diff --git a/lib/sympto/index.js b/lib/sympto/index.js
index a4952bdf677c8d94d24ebb26abd767684edf9740..8e448fe5861360a4b8a980084459d37fb2e4f8d6 100644
--- a/lib/sympto/index.js
+++ b/lib/sympto/index.js
@@ -1,33 +1,58 @@
 import getTemperatureShift from './temperature'
 import getMucusShift from './mucus'
-export default function (cycleDays) {
-  const assumeFertileStatus = { assumeFertility: true }
-  // TODO second phase calculation
-  if (cycleDays.length) assumeFertileStatus.phases = [
-    {
-      startDate: cycleDays[0].date,
-      startTime: '00:00'
-    },
-    'TODO'
-  ]
-  const temperatureShift = getTemperatureShift(cycleDays)
-  if (!temperatureShift.detected) return assumeFertileStatus
+export default function ({ cycle, previousCycle }) {
+  // TODO check for basic stuff, throw if nonexistent
+  const status = {
+    assumeFertility: true,
+    phases: {
+      periOvulatory: {
+        start: {
+          date: null,
+          time: '00:00'
+        },
+        cycleDays: null
+      }
+    }
+  }
-  const tempEvalEndIndex = cycleDays.indexOf(temperatureShift.evaluationCompleteDay)
-  const mucusShift = getMucusShift(cycleDays, tempEvalEndIndex)
-  if (!mucusShift.detected) return assumeFertileStatus
+  // if there was no first higher measurement in the previous cycle,
+  // no infertile preovulatory phase may be assumed
-  const phase2 = {
-    startDate: temperatureShift.evaluationCompleteDay.date,
-    startTime: '18:00'
+  if (getTemperatureShift(previousCycle).detected) {
+    // add preOvulatory phase
+  } else {
+    const first = cycle[0]
+    status.phases.periOvulatory.start.date = first.date
+    status.phases.periOvulatory.cycleDays = [...cycle]
-  return {
-    assumeFertility: false,
-    temperatureShift,
-    mucusShift,
-    phases: assumeFertileStatus.phases.concat(phase2)
+  const temperatureShift = getTemperatureShift(cycle)
+  if (!temperatureShift.detected) return status
+  const tempEvalEndIndex = cycle.indexOf(temperatureShift.evaluationCompleteDay)
+  const mucusShift = getMucusShift(cycle, tempEvalEndIndex)
+  if (!mucusShift.detected) return status
+  const periOvulatoryEnd =
+    temperatureShift.evaluationCompleteDay.date > mucusShift.evaluationCompleteDay.date ?
+      temperatureShift.evaluationCompleteDay : mucusShift.evaluationCompleteDay
+  const prevPeriOvulatoryDays = status.phases.periOvulatory.cycleDays
+  const periOvulatoryEndIndex = prevPeriOvulatoryDays.indexOf(periOvulatoryEnd)
+  status.phases.postOvulatory = {
+    start: {
+      date: periOvulatoryEnd.date,
+      time: '18:00'
+    },
+    cycleDays: prevPeriOvulatoryDays.slice(periOvulatoryEndIndex)
+  status.phases.periOvulatory.cycleDays = prevPeriOvulatoryDays.slice(0, periOvulatoryEndIndex + 1)
+  status.mucusShift = mucusShift
+  status.temperatureShift = temperatureShift
+  return status
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diff --git a/test/sympto/index.spec.js b/test/sympto/index.spec.js
index 65550a054fdb09ec043d20030f1ac34f1a175ff0..b27ca980638ea17bf789089e2a4f2e23345b2055 100644
--- a/test/sympto/index.spec.js
+++ b/test/sympto/index.spec.js
@@ -11,48 +11,117 @@ function convertToSymptoFormat(val, i) {
   return sympto
+const cycleWithTempShift = [36.6, 36.6, 36.6, 36.6, 36.6, 36.6, 36.8, 36.8, 36.8]
+  .map(num => ({ temperature: num }))
+  .map(convertToSymptoFormat)
+const cycleWithoutTempShift = [36.6, 36.6, 36.6, 36.6, 36.6, 36.6, 36.8, 36.8]
+  .map(num => ({ temperature: num }))
+  .map(convertToSymptoFormat)
+const cycleWithTempAndMucusShift = [
+  { temperature: 36.6, bleeding: 2 },
+  { temperature: 36.65 },
+  { temperature: 36.5 },
+  { temperature: 36.6 },
+  { temperature: 36.55 },
+  { temperature: 36.7, mucus: 0 },
+  { temperature: 36.75, mucus: 0 },
+  { temperature: 36.45, mucus: 1 },
+  { temperature: 36.5, mucus: 4 },
+  { temperature: 36.4, mucus: 2 },
+  { temperature: 36.5, mucus: 3 },
+  { temperature: 36.55, mucus: 3 },
+  { temperature: 36.45, mucus: 3 },
+  { temperature: 36.5, mucus: 4 },
+  { temperature: 36.55, mucus: 4 },
+  { temperature: 36.7, mucus: 3 },
+  { temperature: 36.65, mucus: 3 },
+  { temperature: 36.75, mucus: 4 },
+  { temperature: 36.8, mucus: 1 },
+  { temperature: 36.85, mucus: 2 },
+  { temperature: 36.8, mucus: 2 },
+  { temperature: 36.9, mucus: 2 },
+  { temperature: 36.9, mucus: 1 },
+  { temperature: 36.85, mucus: 1 },
+  { temperature: 36.9, mucus: 1 },
+  { temperature: 36.8, mucus: 1 },
+  { temperature: 36.9, mucus: 1 }
 describe('sympto', () => {
   describe('evaluating mucus and temperature shift together', () => {
-    it('reports fertile when mucus reaches best quality again within temperature evaluation phase', function () {
-      const values = [
-        { temperature: 36.6 , bleeding: 2 },
-        { temperature: 36.65 },
-        { temperature: 36.5 },
-        { temperature: 36.6 },
-        { temperature: 36.55 },
-        { temperature: 36.7, mucus: 0 },
-        { temperature: 36.75, mucus: 0 },
-        { temperature: 36.45, mucus: 1 },
-        { temperature: 36.5, mucus: 4 },
-        { temperature: 36.4, mucus: 2 },
-        { temperature: 36.5, mucus: 3 },
-        { temperature: 36.55, mucus: 3 },
-        { temperature: 36.45, mucus: 3 },
-        { temperature: 36.5, mucus: 4 },
-        { temperature: 36.55, mucus: 4 },
-        { temperature: 36.7, mucus: 3 },
-        { temperature: 36.65, mucus: 3 },
-        { temperature: 36.75, mucus: 4 },
-        { temperature: 36.8, mucus: 1 },
-        { temperature: 36.85, mucus: 2 },
-        { temperature: 36.8, mucus: 2 },
-        { temperature: 36.9, mucus: 2 },
-        { temperature: 36.9, mucus: 1 },
-        { temperature: 36.85, mucus: 1 },
-        { temperature: 36.9, mucus: 1 },
-        { temperature: 36.8, mucus: 1 },
-        { temperature: 36.9, mucus: 1 }
-      ]
+    describe('with no previous higher measurement', () => {
+      it('with no shifts detects only periovulatory', function () {
+        const values = [
+          { temperature: 36.6, bleeding: 2 },
+          { temperature: 36.65 },
+          { temperature: 36.5 },
+          { temperature: 36.6 },
+          { temperature: 36.55 },
+          { temperature: 36.7, mucus: 0 },
+          { temperature: 36.75, mucus: 0 },
+          { temperature: 36.45, mucus: 1 }
+        ]
+        const cycle = values.map(convertToSymptoFormat)
+        const status = getSensiplanStatus({
+          cycle,
+          previousCycle: cycleWithoutTempShift
+        })
+        expect(status).to.eql({
+          assumeFertility: true,
+          phases: {
+            periOvulatory: {
+              start: {
+                date: 0,
+                time: '00:00'
+              },
+              cycleDays: cycle
+            }
+          },
+        })
+      })
+      it('with shifts detects only periovulatory and postovulatory', function () {
+        const status = getSensiplanStatus({
+          cycle: cycleWithTempAndMucusShift,
+          previousCycle: cycleWithoutTempShift
+        })
-      const temperatures = values.map(convertToSymptoFormat)
+        expect(status.temperatureShift).to.be.an('object')
+        expect(status.mucusShift).to.be.an('object')
+        expect(status.assumeFertility).to.be.true()
+        expect(Object.keys(status.phases)).to.eql(['periOvulatory', 'postOvulatory'])
+        expect(status.phases.periOvulatory).to.eql({
+          start: {
+            date: 0,
+            time: '00:00'
+          },
+          cycleDays: cycleWithTempAndMucusShift.slice(0, 21)
+        })
+        expect(status.phases.postOvulatory).to.eql({
+          start: {
+            date: 20,
+            time: '18:00'
+          },
+          cycleDays: cycleWithTempAndMucusShift.slice(20)
+        })
+      })
+    })
+  })
+  describe('with shifts', () => {
+    it.skip('reports fertile when mucus reaches best quality again within temperature evaluation phase', function () {
       const status = getSensiplanStatus(temperatures)
         assumeFertility: false,
-        phases: [
-          { startDate: 0, startTime: '00:00'},
-          'TODO',
-          { startDate: 17, startTime: '18:00'}
-        ],
+        phases: {
+          preOvulatory:
+            { startDate: 0, startTime: '00:00' },
+          periOvulatory: 'TODO',
+          postOvulatory: { startDate: 17, startTime: '18:00' }
+        },
         temperatureShift: {
           detected: true,
           ltl: 36.55,
@@ -78,5 +147,6 @@ describe('sympto', () => {
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