import * as joda from 'js-joda'
import {getCycleLengthStats} from './cycle-length'
const LocalDate = joda.LocalDate
export default function config(opts) {
let bleedingDaysSortedByDate
let maxCycleLength
let minCyclesForPrediction
// we only want to require (and run) the db module
// when not running the tests
bleedingDaysSortedByDate = require('../db').getBleedingDaysSortedByDate()
cycleDaysSortedByDate = require('../db').getCycleDaysSortedByDate()
maxCycleLength = 99
minCyclesForPrediction = 3
bleedingDaysSortedByDate = opts.bleedingDaysSortedByDate || []
cycleDaysSortedByDate = opts.cycleDaysSortedByDate || []
maxBreakInBleeding = opts.maxBreakInBleeding || 1
maxCycleLength = opts.maxCycleLength || 99
minCyclesForPrediction = opts.minCyclesForPrediction || 3
function findLatestMensesStart(bleedingDays) {
if (!bleedingDays.length) return null
// assumes bleeding days are ordered latest first, and
// excluded values already removed
const lastMensesStart = bleedingDays.find((day, i) => {
return noBleedingDayWithinThreshold(day, bleedingDays.slice(i + 1))
function noBleedingDayWithinThreshold(day, previousBleedingDays) {
const localDate = LocalDate.parse(
const threshold = localDate.minusDays(maxBreakInBleeding + 1).toString()
return !previousBleedingDays.some(({ date }) => date >= threshold)
return lastMensesStart
function getLastMensesStartForDay(targetDateString) {
// the index of the first bleeding day before the target day
const index = bleedingDaysSortedByDate.findIndex(day => {
return <= targetDateString && !day.bleeding.exclude
const prevBleedingDays = bleedingDaysSortedByDate.slice(index)
return findLatestMensesStart(prevBleedingDays)
function getFollowingMensesStartForDay(targetDateString) {
const followingBleedingDays = bleedingDaysSortedByDate
.filter(day => !day.bleeding.exclude)
const firstBleedingDayAfterTargetDay = followingBleedingDays
.find(day => > targetDateString)
return firstBleedingDayAfterTargetDay
function getCycleDayNumber(targetDateString) {
const lastMensesStart = getLastMensesStartForDay(targetDateString)
if (!lastMensesStart) return null
const targetDate = LocalDate.parse(targetDateString)
const lastMensesLocalDate = LocalDate.parse(
const diffInDays = lastMensesLocalDate.until(targetDate, DAYS)
// cycle starts at day 1
return diffInDays + 1
function getCyclesBefore(targetCycleStartDay) {
return collectPreviousCycles([],
function collectPreviousCycles(acc, startOfFollowingCycle) {
const cycle = getPreviousCycle(startOfFollowingCycle)
if (!cycle || !cycle.length) return acc
return collectPreviousCycles(acc, cycle[cycle.length - 1].date)
function getPreviousCycle(dateString) {
const startOfCycle = getLastMensesStartForDay(dateString)
if (!startOfCycle) return null
const dateBeforeStartOfCycle = LocalDate
return getCycleForDay(dateBeforeStartOfCycle)
function getCycleForDay(dayOrDate) {
const dateString = typeof dayOrDate === 'string' ? dayOrDate :
const cycleStart = getLastMensesStartForDay(dateString)
if (!cycleStart) return null
const cycleStartIndex = cycleDaysSortedByDate.indexOf(cycleStart)
const nextMensesStart = getFollowingMensesStartForDay(dateString)
if (nextMensesStart) {
return cycleDaysSortedByDate.slice(
cycleDaysSortedByDate.indexOf(nextMensesStart) + 1,
cycleStartIndex + 1
} else {
return cycleDaysSortedByDate.slice(0, cycleStartIndex + 1)
function getAllMensesStarts(initialBleedingDays = bleedingDaysSortedByDate) {
return recurse(initialBleedingDays.filter(d => !d.bleeding.exclude))
function recurse(bleedingDays, collectedDates) {
collectedDates = collectedDates || []
const lastStart = findLatestMensesStart(bleedingDays)
if (!lastStart) {
return collectedDates
} else {
const index = bleedingDays.indexOf(lastStart)
const remainingDays = bleedingDays.slice(index + 1)
return recurse(remainingDays, collectedDates)
function isMensesStart(cycleDay) {
if (!cycleDay.bleeding || cycleDay.bleeding.exclude) return false
if (noBleedingDayWithinThresholdBefore(cycleDay)) return true
function noBleedingDayWithinThresholdBefore(cycleDay) {
const localDate = LocalDate.parse(
const threshold = localDate.minusDays(maxBreakInBleeding + 1).toString()
const index = bleedingDays.findIndex(day => ===
const candidates = bleedingDays.slice(index + 1)
return !candidates.some(day => {
return >= threshold && !day.bleeding.exclude
function getMensesDaysAfter(bleedingDay) {
const bleedingDays = bleedingDaysSortedByDate.filter(d => {
return !d.bleeding.exclude
const startIndex = bleedingDays.findIndex(day => {
return ===
return recurse(bleedingDay, startIndex, [])
function recurse(day, i, mensesDays) {
if (i === 0) return mensesDays
const next = bleedingDays[i - 1]
if (!isWithinThreshold(day, next)) return mensesDays
return recurse(next, i - 1, mensesDays)
function isWithinThreshold(cycleDay, nextCycleDay) {
const localDate = LocalDate.parse(
const threshold = localDate.plusDays(maxBreakInBleeding + 1).toString()
return <= threshold
function getCycleLength(cycleStartDates) {
const cycleLengths = []
for (let i = 0; i < cycleStartDates.length - 1; i++) {
const nextCycleStart = LocalDate.parse(cycleStartDates[i])
const cycleStart = LocalDate.parse(cycleStartDates[i + 1])
const cycleLength = cycleStart.until(nextCycleStart, DAYS)
if (cycleLength <= maxCycleLength) { cycleLengths.push(cycleLength) }
return cycleLengths
function getPredictedMenses() {
const allMensesStarts = getAllMensesStarts()
const atLeastOneCycle = allMensesStarts.length > 1
if (!atLeastOneCycle ||
allMensesStarts.length < minCyclesForPrediction
) {
const cycleLengths = getCycleLength(allMensesStarts)
const cycleInfo = getCycleLengthStats(cycleLengths)
const periodDistance = Math.round(cycleInfo.mean)
let periodStartVariation
if (cycleInfo.stdDeviation === null) {
periodStartVariation = 2
} else if (cycleInfo.stdDeviation < 1.5) { // threshold is choosen a little arbitrarily
periodStartVariation = 1
} else {
periodStartVariation = 2
if (periodDistance - 5 < periodStartVariation) { // otherwise predictions overlap
return []
let lastStart = LocalDate.parse(allMensesStarts[0])
const predictedMenses = []
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
lastStart = lastStart.plusDays(periodDistance)
const nextPredictedDates = [lastStart.toString()]
for (let j = 0; j < periodStartVariation; j++) {
nextPredictedDates.push(lastStart.minusDays(j + 1).toString())
nextPredictedDates.push(lastStart.plusDays(j + 1).toString())
return predictedMenses
return {