home.js 6.37 KiB
import { ChronoUnit, LocalDate } from 'js-joda'
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { ScrollView, View } from 'react-native'
import DripHomeIcon from '../assets/drip-home-icons'
import { getCycleDay } from '../db'
import {
bleedingPrediction as predictLabels,
home as labels
} from '../i18n/en/labels'
import links from '../i18n/en/links'
import cycleModule from '../lib/cycle'
import { getFertilityStatusForDay } from '../lib/sympto-adapter'
import styles, { cycleDayColor, periodColor, secondaryColor } from '../styles'
import AppText from './app-text'
import Button from './button'
import { formatDateForShortText } from './helpers/format-date'
const IconText = ({ children, wrapperStyles }) => {
return (
<View style={[styles.homeIconTextWrapper, wrapperStyles]}>
<AppText style={styles.iconText}>
{ children }
const HomeElement = ({ children, onPress, buttonColor, buttonLabel }) => {
return (
onPress={ onPress }
style={ styles.homeElement }
<View style={styles.homeIconAndText}>
<View style={{paddingLeft: 15}}>
onPress={ onPress }
backgroundColor={ buttonColor }>
{ buttonLabel }
export default class Home extends Component {
constructor(props) {
const { getCycleDayNumber, getPredictedMenses } = cycleModule()
this.getCycleDayNumber = getCycleDayNumber
this.getBleedingPrediction = getPredictedMenses
this.todayDateString = LocalDate.now().toString()
const prediction = this.getBleedingPrediction()
const fertilityStatus = getFertilityStatusForDay(this.todayDateString)
this.state = {
cycleDayNumber: this.getCycleDayNumber(this.todayDateString),
predictionText: determinePredictionText(prediction),
bleedingPredictionRange: getBleedingPredictionRange(prediction),
passTodayTo(componentName) {
const { navigate } = this.props
navigate(componentName, {
date: this.todayDateString,
cycleDay: getCycleDay(this.todayDateString)
render() {
const { cycleDayNumber, phase, status } = this.state
const { navigate } = this.props
const cycleDayMoreText = cycleDayNumber ?
labels.cycleDayKnown(cycleDayNumber) :
const { statusText } = this.state
return (
<View flex={1}>
<View style={styles.homeView}>
onPress={ () => this.passTodayTo('CycleDay') }
buttonColor={ cycleDayColor }
buttonLabel={ labels.editToday }
<DripHomeIcon name="circle" size={80} color={cycleDayColor}/>
<IconText wrapperStyles={styles.wrapperIcon}>
{cycleDayNumber || labels.unknown}
<AppText style={styles.homeDescriptionText}>{cycleDayMoreText}</AppText>
onPress={ () => this.passTodayTo('BleedingEditView') }
buttonColor={ periodColor }
buttonLabel={ labels.trackPeriod }
<DripHomeIcon name="drop" size={100} color={periodColor} />
<IconText wrapperStyles={{top: '45%', ...styles.wrapperIcon}}>
<AppText style={styles.homeDescriptionText}>
onPress={ () => navigate('Chart') }
buttonColor={ secondaryColor }
buttonLabel={ labels.checkFertility }
<View style={styles.homeCircle}/>
<IconText wrapperStyles={styles.wrapperIcon}>
{ phase ? phase.toString() : labels.unknown }
{ phase &&
<AppText style={styles.homeDescriptionText}>
{`${labels.phase(phase)} (${status})`}
<AppText style={styles.homeDescriptionText}>
{ `${statusText} Visit ${links.wiki.url}.` }
function getTimes(prediction) {
const todayDate = LocalDate.now()
const predictedBleedingStart = LocalDate.parse(prediction[0][0])
/* the range of predicted bleeding days can be either 3 or 5 */
const predictedBleedingEnd = LocalDate.parse(prediction[0][ prediction[0].length - 1 ])
const daysToEnd = todayDate.until(predictedBleedingEnd, ChronoUnit.DAYS)
return { todayDate, predictedBleedingStart, predictedBleedingEnd, daysToEnd }
function determinePredictionText(bleedingPrediction) {
if (!bleedingPrediction.length) return predictLabels.noPrediction
const { todayDate, predictedBleedingStart, predictedBleedingEnd, daysToEnd } = getTimes(bleedingPrediction)
if (todayDate.isBefore(predictedBleedingStart)) {
return predictLabels.predictionInFuture(
todayDate.until(predictedBleedingStart, ChronoUnit.DAYS),
todayDate.until(predictedBleedingEnd, ChronoUnit.DAYS)
if (todayDate.isAfter(predictedBleedingEnd)) {
return predictLabels.predictionInPast(
if (daysToEnd === 0) {
return predictLabels.predictionStartedNoDaysLeft
} else if (daysToEnd === 1) {
return predictLabels.predictionStarted1DayLeft
} else {
return predictLabels.predictionStartedXDaysLeft(daysToEnd)
function getBleedingPredictionRange(prediction) {
if (!prediction.length) return labels.unknown
const { todayDate, predictedBleedingStart, predictedBleedingEnd, daysToEnd } = getTimes(prediction)
if (todayDate.isBefore(predictedBleedingStart)) {
return `${todayDate.until(predictedBleedingStart, ChronoUnit.DAYS)}-${todayDate.until(predictedBleedingEnd, ChronoUnit.DAYS)}`
if (todayDate.isAfter(predictedBleedingEnd)) {
return labels.unknown
return (daysToEnd === 0 ? '0' : `0 - ${daysToEnd}`)