousCycle: fhmOnDay15,
+          earlierCycles: [fhmOnDay12, ...Array(10).fill(fhmOnDay15)]
+        })
+        expect(status.temperatureShift).to.be.an('object')
+        expect(status.mucusShift).to.be.an('object')
+        expect(Object.keys(status.phases).length).to.eql(3)
+        expect(status.phases.preOvulatory).to.eql({
+          start: { date: '2018-06-01' },
+          end: { date: '2018-06-04' },
+          cycleDays: longAndComplicatedCycle
+            .filter(({date}) => date <= '2018-06-04')
+        })
+        expect(status.phases.periOvulatory).to.eql({
+          start: { date: '2018-06-05' },
+          end: { date: '2018-06-21', time: '18:00' },
+          cycleDays: longAndComplicatedCycle
+            .filter(({date}) => {
+              return date > '2018-06-04' && date <= '2018-06-21'
+            })
+        })
+        expect(status.phases.postOvulatory).to.eql({
+          start: {
+            date: '2018-06-21',
+            time: '18:00'
+          },
+          cycleDays: longAndComplicatedCycle
+            .filter(({date}) => date >= '2018-06-21')
+        })
+      })
+      it('shortens pre-ovu phase with prev <13 fhm even with <12 cycles', () => {
+        const status = getSensiplanStatus({
+          cycle:  longAndComplicatedCycle,
+          previousCycle: fhmOnDay12,
+          earlierCycles: Array(10).fill(fhmOnDay12)
+        })
+        expect(status.temperatureShift).to.be.an('object')
+        expect(status.mucusShift).to.be.an('object')
+        expect(Object.keys(status.phases).length).to.eql(3)
+        expect(status.phases.preOvulatory).to.eql({
+          start: { date: '2018-06-01' },
+          end: { date: '2018-06-04' },
+          cycleDays: longAndComplicatedCycle
+            .filter(({date}) => date <= '2018-06-04')
+        })
+        expect(status.phases.periOvulatory).to.eql({
+          start: { date: '2018-06-05' },
+          end: { date: '2018-06-21', time: '18:00' },
+          cycleDays: longAndComplicatedCycle
+            .filter(({date}) => {
+              return date > '2018-06-04' && date <= '2018-06-21'
+            })
+        })
+        expect(status.phases.postOvulatory).to.eql({
+          start: {
+            date: '2018-06-21',
+            time: '18:00'
+          },
+          cycleDays: longAndComplicatedCycle
+            .filter(({date}) => date >= '2018-06-21')
+        })
+      })
+      it('shortens the pre-ovu phase if mucus occurs', () => {
+        const status = getSensiplanStatus({
+          cycle: cycleWithEarlyMucus,
+          previousCycle: fhmOnDay12,
+          earlierCycles: Array(10).fill(fhmOnDay12)
+        })
+        expect(Object.keys(status.phases).length).to.eql(2)
+        expect(status.phases.preOvulatory).to.eql({
+          start: { date: '2018-06-01' },
+          end: { date: '2018-06-01' },
+          cycleDays: cycleWithEarlyMucus
+            .filter(({date}) => date <= '2018-06-01')
+        })
+        expect(status.phases.periOvulatory).to.eql({
+          start: { date: '2018-06-02' },
+          cycleDays: cycleWithEarlyMucus
+            .filter(({date}) => {
+              return date > '2018-06-01'
+            })
+        })
+      })
+      it('shortens the pre-ovu phase if mucus occurs even on the first day', () => {
+        const status = getSensiplanStatus({
+          cycle: cycleWithMucusOnFirstDay,
+          previousCycle: fhmOnDay12,
+          earlierCycles: Array(10).fill(fhmOnDay12)
+        })
+        expect(Object.keys(status.phases).length).to.eql(1)
+        expect(status.phases.periOvulatory).to.eql({
+          start: { date: '2018-06-01' },
+          cycleDays: cycleWithMucusOnFirstDay
+        })
+      })
+      it('lengthens the pre-ovu phase if >= 12 cycles with fhm > 13', () => {
+        const status = getSensiplanStatus({
+          cycle: longAndComplicatedCycle,
+          previousCycle: fhmOnDay15,
+          earlierCycles: Array(11).fill(fhmOnDay15)
+        })
+        expect(Object.keys(status.phases).length).to.eql(3)
+        expect(status.phases.preOvulatory).to.eql({
+          start: { date: '2018-06-01' },
+          end: { date: '2018-06-07' },
+          cycleDays: longAndComplicatedCycle
+            .filter(({date}) => date <= '2018-06-07')
+        })
+        expect(status.phases.periOvulatory).to.eql({
+          start: { date: '2018-06-08' },
+          end: { date: '2018-06-21', time: '18:00' },
+          cycleDays: longAndComplicatedCycle
+            .filter(({date}) => {
+              return date > '2018-06-07' && date <= '2018-06-21'
+            })
+        })
+        expect(status.phases.postOvulatory).to.eql({
+          start: {
+            date: '2018-06-21',
+            time: '18:00'
+          },
+          cycleDays: longAndComplicatedCycle
+            .filter(({date}) => date >= '2018-06-21')
+        })
+      })
+      it('does not lengthen the pre-ovu phase if < 12 cycles', () => {
+        const status = getSensiplanStatus({
+          cycle: longAndComplicatedCycle,
+          previousCycle: fhmOnDay15,
+          earlierCycles: Array(10).fill(fhmOnDay15)
+        })
+        expect(Object.keys(status.phases).length).to.eql(3)
+        expect(status.phases.preOvulatory).to.eql({
+          start: { date: '2018-06-01' },
+          end: { date: '2018-06-05' },
+          cycleDays: longAndComplicatedCycle
+            .filter(({date}) => date <= '2018-06-05')
+        })
+        expect(status.phases.periOvulatory).to.eql({
+          start: { date: '2018-06-06' },
+          end: { date: '2018-06-21', time: '18:00' },
+          cycleDays: longAndComplicatedCycle
+            .filter(({date}) => {
+              return date > '2018-06-05' && date <= '2018-06-21'
+            })
+        })
+        expect(status.phases.postOvulatory).to.eql({
+          start: {
+            date: '2018-06-21',
+            time: '18:00'
+          },
+          cycleDays: longAndComplicatedCycle
+            .filter(({date}) => date >= '2018-06-21')
+        })
+      })
+      it('does not detect any pre-ovu phase if prev cycle had no fhm', () => {
+        const status = getSensiplanStatus({
+          cycle: longAndComplicatedCycle,
+          previousCycle: cycleWithoutFhm,
+          earlierCycles: [...Array(12).fill(fhmOnDay15)]
+        })
+        expect(Object.keys(status.phases).length).to.eql(2)
+        expect(status.phases.periOvulatory).to.eql({
+          start: { date: '2018-06-01' },
+          end: { date: '2018-06-21', time: '18:00' },
+          cycleDays: longAndComplicatedCycle
+            .filter(({date}) => {
+              return date >= '2018-06-01' && date <= '2018-06-21'
+            })
+        })
+        expect(status.phases.postOvulatory).to.eql({
+          start: {
+            date: '2018-06-21',
+            time: '18:00'
+          },
+          cycleDays: longAndComplicatedCycle
+            .filter(({date}) => date >= '2018-06-21')
+        })
+      })
+    })
+    describe('when args are wrong', () => {
+      it('throws when arg object is not in right format', () => {
+        const wrongObject = { hello: 'world' }
+        expect(() => getSensiplanStatus(wrongObject)).to.throw(AssertionError)
+      })
+      it('throws if cycle array is empty', () => {
+        expect(() => getSensiplanStatus({cycle: []})).to.throw(AssertionError)
+      })
+      it('throws if cycle days are not in right format', () => {
+        expect(() => getSensiplanStatus({
+          cycle: [{
+            hello: 'world',
+            bleeding: { value: 0 }
+          }],
+          earlierCycles: [[{
+            date: '1992-09-09',
+            bleeding: { value: 0 }
+          }]]
+        })).to.throw(AssertionError)
+        expect(() => getSensiplanStatus({
+          cycle: [{
+            date: '2018-04-13',
+            temperature: {value: '35'},
+            bleeding: { value: 0 }
+          }],
+          earlierCycles: [[{
+            date: '1992-09-09',
+            bleeding: { value: 0 }
+          }]]
+        })).to.throw(AssertionError)
+        expect(() => getSensiplanStatus({
+          cycle: [{
+            date: '09-14-2017',
+            bleeding: { value: 0 }
+          }],
+          earlierCycles: [[{
+            date: '1992-09-09',
+            bleeding: { value: 0 }
+          }]]
+        })).to.throw(AssertionError)
+      })
+      it('throws if first cycle day does not have bleeding value', () => {
+        expect(() => getSensiplanStatus({
+          cycle: [{
+            date: '2017-01-01',
+            bleeding: {
+              value: 'medium'
+            }
+          }],
+          earlierCycles: [[
+            {
+              date: '2017-09-23',
+            }
+          ]]
+        })).to.throw(AssertionError)
+      })
+    })
+  })