make.exe all --print-data-base --no-builtin-variables --no-builtin-rules --question # GNU Make 4.3 # Built for x86_64-pc-msys # Copyright (C) 1988-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <> # This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. # There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. # Make data base, printed on Wed Jun 1 18:34:50 2022 # Variables # environment FPS_BROWSER_APP_PROFILE_STRING = Internet Explorer # environment CUDA_PATH_V11_5 = C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v11.5 # environment SYSTEMDRIVE = C: # makefile (from '/opt/devkitpro/devkitA64/base_tools', line 20) PORTLIBS_PATH := /opt/devkitpro/portlibs # makefile (from '/opt/devkitpro/devkitA64/base_tools', line 30) AS := aarch64-none-elf-as # makefile (from 'Makefile', line 55) OUTPUT := /home/geyre/Desktop/PayloadReboot/PayloadReboot # environment LC_ALL = C # environment VBOX_HWVIRTEX_IGNORE_SVM_IN_USE = 1 # makefile (from '/opt/devkitpro/devkitA64/base_tools', line 31) AR := aarch64-none-elf-gcc-ar # environment USERPROFILE = C:\Users\geyre # makefile (from 'Makefile', line 84) OFILES := cursor.o entity.o input.o main.o menu.o reboot.o renderWindow.o # environment LOCALAPPDATA = C:\Users\geyre\AppData\Local # environment VSCODE_IPC_HOOK_EXTHOST = \\.\pipe\vscode-ipc-6a136236-cbbf-4ab2-88da-f36682757fed-sock # makefile (from 'Makefile', line 58) VPATH := /home/geyre/Desktop/PayloadReboot/source /home/geyre/Desktop/PayloadReboot/data # makefile (from 'Makefile', line 63) CFILES := # environment VSCODE_CWD = C:\Users\geyre\Desktop\PayloadReboot # environment SYSTEMROOT = C:\Windows # makefile (from 'Makefile', line 39) LIBS := -lminizip -lstdc++fs -lz -lfreetype -lSDL2_ttf -lSDL2_gfx -lSDL2_image -lSDL2 -lEGL -lGLESv2 -lglapi -ldrm_nouveau -lwebp -lpng -ljpeg `sdl2-config --libs` `freetype-config --libs` -lnx `curl-config --libs` # environment NVCUDASAMPLES11_5_ROOT = C:\ProgramData\NVIDIA Corporation\CUDA Samples\v11.5 # makefile (from '/opt/devkitpro/devkitA64/base_tools', line 50) SILENTMSG := @echo # environment PROCESSOR_LEVEL = 23 # environment PSMODULEPATH = C:\Program Files (x86)\WindowsPowerShell\Modules;C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules;C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\AutoItX # default MAKE_COMMAND := make # makefile (from 'Makefile', line 14) APP_VERSION := 0.0.1 # makefile (from 'Makefile', line 82) OFILES_BIN := # automatic @D = $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $@)) # environment DOKANLIBRARY1_LIBRARYPATH_X64 = C:\Program Files\Dokan\Dokan Library-1.1.0\lib\ # environment CHROME_CRASHPAD_PIPE_NAME = \\.\pipe\crashpad_12220_SOVWDMVHFNXYWRZJ # makefile (from 'Makefile', line 64) CPPFILES := cursor.cpp entity.cpp input.cpp main.cpp menu.cpp reboot.cpp renderWindow.cpp # makefile (from '/opt/devkitpro/libnx/switch_rules', line 10) LIBNX = $(DEVKITPRO)/libnx # environment FPS_BROWSER_USER_PROFILE_STRING = Default # environment VSCODE_HANDLES_UNCAUGHT_ERRORS = true # default .VARIABLES := # automatic %D = $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $%)) # automatic ^D = $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $^)) # environment VSCODE_LOG_STACK = false # automatic %F = $(notdir $%) # makefile (from '/opt/devkitpro/libnx/switch_rules', line 39) define make_pfs0 @mkdir -p exefs @[ $(BUILD_EXEFS_SRC) ] && [ -d $(BUILD_EXEFS_SRC) ] && cp -R $(BUILD_EXEFS_SRC)/* exefs || echo > /dev/null @cp $*.nso exefs/main @[ $(APP_JSON) ] && cp $*.npdm exefs/main.npdm || echo > /dev/null @build_pfs0 exefs $@ @echo built ... $(notdir $@) endef # environment VSCODE_CODE_CACHE_PATH = C:\Users\geyre\AppData\Roaming\Code\CachedData\c3511e6c69bb39013c4a4b7b9566ec1ca73fc4d5 # environment LANG = C # default .LOADED := # environment TMP = /home/geyre/AppData/Local/Temp # default .INCLUDE_DIRS = /usr/include /usr/include # makefile MAKEFLAGS = pqrR # makefile (from 'Makefile', line 65) SFILES := # environment ONEDRIVE = C:\Users\geyre\OneDrive # environment DEVKITARM = /opt/devkitpro/devkitARM # makefile CURDIR := /home/geyre/Desktop/PayloadReboot # environment VSCODE_PIPE_LOGGING = true # environment DOKANLIBRARY1_LIBRARYPATH_X86 = C:\Program Files\Dokan\Dokan Library-1.1.0\x86\lib\ # environment APPLICATION_INSIGHTS_NO_DIAGNOSTIC_CHANNEL = 1 # automatic *D = $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $*)) # makefile (from 'Makefile', line 61) DEPSDIR := /home/geyre/Desktop/PayloadReboot/build # environment PROGRAMFILES = C:\Program Files # environment MFLAGS = -pqrR # default .SHELLFLAGS := -c # environment !C: = c:\Users\geyre\Desktop\PayloadReboot # environment COMMONPROGRAMW6432 = C:\Program Files\Common Files # automatic +D = $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $+)) # makefile (from '/opt/devkitpro/devkitA64/base_tools', line 1) MAKEFILE_LIST := Makefile /opt/devkitpro/libnx/switch_rules /opt/devkitpro/devkitA64/base_rules /opt/devkitpro/devkitA64/base_tools # makefile (from 'Makefile', line 36) ASFLAGS := -g `aarch64-none-elf-pkg-config --cflags sdl2 SDL2_image` -g -Wall -O2 -ffunction-sections -march=armv8-a+crc+crypto -mtune=cortex-a57 -mtp=soft -fPIE # automatic @F = $(notdir $@) # environment VSCODE_VERBOSE_LOGGING = true # environment VSCODE_PID = 12220 # environment CUDA_PATH = C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v11.5 # automatic ?D = $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $?)) # makefile (from '/opt/devkitpro/devkitA64/base_tools', line 35) RANLIB := aarch64-none-elf-gcc-ranlib # environment DEVKITPPC = /opt/devkitpro/devkitPPC # makefile (from 'Makefile', line 13) APP_AUTHOR := PoloNX # makefile (from 'Makefile', line 20) INCLUDES := include # makefile (from 'Makefile', line 107) icons := # automatic *F = $(notdir $*) # automatic <D = $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $<)) # environment VSCODE_NLS_CONFIG = {"locale":"fr","availableLanguages":{"*":"fr"},"_languagePackId":"","_translationsConfigFile":"C:\\Users\\geyre\\AppData\\Roaming\\Code\\clp\\\\tcf.json","_cacheRoot":"C:\\Users\\geyre\\AppData\\Roaming\\Code\\clp\\","_resolvedLanguagePackCoreLocation":"C:\\Users\\geyre\\AppData\\Roaming\\Code\\clp\\\\c3511e6c69bb39013c4a4b7b9566ec1ca73fc4d5","_corruptedFile":"C:\\Users\\geyre\\AppData\\Roaming\\Code\\clp\\\\","_languagePackSupport":true} # makefile (from '/opt/devkitpro/libnx/switch_rules', line 25) APP_ICON := /opt/devkitpro/libnx/default_icon.jpg # makefile (from 'Makefile', line 87) INCLUDE := -I/home/geyre/Desktop/PayloadReboot/include -I/opt/devkitpro/portlibs/switch/include -I/opt/devkitpro/libnx/include -I/home/geyre/Desktop/PayloadReboot/build # environment JD2_HOME = C:\Users\geyre\AppData\Local\JDownloader 2.0 # environment ONEDRIVECONSUMER = C:\Users\geyre\OneDrive # default MAKE_HOST := x86_64-pc-msys # environment PROGRAMDATA = C:\ProgramData # default SHELL := /bin/sh # environment HOMEPATH = \Users\geyre # default MAKECMDGOALS := all # environment DRIVERDATA = C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\DriverData # environment COMSPEC = C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe # environment WINDIR = C:\Windows # makefile (from 'Makefile', line 66) BINFILES := # environment MAKELEVEL := 0 # makefile (from 'Makefile', line 91) LIBPATHS := -L/opt/devkitpro/portlibs/switch/lib -L/opt/devkitpro/libnx/lib # default MAKE = $(MAKE_COMMAND) # makefile (from '/opt/devkitpro/libnx/switch_rules', line 8) PATH := /opt/devkitpro/portlibs/switch/bin:/opt/devkitpro/tools/bin:/opt/devkitpro/devkitA64/bin:/c/Program Files/Eclipse Adoptium/jdk- Files/Eclipse Foundation/jdk-8.0.302.8-hotspot/bin:/c/Program Files/ImageMagick-7.1.0-Q16-HDRI:/c/Program Files/NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit/CUDA/v11.5/bin:/c/Program Files/NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit/CUDA/v11.5/libnvvp:/c/Program Files (x86)/Common Files/Oracle/Java/javapath:/opt/devkitpro/msys2/usr/bin:/c/Windows/system32:/c/Windows:/c/Windows/System32/Wbem:/c/Windows/System32/WindowsPowerShell/v1.0:/c/Windows/System32/OpenSSH:/d/Logiciel/Git/cmd:/c/MinGW/bin:/opt/devkitpro/tools/bin:/d/Programmation/C++/Library/SDL2_VS/lib/x64:/c/Program Files/CMake/bin:/c/Program Files/NVIDIA Corporation/Nsight Compute 2021.3.0:/c/Program Files (x86)/NVIDIA Corporation/PhysX/Common:/c/Program Files/NVIDIA Corporation/NVIDIA NvDLISR:/c/ffmprg/bin:/c/Program Files/nodejs:/c/vclib/SDL2/lib/x64:/c/vclib/SDL2_ttf-2.0.18/lib/x64:/c/vclib/vcpkg:/c/Program Files/010 Editor:/home/geyre/scoop/shims:/home/geyre/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python39/Scripts:/home/geyre/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python39:/home/geyre/AppData/Local/Microsoft/WindowsApps:/d/Logiciel/Microsoft VS Code/bin:/home/geyre/spicetify-cli:/home/geyre/AppData/Roaming/npm:/c/Program Files/heroku/bin # environment COMPUTERNAME = DESKTOP-20558 # default MAKEFILES := # automatic ^F = $(notdir $^) # makefile (from '/opt/devkitpro/devkitA64/base_tools', line 5) UNAME_R := 3.2.0-340.x86_64 # makefile (from 'Makefile', line 94) jsons := # environment PROMPT = $P$G # environment NVTOOLSEXT_PATH = C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NvToolsExt\ # makefile (from '/opt/devkitpro/devkitA64/base_tools', line 26) PREFIX := aarch64-none-elf- # makefile (from 'Makefile', line 45) LIBDIRS := /opt/devkitpro/portlibs/switch /opt/devkitpro/libnx # environment LOGONSERVER = \\DESKTOP-20558 # environment VSCODE_LOG_NATIVE = false # environment USERNAME = geyre # environment COMMONPROGRAMFILES = C:\Program Files\Common Files # automatic ?F = $(notdir $?) # makefile (from '/opt/devkitpro/devkitA64/base_tools', line 57) bin2o = bin2s -a 8 -H `(echo $(<F) | tr . _)`.h $< | $(AS) -o $(<F).o # environment PROGRAMW6432 = C:\Program Files # environment DEVKITPRO = /opt/devkitpro # makefile (from '/opt/devkitpro/devkitA64/base_tools', line 4) UNAME_S := MSYS_NT-10.0-19043 # environment PATHEXT = .COM;.EXE;.BAT;.CMD;.VBS;.VBE;.JS;.JSE;.WSF;.WSH;.MSC # automatic +F = $(notdir $+) # environment ORIGINAL_XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP = undefined # environment USERDOMAIN = DESKTOP-20558 # 'override' directive GNUMAKEFLAGS := # environment OS = Windows_NT # environment DOKANLIBRARY1 = C:\Program Files\Dokan\Dokan Library-1.1.0\ # makefile .DEFAULT_GOAL := all # makefile (from 'Makefile', line 26) ARCH := `aarch64-none-elf-pkg-config --cflags sdl2 SDL2_image` -g -Wall -O2 -ffunction-sections -march=armv8-a+crc+crypto -mtune=cortex-a57 -mtp=soft -fPIE # default MAKE_VERSION := 4.3 # 'override' directive .SHELLSTATUS := 0 # makefile (from 'Makefile', line 83) OFILES_SRC := cursor.o entity.o input.o main.o menu.o reboot.o renderWindow.o # makefile (from '/opt/devkitpro/devkitA64/base_tools', line 51) SILENTCMD := @ # environment PROGRAMFILES(X86) = C:\Program Files (x86) # makefile (from 'Makefile', line 17) BUILD := build # makefile (from 'Makefile', line 56) TOPDIR := /home/geyre/Desktop/PayloadReboot # makefile (from 'Makefile', line 37) LDFLAGS = -specs=$(DEVKITPRO)/libnx/switch.specs -g $(ARCH) -Wl,-Map,$(notdir $*.map) # environment NVCUDASAMPLES_ROOT = C:\ProgramData\NVIDIA Corporation\CUDA Samples\v11.5 # environment USERDOMAIN_ROAMINGPROFILE = DESKTOP-20558 # environment NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS = 16 # makefile (from '/opt/devkitpro/devkitA64/base_tools', line 37) ISVC = $(or $(VCBUILDHELPER_COMMAND),$(MSBUILDEXTENSIONSPATH32),$(MSBUILDEXTENSIONSPATH)) # environment PUBLIC = C:\Users\Public # environment ASL.LOG = Destination=file # environment APPDATA = C:\Users\geyre\AppData\Roaming # makefile (from 'Makefile', line 32) CFLAGS := -g -Wall -O2 -ffunction-sections `aarch64-none-elf-pkg-config --cflags sdl2 SDL2_image` -g -Wall -O2 -ffunction-sections -march=armv8-a+crc+crypto -mtune=cortex-a57 -mtp=soft -fPIE -D__SWITCH__ # environment HOMEDRIVE = C: # environment PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE = AMD64 # makefile (from 'Makefile', line 132) NROFLAGS = --icon=$(APP_ICON) --nacp=$(CURDIR)/$(TARGET).nacp --romfsdir=$(CURDIR)/$(ROMFS) # environment VSCODE_AMD_ENTRYPOINT = vs/workbench/api/node/extensionHostProcess # environment HOME = /home/geyre # environment COMMONPROGRAMFILES(X86) = C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files # makefile (from '/opt/devkitpro/devkitA64/base_tools', line 14) DEVKITPATH = $(shell echo "$(DEVKITPRO)" | sed -e 's/^\([a-zA-Z]\):/\/\1/') # makefile (from '/opt/devkitpro/libnx/switch_rules', line 7) PORTLIBS := /opt/devkitpro/portlibs/switch # environment ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE = 1 # environment TEMP = /home/geyre/AppData/Local/Temp # environment VSCODE_IPC_HOOK = \\.\pipe\af89cf11aaa70950cde1d38bf3e8f53a-1.67.2-main-sock # environment TERM = xterm-256color # environment DXSDK_DIR = C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft DirectX SDK (June 2010)\ # makefile (from '/opt/devkitpro/devkitA64/base_tools', line 34) NM := aarch64-none-elf-gcc-nm # default .RECIPEPREFIX := # automatic <F = $(notdir $<) # makefile (from 'Makefile', line 21) ROMFS := romfs # makefile (from 'Makefile', line 85) HFILES_BIN := # default SUFFIXES := # environment ALLUSERSPROFILE = C:\ProgramData # makefile (from 'Makefile', line 16) TARGET := PayloadReboot # makefile (from 'Makefile', line 77) LD := aarch64-none-elf-g++ # environment SESSIONNAME = Console # makefile (from 'Makefile', line 34) CXXFLAGS := -g -Wall -O2 -ffunction-sections `aarch64-none-elf-pkg-config --cflags sdl2 SDL2_image` -g -Wall -O2 -ffunction-sections -march=armv8-a+crc+crypto -mtune=cortex-a57 -mtp=soft -fPIE -D__SWITCH__ -fexceptions -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -std=gnu++17 -Wno-reorder # makefile (from '/opt/devkitpro/devkitA64/base_tools', line 33) STRIP := aarch64-none-elf-strip # default .FEATURES := target-specific order-only second-expansion else-if shortest-stem undefine oneshell nocomment grouped-target extra-prereqs archives jobserver output-sync check-symlink load # environment PROCESSOR_REVISION = 0802 # makefile (from '/opt/devkitpro/devkitA64/base_tools', line 29) CXX := aarch64-none-elf-g++ # makefile (from '/opt/devkitpro/devkitA64/base_tools', line 28) CC := aarch64-none-elf-gcc # makefile (from '/opt/devkitpro/devkitA64/base_tools', line 32) OBJCOPY := aarch64-none-elf-objcopy # makefile (from 'Makefile', line 18) SOURCES := source # makefile (from 'Makefile', line 12) APP_TITLE := PayloadReboot # makefile (from 'Makefile', line 19) DATA := data # environment PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER = AMD64 Family 23 Model 8 Stepping 2, AuthenticAMD # variable set hash-table stats: # Load=168/1024=16%, Rehash=0, Collisions=35/338=10% # Pattern-specific Variable Values # No pattern-specific variable values. # Directories # /home/geyre/Desktop/PayloadReboot/data: could not be stat'd. # . (device 633659225, inode 12666373952105222): 14 files, no impossibilities. # source (device 633659225, inode 16888498602765689): 9 files, no impossibilities. # data: could not be stat'd. # /home/geyre/Desktop/PayloadReboot/source (device 633659225, inode 16888498602765689): 9 files, no impossibilities. # 32 files, no impossibilities in 5 directories. # Implicit Rules %.a: # recipe to execute (from '/opt/devkitpro/devkitA64/base_rules', line 6): $(SILENTMSG) $(notdir $@) @rm -f $@ $(SILENTCMD)$(AR) -rc $@ $^ %.o: %.cpp # recipe to execute (from '/opt/devkitpro/devkitA64/base_rules', line 13): $(SILENTMSG) $(notdir $<) $(SILENTCMD)$(CXX) -MMD -MP -MF $(DEPSDIR)/$*.d $(CXXFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ $(ERROR_FILTER) %.o: %.c # recipe to execute (from '/opt/devkitpro/devkitA64/base_rules', line 18): $(SILENTMSG) $(notdir $<) $(SILENTCMD)$(CC) -MMD -MP -MF $(DEPSDIR)/$*.d $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ $(ERROR_FILTER) %.o: %.s # recipe to execute (from '/opt/devkitpro/devkitA64/base_rules', line 23): @echo $(notdir $<) $(SILENTCMD)$(CC) -MMD -MP -MF $(DEPSDIR)/$*.d -x assembler-with-cpp $(ASFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ $(ERROR_FILTER) %.o: %.S # recipe to execute (from '/opt/devkitpro/devkitA64/base_rules', line 28): $(SILENTMSG) $(notdir $<) $(SILENTCMD)$(CC) -MMD -MP -MF $(DEPSDIR)/$*.d -x assembler-with-cpp $(ASFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ $(ERROR_FILTER) %.nacp: Makefile /opt/devkitpro/libnx/switch_rules /opt/devkitpro/devkitA64/base_rules /opt/devkitpro/devkitA64/base_tools # recipe to execute (from '/opt/devkitpro/libnx/switch_rules', line 30): @nacptool --create "$(APP_TITLE)" "$(APP_AUTHOR)" "$(APP_VERSION)" $@ $(NACPFLAGS) @echo built ... $(notdir $@) %.npdm: # recipe to execute (from '/opt/devkitpro/libnx/switch_rules', line 35): @npdmtool $< $@ @echo built ... $(notdir $@) %.pfs0: %.nso # recipe to execute (from '/opt/devkitpro/libnx/switch_rules', line 53): $(make_pfs0) %.nsp: %.nso # recipe to execute (from '/opt/devkitpro/libnx/switch_rules', line 60): $(make_pfs0) %.nso: %.elf # recipe to execute (from '/opt/devkitpro/libnx/switch_rules', line 64): @elf2nso $< $@ @echo built ... $(notdir $@) %.nro: %.elf # recipe to execute (from '/opt/devkitpro/libnx/switch_rules', line 69): @elf2nro $< $@ $(NROFLAGS) @echo built ... $(notdir $@) %.kip: %.elf # recipe to execute (from '/opt/devkitpro/libnx/switch_rules', line 74): @elf2kip $< $(APP_JSON) $@ @echo built ... $(notdir $@) %.elf: # recipe to execute (from '/opt/devkitpro/libnx/switch_rules', line 79): @echo linking $(notdir $@) @$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(OFILES) $(LIBPATHS) $(LIBS) -o $@ @$(NM) -CSn $@ > $(notdir $*.lst) # 13 implicit rules, 0 (0.0%) terminal. # Files # Not a target: /opt/devkitpro/libnx/switch_rules: # Implicit rule search has been done. # Last modified 2021-06-25 19:29:40 # File has been updated. # Successfully updated. # Not a target: Makefile: # Implicit rule search has been done. # Last modified 2022-05-14 13:23:27.6557141 # File has been updated. # Successfully updated. clean: # Phony target (prerequisite of .PHONY). # Implicit rule search has not been done. # File does not exist. # File has not been updated. # recipe to execute (from 'Makefile', line 146): @echo clean ... @rm -fr $(BUILD) $(TARGET).nro $(TARGET).nacp $(TARGET).elf # Not a target: /opt/devkitpro/devkitA64/base_tools: # Implicit rule search has been done. # Last modified 2020-07-28 04:23:39 # File has been updated. # Successfully updated. # Not a target: .DEFAULT: # Implicit rule search has not been done. # Modification time never checked. # File has not been updated. all: build # Phony target (prerequisite of .PHONY). # Command line target. # Implicit rule search has not been done. # File does not exist. # File has been updated. # Needs to be updated (-q is set). # variable set hash-table stats: # Load=0/32=0%, Rehash=0, Collisions=0/7=0% build: # Phony target (prerequisite of .PHONY). # Implicit rule search has not been done. # Implicit/static pattern stem: '' # File does not exist. # File has been updated. # Needs to be updated (-q is set). # automatic # @ := build # automatic # * := # automatic # < := # automatic # + := # automatic # % := # automatic # ^ := # automatic # ? := # automatic # | := # variable set hash-table stats: # Load=8/32=25%, Rehash=0, Collisions=2/17=12% # recipe to execute (from 'Makefile', line 141): @[ -d $@ ] || mkdir -p $@ @$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -C $(BUILD) -f $(CURDIR)/Makefile # Not a target: /opt/devkitpro/devkitA64/base_rules: # Implicit rule search has been done. # Last modified 2020-07-28 04:23:39 # File has been updated. # Successfully updated. .SUFFIXES: # Implicit rule search has not been done. # Modification time never checked. # File has not been updated. .PHONY: build clean all # Implicit rule search has not been done. # Modification time never checked. # File has not been updated. # files hash-table stats: # Load=10/1024=1%, Rehash=0, Collisions=0/32=0% # VPATH Search Paths # No 'vpath' search paths. # General ('VPATH' variable) search path: # /home/geyre/Desktop/PayloadReboot/source:/home/geyre/Desktop/PayloadReboot/data # strcache buffers: 1 (0) / strings = 48 / storage = 559 B / avg = 11 B # current buf: size = 8162 B / used = 559 B / count = 48 / avg = 11 B # strcache performance: lookups = 85 / hit rate = 43% # hash-table stats: # Load=48/8192=1%, Rehash=0, Collisions=1/85=1% # Finished Make data base on Wed Jun 1 18:34:50 2022